Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?

Want people to work you're gonna have to pay them. It's long overdue.
Long overdue? Slavery ended ages ago. People who work have been getting paid ever since. If you're actually advocating overpaying them via a mandated inflated wage, you must really love this historic inflation.
Long overdue? Slavery ended ages ago. People who work have been getting paid ever since. If you're actually advocating overpaying them via a mandated inflated wage, you must really love this historic inflation.
Except the left has been calling for that since the left was invented. So your post is dumber than shit.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
How about not buying up huge stocks of it to send overseas or to provide to illegals at the border?

That would be a good start.

He can't undo two massive FDA recalls so even without the massive buys by the gov't it's going to take considerable time to get the supply back up.

How about some PSA's explaining to women too stupid to realize we raised hundreds of billions of babies without commercial baby formula and explain the alternatives?
a product that is essential for the health & well being of infants.
No it isn't, the mother's milk satisfies all nutritional needs for infants and in the event of an incompatibility the mother can make formula at home from canned milk, goats mil, or dry powdered milk.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
What do I want Biden to do? The same thing Democrats wanted Trump to do about a pandemic that he didn’t cause and shut down the entire world.

Yea it sucks to be the president and get blamed. But that’s the job. It’s Biden job to figure it out. But we all know he’s not capable. Biden is an EPIC FAIL.

Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?​

Step 1: Stop giving it away to illegal aliens
They were killing babies. And you want them to carry on.
I wonder if anyone remembers when the Chinese formula was found to have melamine in it as a protein facsimile?
I remember the outrage then. Good thing for science and those who make sure the US products are safe.
I wonder if anyone remembers when the Chinese formula was found to have melamine in it as a protein facsimile?
I remember the outrage then. Good thing for science and those who make sure the US products are safe.
One more example of why we should never allow ourselves to be so dependent on China for manufacturing and bring as much of it home as humanly possible moving the rest to friendlier allied nations.
Serious question. This appears to be the latest outrage seized on by the right. Fair issue to get upset about as it affects a lot of people, but what is it you really expect the federal government to do about it? Just about every industry has experienced supply chain shortages. It took me four months to get my new car I ordered last summer. I'm a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and it took longer than normal to get the current homes built in the area because of lumber and other shortages. We have new laptops and other IT products we need for people at work on back order with no ETA. Baby formula is just another facet of this, but for some reason the right is focusing on this specific product, so what solution are you expecting and why are you demanding the Feds get involved?
Stop exporting it for now.

Stop shipping pallets of it to Illegal Alien detention centers.

Twist the arms of domestic manufacturers to ramp-up production.

Buy it from overseas sources when those sources are reliable and safe.

Develop a sourcing and rationing system in the interim until the supply crisis is over.
No, making contaminated baby formula and having low-IQ democrats not knowing how to import more baby formula is a failure of the Xiden admin.
Trump's team of Pence, Navarro, and Lightheizer would have prevented the shortage from even occurring. They would have had a good backup plan ready.
The backup plan for the 3 stooges you mentioned was giving each other a reach around as they blamed everyone else for their screwups.

Trump & Navarro would be lucky if they could prepare a bottle of baby formula let alone fix a supply shortage of it. Neither one of those two have enough brains between them to come in out of the pouring rain.
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Stop exporting it for now.

Stop shipping pallets of it to Illegal Alien detention centers.

Twist the arms of domestic manufacturers to ramp-up production.

Buy it from overseas sources when those sources are reliable and safe.

Develop a sourcing and rationing system in the interim until the supply crisis is over.
All good ideas except the last. Rationing instantly creates a black market so people without infants will be buying it up as fast as they can to resell.

Rationing also creates panic.

There are safe alternatives to baby formula, they just take about 10 minutes to prepare at home.
The backup plan for the 3 stooges you mentioned was giving each other a reach around as they blamed everyone else for their screwups.
Hilarious considering neither Obama nor Biden have taken responsibility for anything bad happening under their administrations.

If it's not the fault of Putin, it's always "Trump's Fault" or "Bush's Fault".

This is an unnecessary panic just like the panic over Covid.

Panic is never the solution.

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