Conservatives: How would you feel about a Hillary Clinton presidency?

I'm not a conservative. But I feel it would just be more of the same. She's too much of an insider to make any big changes.

The tax code would remain an impenetrable maze
Illegal immigration would continue unabated
We would keep spending money on crap we don't need
Businesses would continue to outsource
Ect. Ect.
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Bill Could have all the flings he wanted dressing as the First Lady since Hillary will be the President.
I am all for it, after someone tells me what she has done in her life that makes her worthy of the position. If she becomes president it means to me that the American people are really not very bright and unfortunately I think that may be the case.
I'm not a conservative. But I feel it would just be more of the same. She's too much of an insider to make any big changes.

The tax code would remain an impenetrable maze
Illegal immigration would continue unabated
We would keep spending money on crap we don't need
Businesses would continue to outsource
Ect. Ect.

1. WE need major reform within the tax structure. Corporate tax with no loop holes with a solid 25%. Do the same with capital gains.

2. That needs to be fixed. Simply, amnesty enforce our border laws, fine the employers, and grant amnesty to all hard working Hispanics.

3. Like what? Science, r@d, infrastructure? Or do you mean nation building within the middle east?

4. We need to punish businesses that outsource.
I would have felt better about it five years ago...

But after the last five...

But the again I am neither a conservative nor a liberal...

More of a balanced mixture of both...
The fact hat she is a top democrat candidate indicates the sorry state of the democrat party. Personally I'd like to see her run. She has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein.
If it weren't for her age I'd be open to it but..... I think she's too old. And I predict an upset victory for whoever the GOP 2016 candidate is

I don't think she's a bad person. Or unqualified. I just think her ship sailed when the dems chose Barry over her in 08. I know she's still super loved, I know she'll run, but I do think she's getting too old, and I predict an unexpected loss for her.

- Having to distance herself from Obama and his 8 years of representing liberal leadership will cause strain in the democratic party. I mean what's your campaign message? "Please vote blue again! I promised I'm different from the last blue guy!
- Again, her age.
- Other factors
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Feel? I lost the ability to feel anything after 4 years of Barry.

Now I just sit around yelling at the TV set, "Finish it!!"

Then again, they may prefer a slow torture before death.

Outside of that, I think she is a fabulous candidate!!

In breaking news, you never will guess that Congressman Chuck U Schumer just endorsed Hillary for president.

In other news, the sun will rise tomorrow and the stars will indeed come out again tomorrow night.

I saw the sun going down and the stores closing and I thought that was it. But now it appears life will indeed go on. I can hardly wait.

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If she didn't have the qualifications to beat out someone with no qualifications, how does she earn the spot this time?

She was a horrible SS and you could see it aged her.


garbage in, garbage out and back in.

The more filth progs pile on the quicker we get America over with.
Feel? I lost the ability to feel anything after 4 years of Barry.

Now I just sit around yelling at the TV set, "Finish it!!"

Then again, they may prefer a slow torture before death.

Tis ok. It's almost over. I put on Gladiator. I put on Jaws. I keep saying to myself we need a bigger boat. How many years are left? must be only two or three.
how would you feel about that?

i wanted hillary more than i wanted mccain in 2008. Interesting no?

I would rather have Christie than Hillary.

Chuck Schumer is right, we need a female in the White House, which is why I suggest Chris Christie in drag.

After all, Hillary has already been president for 8 years.

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