Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

Darn, you actually admitted to the Democrats' history of slavery and Jim Crow laws???
Yes, the Democrats did have a history of slavery and Jim Crow...and then republicans under the leadership of Lincoln fought a Civil War and then implemented a policy called Reconstruction...this policy was called radical and "PROGRESSIVE" by the "CONSERVATIVE" democrats....

Maybe that is why Lincoln wrote books like....
View attachment 303635

Guess the republicans and democrats really changed over the past 150 years the side that was fighting against the Confederacy are now the side opining about how great the Confederacy was....
secure each laborer the whole product of his
labor, or as nearly as possible, is a worthy ob-
ject of any good government. — (See Lincoln's
Complete Works, Nicolay & Hay, vol. 1, P. 92).
This excerpt is the gist behind why the retard who wrote this book, said Lincoln was a Socialist, while any intelligent person reads it as, "why should a slave owner keep the product of a person's labor, when it should be in this great country each man keeps what he has earned?" It doesnt say that the government should come in take what is earned and parcel out to everyone the same amounts, that socialism deems fair. Egad man, you are one stupid mother fucker...
This country already practices democratic socialism you dic sucker...…

The most popular programs in US history are all examples of democratic socialism...

Now refute one single word I said...or shut the fuck up

Was reconstruction a conservative or progressive policy, yes or no??

When Teddy Roosevelt proposed a universal basic income -- was that conservative or progressive??

Like I said, all you dic suckers can do is lie...
Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive Republican like George Bush, and I hate all progressives liberals. Because of universal income it allows businesses to pay their employees minimums instead of paying them what they are worth. But you cant understand this, because it takes intelligence to figure it out.
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also

I remember tramp saying, "Mia Love didn't show me much love"

and Burgess Owens is rich Mormon.
I remember back in 2016 that Russian Collusion was going to have the President thrown out of office, today, there will be a vote and the President wont be thrown out of office. Dont you liberal losers, get tired of losing?
Darn, you actually admitted to the Democrats' history of slavery and Jim Crow laws???
Yes, the Democrats did have a history of slavery and Jim Crow...and then republicans under the leadership of Lincoln fought a Civil War and then implemented a policy called Reconstruction...this policy was called radical and "PROGRESSIVE" by the "CONSERVATIVE" democrats....

Maybe that is why Lincoln wrote books like....
View attachment 303635

Guess the republicans and democrats really changed over the past 150 years the side that was fighting against the Confederacy are now the side opining about how great the Confederacy was....
secure each laborer the whole product of his
labor, or as nearly as possible, is a worthy ob-
ject of any good government. — (See Lincoln's
Complete Works, Nicolay & Hay, vol. 1, P. 92).
This excerpt is the gist behind why the retard who wrote this book, said Lincoln was a Socialist, while any intelligent person reads it as, "why should a slave owner keep the product of a person's labor, when it should be in this great country each man keeps what he has earned?" It doesnt say that the government should come in take what is earned and parcel out to everyone the same amounts, that socialism deems fair. Egad man, you are one stupid mother fucker...
This country already practices democratic socialism you dic sucker...…

The most popular programs in US history are all examples of democratic socialism...

Now refute one single word I said...or shut the fuck up

Was reconstruction a conservative or progressive policy, yes or no??

When Teddy Roosevelt proposed a universal basic income -- was that conservative or progressive??

Like I said, all you dic suckers can do is lie...
Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive Republican like George Bush, and I hate all progressives liberals. Because of universal income it allows businesses to pay their employees minimums instead of paying them what they are worth. But you cant understand this, because it takes intelligence to figure it out.
Still waiting for you to refute a single word I said.....I didn't ask if you were a progressive you dumb ass..I already know you are a backwards conservative..

I asked you....why are the most popular and successful policies in US history an example of democratic socialism??

And how is it.....our tax rates are the lowest they have been in US history -- yet the times that you conservatives like to refer to as the "good old days" -- the tax rates were between 70% and 90% for much of that time is that possible??
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Mia Love could probably answer that question better than I?

"What was Mia Love thinking last week when she went off on President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party establishment..."

"Had she not learned anything from the recent fates of black Republicans, people like former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma or former GOP party head Michael Steele, who suffered heartbreaking divorces with the Republican Party?

"Had she never heard what Colin Powell, who served in several White House administrations and as U.S. Secretary of State, had to say about the lack of willingness to embrace diversity in the GOP?"

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also

I remember tramp saying, "Mia Love didn't show me much love"

and Burgess Owens is rich Mormon.[ /QUOTE]
mia was defeated by the most powerful dem family in utah

Mia was defeated by the most powerful dem family in Utah
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also

I remember tramp saying, "Mia Love didn't show me much love"

and Burgess Owens is rich Mormon.
I remember back in 2016 that Russian Collusion was going to have the President thrown out of office, today, there will be a vote and the President wont be thrown out of office. Dont you liberal losers, get tired of losing?
I compare that belief to the belief that Trumpers thought Hillary was going to be behind bars...

Looking back at this time.....there was more truth to the Russian collusion thing than the "Hillary is going to jail" thing....because at least with the Russian investigation -- evidence was uncovered that if it was Hillary -- you folks would be calling it the smoking gun...

If Hillary's daughter received an email from Russian officials promising to deliver dirt on Hillary's opponent (Trump) -- and Chelsea said "If it is what I think it is, I love it" -- then held multiple meetings with these officials...and then lied about it..and then got caught --- each and everyone of you Trumpers would be saying "guilty!!"

So please spare me
Darn, you actually admitted to the Democrats' history of slavery and Jim Crow laws???
Yes, the Democrats did have a history of slavery and Jim Crow...and then republicans under the leadership of Lincoln fought a Civil War and then implemented a policy called Reconstruction...this policy was called radical and "PROGRESSIVE" by the "CONSERVATIVE" democrats....

Maybe that is why Lincoln wrote books like....
View attachment 303635

Guess the republicans and democrats really changed over the past 150 years the side that was fighting against the Confederacy are now the side opining about how great the Confederacy was....
secure each laborer the whole product of his
labor, or as nearly as possible, is a worthy ob-
ject of any good government. — (See Lincoln's
Complete Works, Nicolay & Hay, vol. 1, P. 92).
This excerpt is the gist behind why the retard who wrote this book, said Lincoln was a Socialist, while any intelligent person reads it as, "why should a slave owner keep the product of a person's labor, when it should be in this great country each man keeps what he has earned?" It doesnt say that the government should come in take what is earned and parcel out to everyone the same amounts, that socialism deems fair. Egad man, you are one stupid mother fucker...
This country already practices democratic socialism you dic sucker...…

The most popular programs in US history are all examples of democratic socialism...

Now refute one single word I said...or shut the fuck up

Was reconstruction a conservative or progressive policy, yes or no??

When Teddy Roosevelt proposed a universal basic income -- was that conservative or progressive??

Like I said, all you dic suckers can do is lie...
Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive Republican like George Bush, and I hate all progressives liberals. Because of universal income it allows businesses to pay their employees minimums instead of paying them what they are worth. But you cant understand this, because it takes intelligence to figure it out.
Still waiting for you to refute a single word I said.....I didn't ask if you were a progressive you dumb ass..I already know you are a backwards conservative..

I asked you....why are the most popular and successful policies in US history an example of democratic socialism??

And how is it.....our tax rates are the lowest they have been in US history -- yet the times that you conservatives like to refer to as the "good old days" -- the tax rates were between 70% and 90% for much of that time is that possible??
What socialist policies do you think are successful?

Social Security - going bankrupt
Welfare - 22 trillion dollars spent and still have poverty
Planned Parenthood - yeah, it is a good policy to kill millions of future Demoncrap voters mostly black, because then the Conservatives will be in the majority. 1 out 3 isnt a great record..
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also

I remember tramp saying, "Mia Love didn't show me much love"

and Burgess Owens is rich Mormon.[ /QUOTE]
mia was defeated by the most powerful dem family in utah

Mia was defeated by the most powerful dem family in Utah
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also

I remember tramp saying, "Mia Love didn't show me much love"

and Burgess Owens is rich Mormon.
I remember back in 2016 that Russian Collusion was going to have the President thrown out of office, today, there will be a vote and the President wont be thrown out of office. Dont you liberal losers, get tired of losing?
I compare that belief to the belief that Trumpers thought Hillary was going to be behind bars...

Looking back at this time.....there was more truth to the Russian collusion thing than the "Hillary is going to jail" thing....because at least with the Russian investigation -- evidence was uncovered that if it was Hillary -- you folks would be calling it the smoking gun...

If Hillary's daughter received an email from Russian officials promising to deliver dirt on Hillary's opponent (Trump) -- and Chelsea said "If it is what I think it is, I love it" -- then held multiple meetings with these officials...and then lied about it..and then got caught --- each and everyone of you Trumpers would be saying "guilty!!"

So please spare me
If President Trump destroyed 33,000 government emails, and government equipment the impeachment trials would get him for that destruction, but of course when you have a corrupt DOJ turning a blind eye on the airport tarmac, then even you can get away with murder.
Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk
Your link:

"So why do (blacks) vote Democrat?

"There are two main reasons:

"1. The left has successfully convinced blacks to believe that the Republican Party is full of racists.

"2. The GOP allowed themselves to be portrayed as such.

"That’s it."

Conservatism in this country has always been hostile to the aspirations of black Americans. White supremacy is baked into the star-spangled cake, so to speak, and conservatives will never abandon that core tenet of their ideology.
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Well riddle me this
Utah is the most conservative state in the Union and elected a Black female congress woman
Burgess Owens is on the verge of winning in that state also
Mia Love could probably answer that question better than I?

"What was Mia Love thinking last week when she went off on President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party establishment..."

"Had she not learned anything from the recent fates of black Republicans, people like former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma or former GOP party head Michael Steele, who suffered heartbreaking divorces with the Republican Party?

"Had she never heard what Colin Powell, who served in several White House administrations and as U.S. Secretary of State, had to say about the lack of willingness to embrace diversity in the GOP?"

It took losing an election for Mia Love to finally diagnose what’s wrong with Trump’s party
So some hack uses mia's defeat to go off on Trump.
Steele says GOP fought hard for civil rights bills in 1960s

The Civil Rights Act -- which is best known for barring discrimination in public accommodations -- passed the House on Feb. 10, 1964 by a margin of 290-130. When broken down by party, 61 percent of Democratic lawmakers voted for the bill (152 yeas and 96 nays), and a full 80 percent of the Republican caucus supported it (138 yeas and 34 nays).

When the Senate passed the measure on June 19, 1964, -- nine days after supporters mustered enough votes to end the longest filibuster in Senate history -- the margin was 73-27. Better than two-thirds of Senate Democrats supported the measure on final passage (46 yeas, 21 nays), but an even stronger 82 percent of Republicans supported it (27 yeas, 6 nays).

The primary reason that Republican support was higher than Democratic support -- even though the legislation was pushed hard by a Democratic president, Lyndon B. Johnson -- is that the opposition to the bill primarily came from Southern lawmakers. In the mid 1960s, the South was overwhelmingly Democratic -- a legacy of the Civil War and Reconstruction, when the Republican Party was the leading force against slavery and its legacy. Because of this history, the Democratic Party in the 1960s was divided between Southern Democrats, most of whom opposed civil rights legislation, and Democrats from outside the South who more often than not supported it.

This pattern showed clearly in the House vote. Northern Democrats backed the Civil Rights Act by a margin even larger than that of Republicans -- 141 for, just four against -- while Southern Democrats were strongly opposed, by a margin of 11 yeas to 92 nays.

When the Voting Rights Act hit the floor in 1965, the vote results mirrored those of the Civil Rights Act. In the House, the measure passed by a 333-85 margin, with 78 percent of Democrats backing it (221 yeas and 61 nays) and 82 percent of Republicans backing it (112 yeas to 24 nays).

In the Senate, the measure passed by a 77-19 vote, with 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supporting the bill.

Steele says GOP fought hard for civil rights bills in 1960s

And here is where the disingenuous arguments by republicans fail. In both house more than 70 percent of all democrats supported the CRA.

By contrast the voting rights act cam before congress last fall.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote

And thus we see the difference between todays republican party and the republican party of the 1860's. So if there is ANY political plantation, it is republican.

Even some black conservatives are telling you that claiming black democrats are slaves on a plantation will not work.

View attachment 303614


It’s time for another unpopular opinion.

There is a term that has become increasingly popular among conservatives when discussing the black community. The term is “Democratic plantation,” and it’s used to describe blacks that vote for Democrats. That’s right. People are using a slavery reference to convince black Americans to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument. According to the right, the 90% of blacks who vote Democrat are on some figurative slave plantation picking metaphorical cotton while singing negro spirituals.

I’ll be blunt. This term is insulting, condescending, and ultimately not effective, and conservatives who use the term are not doing the movement any favors.

Conservatives, Let's Stop With The Plantation Talk

The term plantation is condescending and implies blacks are incapable of making their own decisions
Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

So says the plantation slave who does his Democrat KKK master's bidding every day in this forum, along with his usual crying and whining and blaming whitey.

This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Shut the fuck up bitch. You are exactly what you portray yourself to be: A crying bitch and a plantation slave.

By the way, I am still waiting for you in my thread: PROOF IM2 is a punkass lying bitch and a dumb house negro
That's because the democrats of the 1860's are the republicans of 2020.
Black Americans, as a group, have been sucking the Democrats hind tit for over 60 years.

And how's that working out?

How many fatherless Black children, how many aborted Black children, how many Black children drug users and pushers does it take for you to get off your knees and man up?
Actually the association, gave us the vote, civil rights, cut black poverty in half and created a black middle class with more blacks going to college than ever before.
Civil Rights act where most Demoncrats (Al Gore's father and Senator KKK Byrd) voted against it, while most Republicans voted for it? That one? Oh, yeah, the bitch switch after that, really dumbass people believe that, the only switch was Demoncrats saying they switched. And you morons fell for it.
More Democrats voted for the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act.....and by the was written by a bipartisan committee...Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), Mike Mansfield (D-MT), Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Thomas Kuchel (R-CA)…

And yes, conservative democrats like Robert Byrd as well as conservative republicans like Barry Goldwater opposed civil rights......but it passed...and the only side who is still butthurt about it are conservatives...

And much overlooked during this time was the Equal Pay Act of 1963 -- something else conservatives hated....
My friend and I are not butthurt at all, we arent complaining how unfair life is. Seems the only butthurted ones are you guys who just cant get out of the liberal victim"HOOD". So keep on bitching and moaning, be mad, burn your cities like they always do, it just doesnt help your cause.

There is no liberal victimhood. There is 243 years of legislated government assistance for whites.
Yes, the Democrats did have a history of slavery and Jim Crow...and then republicans under the leadership of Lincoln fought a Civil War and then implemented a policy called Reconstruction...this policy was called radical and "PROGRESSIVE" by the "CONSERVATIVE" democrats....

Maybe that is why Lincoln wrote books like....
View attachment 303635

Guess the republicans and democrats really changed over the past 150 years the side that was fighting against the Confederacy are now the side opining about how great the Confederacy was....
secure each laborer the whole product of his
labor, or as nearly as possible, is a worthy ob-
ject of any good government. — (See Lincoln's
Complete Works, Nicolay & Hay, vol. 1, P. 92).
This excerpt is the gist behind why the retard who wrote this book, said Lincoln was a Socialist, while any intelligent person reads it as, "why should a slave owner keep the product of a person's labor, when it should be in this great country each man keeps what he has earned?" It doesnt say that the government should come in take what is earned and parcel out to everyone the same amounts, that socialism deems fair. Egad man, you are one stupid mother fucker...
This country already practices democratic socialism you dic sucker...…

The most popular programs in US history are all examples of democratic socialism...

Now refute one single word I said...or shut the fuck up

Was reconstruction a conservative or progressive policy, yes or no??

When Teddy Roosevelt proposed a universal basic income -- was that conservative or progressive??

Like I said, all you dic suckers can do is lie...
Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive Republican like George Bush, and I hate all progressives liberals. Because of universal income it allows businesses to pay their employees minimums instead of paying them what they are worth. But you cant understand this, because it takes intelligence to figure it out.
Still waiting for you to refute a single word I said.....I didn't ask if you were a progressive you dumb ass..I already know you are a backwards conservative..

I asked you....why are the most popular and successful policies in US history an example of democratic socialism??

And how is it.....our tax rates are the lowest they have been in US history -- yet the times that you conservatives like to refer to as the "good old days" -- the tax rates were between 70% and 90% for much of that time is that possible??
What socialist policies do you think are successful?

Social Security - going bankrupt
Welfare - 22 trillion dollars spent and still have poverty
Planned Parenthood - yeah, it is a good policy to kill millions of future Demoncrap voters mostly black, because then the Conservatives will be in the majority. 1 out 3 isnt a great record..
Social Security isn't going bankrupt you dunce...

Medicare still remains the most popular policy in the US....

the GI Bill....

Overtime Pay Act....

Children's Health Insurance

Consumer Protections

but I don't need to go on and on naming policies....I don't need to point out that conservatives are so devoid of offering policies that are popular with American people -- so much so that your cult leader as we speak is taking credit for Obamacare.....

All I have to do to prove my point that these policies have and continues to hold popular support is to say know a policy is popular when the folks who claim to hate "socialism" holds up signs supporting it....because you damn sure won't see anyone holding up signs demanding Trumpcare…

Apparently, reminding blacks of the Democratic Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow which occurred before many of us were born is supposed to be a persuasive argument.
No. Reminding black folks that the Democrat party has done jack shit for them and uses them like a slave owner uses slaves, is the point.

And it's fucking true.

The GOP also uses a bunch of people for votes with no real intent of following through. It's just not nearly as obvious as it is for the way the Democrats are using black folks.

We all deserve much better than either party can provide.

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

So says the plantation slave who does his Democrat KKK master's bidding every day in this forum, along with his usual crying and whining and blaming whitey.

This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Shut the fuck up bitch. You are exactly what you portray yourself to be: A crying bitch and a plantation slave.

By the way, I am still waiting for you in my thread: PROOF IM2 is a punkass lying bitch and a dumb house negro

The only plantation slave is you. We don't have to go to your thread. Don't run ho. I'll stomp your ignorant bitch ass right here.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence ·space exploration is now a fact b : an actual occurrence ·prove the fact of damage 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality ·These are the hard facts of the case. 3 : the quality of being actual : actuality ·a question of fact hinges on evidence 4 : a thing done: such as a : crime ·accessory after the fact b archaic : action c obsolete : feat

Fact: “It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated ·under the delusion that they will finish on schedule, delusions of grandeur b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ·the delusion that someone was out to hurt him; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

Delusion: This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Get help ho. Put down the pipe.
Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
When we look at the party vote in both houses of Congress, it fits the historical pattern. Republicans are more in favor of the bill:

80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats did. Indeed, Minority Leader Republican Everett Dirksen led the fight to end the filibuster. Meanwhile, Democrats such as Richard Russell of Georgia and Strom Thurmond of South Carolina tried as hard as they could to sustain a filibuster.
The Demoncraps fought tooth and nail to filibuster the CRA 1964, but finally was sent through. Of course if Woodrow Wilson (Demoncrap) never segregated the government and bathrooms, the CRA wouldn't of been needed after the Reconstruction was finished. It amazes me that millions of black folks travel across the Woodrow Wilson bridge every year and have no clue what that Demoncrap did? But then again, they are just as stupid to not see how the Demoncraps take advantage of blacks every year.

Conservatives, Let’s Stop With The Plantation Talk

So says the plantation slave who does his Democrat KKK master's bidding every day in this forum, along with his usual crying and whining and blaming whitey.

This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Shut the fuck up bitch. You are exactly what you portray yourself to be: A crying bitch and a plantation slave.

By the way, I am still waiting for you in my thread: PROOF IM2 is a punkass lying bitch and a dumb house negro

The only plantation slave is you. We don't have to go to your thread. Don't run ho. I'll stomp your ignorant bitch ass right here.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence ·space exploration is now a fact b : an actual occurrence ·prove the fact of damage 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality ·These are the hard facts of the case. 3 : the quality of being actual : actuality ·a question of fact hinges on evidence 4 : a thing done: such as a : crime ·accessory after the fact b archaic : action c obsolete : feat

Fact: “It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”

Definition of delusion:1 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated ·under the delusion that they will finish on schedule, delusions of grandeur b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ·the delusion that someone was out to hurt him; also: the abnormal state marked by such beliefs 2 : the act of tricking or deceiving someone the state of being deluded.

Delusion: This is just another one of your punkass bitch crying threads. Throughout this forum you always blame whitey for everything including your sorry limp-dick pathetic life, but NOW you want US to stop calling you the plantation slave that you are.

Get help ho. Put down the pipe.
Do Oprah and Morgan Freeman fall into that racial wealth gap? Or are they exempt because they are Uncle Tom's?

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