Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

This thread is indicative of the pure, unadulterated hatred and vitriol the rabid, far right wing has for not only Obama and his family, but for human decency itself.











#imserious!(selfie pic)


This thread is indicative of the pure, unadulterated hatred and vitriol the rabid, far right wing has for not only Obama and his family, but for human decency itself.











#imserious!(selfie pic)


I just don't like the selective indignation of these people.

6 weeks ago, give or take, these kidnappers locked 50 school boys in their schoolhouse and burned them alive.

Where was the concern then?

The media refused to cover this genocide because they were afraid of Islamiphobia.

As with Clinton bombing an aspirin factory to take Monica off the front page, and the minds of the weak, what was on Barry's table that needed to be put on the back! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Having a lapdog media PROTECT you didn't hurt!


Looky here. Another wing-nut playing the media-card. What a shock. :eek:

We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.
I just don't like the selective indignation of these people.

6 weeks ago, give or take, these kidnappers locked 50 school boys in their schoolhouse and burned them alive.

Where was the concern then?

The media refused to cover this genocide because they were afraid of Islamiphobia.

You're right, If only it was some way of informing the public that this happened.

But since informing people doesnt matter why are you telling people about it? It doesnt do anything, right? :lol:

Move those goalposts...:eusa_hand:

We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.


Racist Fucktard.:eusa_hand:
We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.


Racist Fucktard.:eusa_hand:

dean is semi retarded, don't even pay him any mind.
It is sad, and it is pathetic.

But for another person's ignorance, in this case, Westwall's, I am not responsible.

There is no part of US-American ideology, neither Liberalism nor Conservatism, that contributed to the NAZI holocaust or the mass murders of Russian's by Joseph Stalin or Mao's "Cultural Revolution" or the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks one century ago.

People not smart enough to realize that both terms (Liberalism, Conservatism) have changed their meaning over the years, and more importantly, they have different meanings on different continents, don't deserve my pity. But they do earn my scorn.

In Germany, the most Right-Wing party, the one party that is for Capitalism-pure, is the FDP. What do they call themselves?

"Die Liberalen"
"The Liberals"

What Westwall is doing here, under the guise of free speech, is using absolutely gross and disgusting material from another time in our Earth's history (and also on another continent) to impugne a branch of US ideology that has more followers than Conservatism. This technique, one of denunciation by association, was a favorite of the NAZIs.

So, in claiming to be so for free speech (which I support), Westwall willingly got into bed with the Nazis. Heil Westwall!

Ok, it's his right to do that, and I respect that. I never stand in the way of a person who has decided to act stupidly. It's his problem, he will have to deal with the backlash, not me.

It should also be noted that Westwall deliberately derailed this thread, the title for which is:

Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So, in about 700 posts, we have gone from the OP to ad hominen attacks on the Left by a member, using a graphic photo of genocide to make his point.

I don't need to call Westwall any names. He did it to himself by his very own behavior.

[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]: just because we have a "right" to say something doesn't mean we should say it. That is where common sense or common decency comes into play with people who have some sanity.

Are you sane?

I have seen enough of your posts to know you are who you claim you are.....but don't you find it even the slightest bit hypocritical, as the Jew I know you are, and respect, to resort to using the very tactics that the Nazi regime did?

It is a favored tactic of totalitarians everywhere, when they are accumulating power, to denigrate those who are a threat to that accumulation, and one of THE most popular tactics is to challenge that threats mental faculties.

From time immemorial, to the present day, those who would RULE others must eliminate any who would challenge them. Progressives are those who would RULE now.

You and Pogo find my referral to that most terrible of times offensive and Pogo went so far as to claim that "those progressives" were long gone. How about a recent progressive then? How about that darling of the progressive movement now, Noam Chomsky?

Did you know that he supported the Khmer rouge in their genocide in Cambodia? Below I have given you multiple links to support that assertion. When the full truth of what those bastards had done surfaced this was his response...

"In the first place, is it proper to attribute deaths from malnutrition and disease to Cambodian authorities?”

Chomsky and the Khmer Rouge ? The Observer | FrontPage Magazine

Does that line of reasoning sound familiar? Does that harken back to a particular dark period of human history? That is one of the very same arguments that Holocaust Deniers
resort to in their defense of the German atrocities, because, as is well known, the vast majority of Jews who died in the camps died of starvation.

Noam Chomsky - Extremist

Khmer Rouge Apologist Noam Chomsky: Unrepentant - Nate Thayer

[MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION]

Hey that reminds me, stupid -- you know that new avatar you ordered? It's here --


I went ahead and put the batteries in so he's all ready for your next Two Minutes Hate. :thup:

Yammer yammer yammer H.G. Wells yammer yammer Chomsky yammer yammer...
It is sad, and it is pathetic.

But for another person's ignorance, in this case, Westwall's, I am not responsible.

There is no part of US-American ideology, neither Liberalism nor Conservatism, that contributed to the NAZI holocaust or the mass murders of Russian's by Joseph Stalin or Mao's "Cultural Revolution" or the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks one century ago.

People not smart enough to realize that both terms (Liberalism, Conservatism) have changed their meaning over the years, and more importantly, they have different meanings on different continents, don't deserve my pity. But they do earn my scorn.

In Germany, the most Right-Wing party, the one party that is for Capitalism-pure, is the FDP. What do they call themselves?

"Die Liberalen"
"The Liberals"

What Westwall is doing here, under the guise of free speech, is using absolutely gross and disgusting material from another time in our Earth's history (and also on another continent) to impugne a branch of US ideology that has more followers than Conservatism. This technique, one of denunciation by association, was a favorite of the NAZIs.

So, in claiming to be so for free speech (which I support), Westwall willingly got into bed with the Nazis. Heil Westwall!

Ok, it's his right to do that, and I respect that. I never stand in the way of a person who has decided to act stupidly. It's his problem, he will have to deal with the backlash, not me.

It should also be noted that Westwall deliberately derailed this thread, the title for which is:

Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So, in about 700 posts, we have gone from the OP to ad hominen attacks on the Left by a member, using a graphic photo of genocide to make his point.

I don't need to call Westwall any names. He did it to himself by his very own behavior.

[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]: just because we have a "right" to say something doesn't mean we should say it. That is where common sense or common decency comes into play with people who have some sanity.

Are you sane?

I have seen enough of your posts to know you are who you claim you are.....but don't you find it even the slightest bit hypocritical, as the Jew I know you are, and respect, to resort to using the very tactics that the Nazi regime did?

It is a favored tactic of totalitarians everywhere, when they are accumulating power, to denigrate those who are a threat to that accumulation, and one of THE most popular tactics is to challenge that threats mental faculties.

From time immemorial, to the present day, those who would RULE others must eliminate any who would challenge them. Progressives are those who would RULE now.

You and Pogo find my referral to that most terrible of times offensive and Pogo went so far as to claim that "those progressives" were long gone. How about a recent progressive then? How about that darling of the progressive movement now, Noam Chomsky?

Did you know that he supported the Khmer rouge in their genocide in Cambodia? Below I have given you multiple links to support that assertion. When the full truth of what those bastards had done surfaced this was his response...

"In the first place, is it proper to attribute deaths from malnutrition and disease to Cambodian authorities?”

Chomsky and the Khmer Rouge ? The Observer | FrontPage Magazine

Does that line of reasoning sound familiar? Does that harken back to a particular dark period of human history? That is one of the very same arguments that Holocaust Deniers
resort to in their defense of the German atrocities, because, as is well known, the vast majority of Jews who died in the camps died of starvation.

Noam Chomsky - Extremist

Khmer Rouge Apologist Noam Chomsky: Unrepentant - Nate Thayer

[MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION]

Hey that reminds me, stupid -- you know that new avatar you ordered? It's here --


I went ahead and put the batteries in so he's all ready for your next Two Minutes Hate. :thup:

Yammer yammer yammer H.G. Wells yammer yammer Chomsky yammer yammer...

So ummmmmmmm....they made the girls "convert" to Islam......tell us how it isn't about about Religion bitch?
My guy won, not once, but TWICE
passed an UNPRECEDENTED Health Care legislation
Found and killed Bin Laden
Stopped the economy from the free-fall Bush left it under
The economy has been steadily improving
Unemployment has been dropping
The Republicans don't have any plans and are demoralized

And I'M supposed to be "butthurt"?!??



You far rightwing KKKlowns are very entertaining. Hilarious even. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited:
We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.

We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.

Can't help himself, can he?
My guy won, not once, but TWICE
passed an UNPRECEDENTED Health Care legislation
Found and killed Bin Laden
Stopped the economy from the free-fall Bush left it under
The economy has been steadily improving
Unemployment has been dropping
The Republicans don't have any plans and are demoralized

And I'M supposed to be "butthurt"?!??



You far rightwing KKKlowns are very entertaining. Hilarious even. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your guy is doing so well you are about to lose the Senate....BECAUSE of the Health Care Legislation ;)
We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.

Negged you race baiting, spineless, dickless little weasel of a man
We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.

Negged you race baiting, spineless, dickless little weasel of a man
So did I. He's pathetic, and needs to really get a life.
We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.

Negged you race baiting, spineless, dickless little weasel of a man
So did I. He's pathetic, and needs to really get a life.

Yeah, me too. There are some posts that just beg for them.

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