Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

And funny shit....blacks are gonna support Trump waaaaaaay more than any GOP candidate in the past 50 years. :2up:
IMO,the audience for those comments are not people of color. These are people who want their base to believe that the Southern Slave holding elite in the Antebellum South were all leftest!
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

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It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
the fact that any black votes for a demofk, is admitting plantation exists. PERIOD!!!

Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, LA, Atlanta. I rest my case. When anyone of those cities votes out the slave masters as mayor, proves my point.

Shit, even the blackface as Governor in VA
The Democrats have put most Negros in the country on their Slave Plantation.

In order to get their free chitlins and collards all the Negroes have to do is vote for Democrats every two years.

Then the Democrats get all butthurt when a Black runs away from the Democrat Slave Plantation. They think they are entitled to own all the Negro slaves.

Which assumes that blacks are not intelligent enough to decide what is best for them
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

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It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

Shut the fuck up Tobi.
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

You bastards will pillory anyone who does not tow the line.

I can recall people like Thomas Sowell being called Uncle Tom ad nauseum when he ran against the current culture. (of the time).

So, you can shove your lecture until you morons agree to the same.
Today’s Democrats only support Blacks CONDITIONALLY. Look at the vitriol and, by their own definitions of Hate and Racism - treat Blacks that don’t agree with Democrats.
Wrong. And not all black republicans treated like Ben Carson or Candice Owens. Why? Because what Carson/Owens present is a lie that hurts black people.
You have so much hatred in you, you are blind......
No I don't. Just because I refuse to embrace blacks that are doing damage to blacks in America means that I hate. You guys don't say you are full of hate when you talk about whites you disagree with. But we are just supposed to like the blacks you pick for us.

Here’s a thought: you can embrace or dislike individuals as you want. Remember though, it is your side that pushes identity politics. Case in point.... it was historical and great thing for this Country when Obama was elected President. However, I did not embrace his policies in the same manner I don’t embrace the policies of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren, or Bernie Sanders yet any critique of Obama is immediately tagged as “racist” or “could not stand having a Black man in the White House”. That mentality is weak and utter horse shit. Ben Carson was my first choice among all of the candidates in 2016 - all of which were white including Trump.
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Well if that's the case, can we whites have our own homeland then? (joke)
Today’s Democrats only support Blacks CONDITIONALLY. Look at the vitriol and, by their own definitions of Hate and Racism - treat Blacks that don’t agree with Democrats.
Wrong. And not all black republicans treated like Ben Carson or Candice Owens. Why? Because what Carson/Owens present is a lie that hurts black people.
You have so much hatred in you, you are blind......
No I don't. Just because I refuse to embrace blacks that are doing damage to blacks in America means that I hate. You guys don't say you are full of hate when you talk about whites you disagree with. But we are just supposed to like the blacks you pick for us.
I always sorta liked Elijah Pitts, and Vada Pinson.
[QUOTE="IM2]I am not just talking about this forum. I am talking about this country.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's even worse...In your broad brushing assessments here, how many white, non liberals have you spoken with about this,? From how many states? What questions did you pose? And, how did you phrase them? See, this is the problem with inflammatory hyperbole, it's easily exposed as little more than cheap rhetoric.

I think that when people have not been exposed to racism they can't understand how those who are consistently exposed to racism are able to see it.

And, who is the judge of that? You? For instance, Do you believe a black person can be racist?

There is a difference between disagreement with his policies and racism.

I agree. But, when you don't like that disagreement, you can't just run from the debate by calling said disagreement, racism.

For example there were whites that were opposed to all of his policies even when he would present one people agreed with when a white republican talked about it. Whites were known to say they like the affordable care act, then when asked if they liked Obamacare, they were opposed to it.

This is a perfect example of your over generalization in this thread, without even one stat to debate about....You set it up as a 'when did you stop beating your wife?''s a logical fallacy. Example: were there blacks that disagreed with O'care, but were for the ACA?

And really I tire of whites claiming things are divisive only because it upsets them wile supporting divisive opinions and ideas from other whites when it comes to people of color.

So, IOW, whites that don't share your views?

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Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

Needless to say, however, conservatives will continue to propagate the 'plantation' lie.
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

Needless to say, however, conservatives will continue to propagate the 'plantation' lie.

Please catch a cold, let it turn to pneumonia, and die.

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