Conservatives: What is it you expect Biden to do about baby formula?

One more example of why we should never allow ourselves to be so dependent on China for manufacturing and bring as much of it home as humanly possible moving the rest to friendlier allied nations.
A friend is one of the biggest dairy farmers in California (10k head)
70% of the product is sent to the association in Alameda where it's processed into powder. It goes to China. It's all part of the deal, hoping that China buys more of the US products as we do of there's. In the meanwhile trade tensions need to be fair for all.
A friend is one of the biggest dairy farmers in California (10k head)
70% of the product is sent to the association in Alameda where it's processed into powder. It goes to China. It's all part of the deal, hoping that China buys more of the US products as we do of there's. In the meanwhile trade tensions need to be fair for all.
There is no fair or reciprocal trade with China and they consistently violate our trade and copyright laws.

The US being dependent on China for critical manufacturing proved to be an existential threat to the country during Covid.
Do you want the governent to nationalise the industry ?

Because this looks like a failure of capitalism.

Did Trump nationalize any industries when he got GM and others to manufacture huge numbers of ventilators in 2020? Or when he instituted Operation Warp Speed to get several COVID vaccines in record time?
I am suggesting Biden has violated both Constitution and Law in facilitating an illegal invasion and that diverting baby food to illegals while American infants are starving is treason, betraying Americans.

The Fed should NOT be in the business of confiscating baby food and giving it to illegals.
Will you PLEASE look up the definition of the word "treason" so you will stop misusing it like a liberal does?
As usual, none of you know what the hell you are talking about. Just finding an outlet for your anger and bigotry and vomiting the first ignorant thoughts that fizzle into your colons.

Interestingly enough, the restrictions on imported formula are having the biggest impact. Else retailers would just import more, when domestic supply takes a hit. Like a lot of other commodities.

So an EO lifting those restrictions could be possible. But that is fraught, as we would risk putting subpar formula into babies.
There is no fair or reciprocal trade with China and they consistently violate our trade and copyright laws.

The US being dependent on China for critical manufacturing proved to be an existential threat to the country during Covid.
I think I pretty much said that???

I give some info and you want to slay me for it. Fuck you
The backup plan for the 3 stooges you mentioned was giving each other a reach around as they blamed everyone else for their screwups.
Trump & Navarro would be lucky if they could prepare a bottle of baby formula let alone fix a supply shortage of it. Neither one of those two have enough brains between them to come in out of the pouring rain.
Trump developed three new vaccines in 10-months that the expert who caused the pandemic (Dr. Fau-Chi) caused with his funding of "gain-of-function" research, and said would take 10-years to develop. Operation 'Warp-Speed" was an amazing success.

The incompetent Xiden admin can't even manage to import baby formula. Re-read post #136, its OBVIOUS.
Morons doesn't begin to describe the Xiden admin.

We'll see in 2022 and 2024 which party is trusted to govern competently.
So, you believe Consuela and Miguel have the education and language skills needed to work in a factory?
You've obviously never been to a milk plant.

As usual, none of you know what the hell you are talking about. Just finding an outlet for your anger and bigotry and vomiting the first ignorant thoughts that fizzle into your colons.
Interestingly enough, the restrictions on imported formula are having the biggest impact. Else retailers would just import more, when domestic supply takes a hit. Like a lot of other commodities.
So an EO lifting those restrictions could be possible. But that is fraught, as we would risk putting subpar formula into babies.
Another low-IQ post.
The FDA should know what EU formulas are safe.
They might even be better than some US formula.
There are Federal agencies that can test and approve imported products.

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid?
Another low-IQ post.
What, you whiny dumbfuck? It's all factual.

The FDA is the one rejecting a lot of foreign formula for labeling issues and content. So they did check. But they aren't constantly repeating this process 10 times a day. The FDA reviews what is brought before them. And that takes time. So this is what they are doing with some foreign-made formula right now.

yes, believe it or not, the people who dedicate their lives to this thought of anything you could ever possibly pull out of your ass, and probably did so before breakfast.
You've obviously never been to a milk plant.

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How much do workers touch the product in milk plant?

A few years back I toured the factory that makes Olive Garden's salad dressing, all the dips and sauces for Yum Foods, and various other restaurant chains. Every worker in that factory had to be highly trained because of the potential for contamination of the products.

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