Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

Let's never forget. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation.
The South were pro slavery , the today republicans want to take away civil rights.
The Democratic Party's economic policies have been nothing but 'Pro-Economic Slavery', designed to keep Americans addicted / reliant on tax-payer-funded handouts just to survive and continuing to vote for Democrats who vowed to keep the 'freebies' coming.

Democrats continued their mantra, over and over, telling Americans that where they were was the best they could ever hope for, while engaging in class warfare to keep Americans pointing fingers, blaming each other, divided. During this time the Democrats tried to drive into people's heads that the government / Democrats could solve all of their problems, meet all their needs, give them anything they want.

As the saying, I believe from Thomas Jefferson, goes, 'A government that can give you anything you want is powerful enough to TAKE everything you have!'

At the same time Democratic Party was telling Americans it could give them anything they wanted, Obama was telling them that the decline of / in America was inevitable and irreversible. He declared US factory jobs had left the country and gone overseas. He told Americans they were never coming back, that THIS was the 'new norm'. (Laughable, snowflakes attempt to convince us that this defeatist economic policy is what initiated the success Trump has delivered.) President Obama was RIGHT about one thing, though: Loss of jobs, loss of manufacturing jobs, the decline of the US / the US economy WAS the 'New Norm'....BY DESIGN in the Democrats' 'Economic Slavery' Economic Policy.

Obama was telling Americans 'IT CAN'T BE DONE - This is 'the New Norm'. He wanted to keep the American Lower / Middle Class on the Democratic Party / Obama 'Economic Slavery Plantation'.

Trump declared, 'WATCH ME! WE Can Make America Great Again'....and did.'


Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Womens' Unemployment rate in Decades
Lowest Minority Unemployment Rate EVER
Most Americans Working At One Time EER
Factories / Manufacturing Jobs Back in The US
Higher Wages, Raises, Bonuses
Highest Stock Market Numbers
Highest Consumer Confidence
Record Number of Americans OFF Of Unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps

....and ignorant, butt-hurt, reality-denying, trump-hating snowflakes still claim he has done nothing and attempt to give Barak 'The Jobs Aren't Coming Back' Obama credit for this economy.


The Democrats prosper when Americans suffer and are forced to rely on THEM. As President, the 1st BLACK President, Barry did next to NOTHING for blacks / minorities before turning their attention to opening the borders and bringing in millions of illegal Latinos to supplant blacks as the #1 / top Democrat-dependent minority future voters.

It's clear to anyone which party has the belligerent southern red necks. If anyone is being held in bondage by a political party it's these dirt poor people who just keep on voting for the party of the plutocracy. They are so gullible they elected a NY billionaire thinking he was for the common (white) man.
ya and 95 pct of Black people thought that electing obama would bring cultures together; and we all know how that worked out.
After years of hearing dumbasses ,d he was hated at first sight.

So, let me get this straight. The OP is upset that there are some that generalize using inflammatory references to blacks that they think are meant to remind them of their ancestors tribulations under slavery, but, fails to also group in that category the generalizations liberals throw at those who disagree with their views....Then your intelligent, thoughtful input is to call those that say, "they have no problem with blacks who get an education." as "dumbasses"...

I believe you reveal your true self

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

The Democrat Legacy of perpetuating slavery and oppressing Blacks is a terrible mark on American History. It’s tome for the Party to be renamed.
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Democrats have economically enslaved blacks for decades, keeping them poor and dependent on handouts. Trump freed them and showed them they can aspire to be more, do better. The worse off Americans are the better for the Democratic Party. All of this economic success is killing the Democrats, driving them insane.

Wrong, Lincoln included the war democrats to join the northern republicans to form the Union Party. Booth a confederate sympathizer killed Lincoln.

The South were pro slavery , the today republicans want to take away civil rights.
What civil rights exactly are you referring to here?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Today’s Democrats only support Blacks CONDITIONALLY. Look at the vitriol and, by their own definitions of Hate and Racism - treat Blacks that don’t agree with Democrats.
Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument.
No. Reminding black folks that the Democrat party has done jack shit for them and uses them like a slave owner uses slaves, is the point.

And it's fucking true.

The GOP also uses a bunch of people for votes with no real intent of following through. It's just not nearly as obvious as it is for the way the Democrats are using black folks.

We all deserve much better than either party can provide.

I'm black Bootney and I know it's not true by lived experience and observed experience of what has happened in black communities. It is very obvious what republicans are doing with blacks. Candice Owens is a prime example. There are other black conservative women out there, but Owens is used because she validates the beliefs of the republican base. Same with Diamond and Silk. Why isn't a black conservative like Shermicael Singleton or Sophia Nelson promoted like Owens? Why isn't Michael Steele?

Because they don't validate the beliefs of the base.
Today’s Democrats only support Blacks CONDITIONALLY. Look at the vitriol and, by their own definitions of Hate and Racism - treat Blacks that don’t agree with Democrats.
Wrong. And not all black republicans treated like Ben Carson or Candice Owens. Why? Because what Carson/Owens present is a lie that hurts black people.
Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument.
No. Reminding black folks that the Democrat party has done jack shit for them and uses them like a slave owner uses slaves, is the point.

And it's fucking true.

The GOP also uses a bunch of people for votes with no real intent of following through. It's just not nearly as obvious as it is for the way the Democrats are using black folks.

We all deserve much better than either party can provide.

I'm black Bootney and I know it's not true by lived experience and observed experience of what has happened in black communities. It is very obvious what republicans are doing with blacks. Candice Owens is a prime example. There are other black conservative women out there, but Owens is used because she validates the beliefs of the republican base. Same with Diamond and Silk. Why isn't a black conservative like Shermicael Singleton or Sophia Nelson promoted like Owens? Why isn't Michael Steele?

Because they don't validate the beliefs of the base.
I don't disagree with you that the GOP use black folks as tokens. I admitted that the GOP use people constantly.

That does not change the FACT that the Democrats use black folks and take them for granted. Democrats did such an awesome sell-job to the black community that Republicans don't think they have a chance, so they ignore black folks. Democrats know they have them in the bag so they also ignore black folks.

Black folks deserve better. We all deserve better.

Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Mia Love could probably answer that question better than I?

"What was Mia Love thinking last week when she went off on President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party establishment..."

"Had she not learned anything from the recent fates of black Republicans, people like former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma or former GOP party head Michael Steele, who suffered heartbreaking divorces with the Republican Party?

"Had she never heard what Colin Powell, who served in several White House administrations and as U.S. Secretary of State, had to say about the lack of willingness to embrace diversity in the GOP?"

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
Building a conservative movement without racism is as likely as building a coal-fired power plant without pollution.

Ronald Reagan was no racist, yet the national movement he lead got its start in Philadelphia, Mississippi, site of the murder of three civil rights workers by KKK goons.

Reagan used the phrase "states rights", well understood by southern crackers, as code for white supremacy the same way he launched his campaign for governor in California with subtle appeals to a "southern strategy" calculated to fuel Republican ascendancy with hints of racism devoid of the public use of the "N" word.

Mia Love was an old-school Republican convinced the social woes of the US could be cured by small government and bootstrap individualism.

She should have known better.

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party

"A cursory glance at the long and horrible case studies of Republican racism, repeated over the past 50 years, should have provided ample warning that a Trumpist turn was in her party’s DNA and that her eventual electoral fate was, in fact, a fait accompli.

"Love has no excuse for waking up to the horrors of her party, only now that it has abruptly turned on her, dealing a fatal blow to her never-to-be-great political career
Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

So says the plantation slave who does his Democrat KKK master's bidding every day in this forum, along with his usual crying and whining and blaming whitey.

This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Shut the fuck up bitch. You are exactly what you portray yourself to be: A crying bitch and a plantation slave.

By the way, I am still waiting for you in my thread: PROOF IM2 is a punkass lying bitch and a dumb house negro

The only plantation slave is you. We don't have to go to your thread. Don't run ho. I'll stomp your ignorant bitch ass right here.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence ·space exploration is now a fact b : an actual occurrence ·prove the fact of damage 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality ·These are the hard facts of the case. 3 : the quality of being actual : actuality ·a question of fact hinges on evidence 4 : a thing done: such as a : crime ·accessory after the fact b archaic : action c obsolete : feat

Fact: “It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated ·under the delusion that they will finish on schedule, delusions of grandeur b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ·the delusion that someone was out to hurt him; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

Delusion: This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Get help ho. Put down the pipe.

Hey slave boy, giant font does not make your stupidity any less stupid.

And we are all still waiting for you to prove your shit you claims yesterday, your masters degree and the three organizations you say you run. Prove it, liar.

By the way, I am still waiting for you in my thread: PROOF IM2 is a punkass lying bitch and a dumb house negro
Today’s Democrats only support Blacks CONDITIONALLY. Look at the vitriol and, by their own definitions of Hate and Racism - treat Blacks that don’t agree with Democrats.
Wrong. And not all black republicans treated like Ben Carson or Candice Owens. Why? Because what Carson/Owens present is a lie that hurts black people.
The moment a black person demonstrates they can think for themselves and chooses the GOP the left attacks them and calls them 'Uncle Toms'.

Under Obama black unemployment was almost TWICE that of whites, and the 1st Black President did not create / initiate 1 project / program to change that. 'Poor / Poverty / Dependence on the govt' = Democrat Votes.

Proving this is true, Democrats are running on the economic platform of reversing all of Trump's success - driving factories back over seas, eliminating jobs, no more high-paying jobs, no more raises, no more bonuses, taxing the CRAP out of everyone, opening back up the borders and enticing more 'soon-to-be-Democrat-handout-Dependent-Democrat-Voting' Illegals, using tax dollars NOT to benefit the American people but to give illegals 'free' medical/education/housing/food/etc... while making existing American health coverage ILLEGAL, and spending trillions on winning the 'War on Cow Farts'....

The Democrats know they have NO shot at beating Trump in 2020....which is why they 'went for broke' trying to Impeach him......

Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Mia Love could probably answer that question better than I?

"What was Mia Love thinking last week when she went off on President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party establishment..."

"Had she not learned anything from the recent fates of black Republicans, people like former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma or former GOP party head Michael Steele, who suffered heartbreaking divorces with the Republican Party?

"Had she never heard what Colin Powell, who served in several White House administrations and as U.S. Secretary of State, had to say about the lack of willingness to embrace diversity in the GOP?"

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
Building a conservative movement without racism is as likely as building a coal-fired power plant without pollution.

Ronald Reagan was no racist, yet the national movement he lead got its start in Philadelphia, Mississippi, site of the murder of three civil rights workers by KKK goons.

Reagan used the phrase "states rights", well understood by southern crackers, as code for white supremacy the same way he launched his campaign for governor in California with subtle appeals to a "southern strategy" calculated to fuel Republican ascendancy with hints of racism devoid of the public use of the "N" word.

Mia Love was an old-school Republican convinced the social woes of the US could be cured by small government and bootstrap individualism.

She should have known better.

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party

"A cursory glance at the long and horrible case studies of Republican racism, repeated over the past 50 years, should have provided ample warning that a Trumpist turn was in her party’s DNA and that her eventual electoral fate was, in fact, a fait accompli.

"Love has no excuse for waking up to the horrors of her party, only now that it has abruptly turned on her, dealing a fatal blow to her never-to-be-great political career

Hmmmm......but the problem is, the bigot/racist theme promoted by the far left only resonates with a fringe portion of the public. Its 2020 s0n.....your side needs a plan B:2up:
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Mia Love could probably answer that question better than I?

"What was Mia Love thinking last week when she went off on President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party establishment..."

"Had she not learned anything from the recent fates of black Republicans, people like former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma or former GOP party head Michael Steele, who suffered heartbreaking divorces with the Republican Party?

"Had she never heard what Colin Powell, who served in several White House administrations and as U.S. Secretary of State, had to say about the lack of willingness to embrace diversity in the GOP?"

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
Building a conservative movement without racism is as likely as building a coal-fired power plant without pollution.

Ronald Reagan was no racist, yet the national movement he lead got its start in Philadelphia, Mississippi, site of the murder of three civil rights workers by KKK goons.

Reagan used the phrase "states rights", well understood by southern crackers, as code for white supremacy the same way he launched his campaign for governor in California with subtle appeals to a "southern strategy" calculated to fuel Republican ascendancy with hints of racism devoid of the public use of the "N" word.

Mia Love was an old-school Republican convinced the social woes of the US could be cured by small government and bootstrap individualism.

She should have known better.

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party

"A cursory glance at the long and horrible case studies of Republican racism, repeated over the past 50 years, should have provided ample warning that a Trumpist turn was in her party’s DNA and that her eventual electoral fate was, in fact, a fait accompli.

"Love has no excuse for waking up to the horrors of her party, only now that it has abruptly turned on her, dealing a fatal blow to her never-to-be-great political career
yet this guy has a D by his name and get's elected????
Today’s Democrats only support Blacks CONDITIONALLY. Look at the vitriol and, by their own definitions of Hate and Racism - treat Blacks that don’t agree with Democrats.
Wrong. And not all black republicans treated like Ben Carson or Candice Owens. Why? Because what Carson/Owens present is a lie that hurts black people.

Messages of empowerment and personal accountability hurt Black People? How and Why? Further, most non-Black Democrats are called “Uncle Tom” in a derogatory sense which is idiotic when considering the character was a hero and a martyr.
Building a conservative movement without racism is as likely as building a coal-fired power plant without pollution.

Fuck off you stupid bitch. You and IM2 are the biggest racists in the forum.
Fuck off you stupid bitch. You and IM2 are the biggest racists in the forum
Hey, Butch!
Are you Alaskan or Hawaiian?


There’s One Simple Solution to Republicans’ Racism Problem

"It all began with a well-reported piece that appeared on the left-leaning web site Splinter, in which reporter Hannah Gais obtained some emails back and forth among some people in the conservative universe; none of them tier-one figures you see on cable a lot, but nevertheless people who occupy fairly prominent positions.

"I won’t try to summarize the whole thing, but just to give you a little taste, Gais was leaked a 2015 email in which one rightie writes to another: 'In public places we avoid using certain terms. Like N and K. N’s are Alaskans. Hebes are Hawaiians.'"
Funny to see House Negroes Spout The Mastah's Words when he Cracks the whip, and then claim they Ain't Slaves.

Yet The GOP offers them freedom openly, and instead they want to stay on The Mastah's Porch, & tillin The Mastah's Fields, and Pickin The Mastah's Cotton, "Cuz it's what wees been born to do."

You don't need iron chains to be a slave. You just heed the Mastah's call to behave.

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