Conservatives Who Deny Racial Difference

I'm sure that rational, thinking people do seem pretty dangerous to a craven idiot like you. But then, just about everything inspires fear in you, you pathetic fucking coward.

How much courage does it take to sit behind your keyboard and post insults like that? .

The question is, how much of a fucking pussy do you have to be that you are so terrified of any person who looks superficially different from you that you spend your every waking hour obsessed with the notion that the 'races' must be separated at all costs?

Oh, and fuck you.

I do not believe that the races must be kept separate. However, I am a firm believer in race profiling. Because young black men have a much higher crime rate than every other demographic, I believe that the police should scrutinize their behavior far more carefully than the behavior of other groups.

The last sentence of your post, to say nothing of the low and derogatory quality of your other posts, demonstrates that you have nothing of value to contribute to this topic.

You are angry because you do not like to be told the truth about your race.
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How much courage does it take to sit behind your keyboard and post insults like that? .

The question is, how much of a fucking pussy do you have to be that you are so terrified of any person who looks superficially different from you that you spend your every waking hour obsessed with the notion that the 'races' must be separated at all costs?

Oh, and fuck you.

I do not believe that the races must be kept separate.

He does. Try to keep track of the original quote, idiot.
real conservatives are not afraid to debunk the notion that racial ‘justice’ entails equality of outcomes with whites.

Conservatives who support the principles of free markets, individual liberties, and minimal government cannot remain neutral on the issue of racial egalitarianism if they want to preserve their ideals.

In a society governed by conservative principles, blacks will be an underclass, and this is something that the true conservative is willing to accept.

Those who won’t support racial realism are not good advocates for the conservative cause, because they are willing to compromise their conservative beliefs over the issue of race, and allow this country to gradually veer down the path of a benevolent government tyranny.

nailed it.
Statistically speaking White people's IQs are inferior to Jews and Asians.

Clearly then using William Joyce's social logic, we ought to clear the decks of all those White untermench to make way for the superior homo sapien races.

I mean some Whites are okay, as long as they're not in groups, but given their inherent intellectualy inferiority, we really ought to ask them to return to Europe.

Alright, here's the problem with this thinking... and I respect editec as someone who's got a brain, though we do disagree...

Any time anyone brings up racial difference, the hyperventilating begins. Everyone always wants to pull the whole argument over to mass extermination.


Yes, you COULD go there.

Just like you could realize that the KC Royals will never again win the World Series, so why not just murder all their players?

Duh... because you don't HAVE to go there, and furthermore, the reality of the one doesn't compel the reality of the other.

What we CAN AND SHOULD DO with the reality of human difference is fold that into our thinking and our policy-making. Why is that so hard?

The Jewish twist on Hitler is ensconced in everyone's brain as the ONLY POSSIBLE RESULT of acknowledging racial reality. Meanwhile, we're creating a bunch of slow-moving holocausts with our Emperor-Wears-No-Clothes insistence that "there are no racial differences."
The notion of racial -- yea, HUMAN -- egalitarianism is leading us to worse consequences and bigger failures than even communism/socialism.

Hell, socialism said "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

That actually ALLOWS for the possibility of human difference, something a dumb-as-bricks "conservative" like GW Bush refuses to do!
Now answer the question, coward.

You're giving me an order?

Sweetheart, I think you need to slowly step away from the computer, and go outside to play. Make love to a woman. Get yourself a double. Watch the football game, something.

Because I don't think I've ever seen YOU answer anyone's question, and Lord knows you'd never answer mine. And I have a lot for you.
And you don't have a 'race,' fool.

So how do they enforce affirmative action?

How can "racists" be such "cowards" and "fools" if race doesn't exist?

Oh, wait. Like you're going to answer...

Liberals like you create, and then live by, artificial distinctions like 'race.' It exists as a concept that pathetic fucking cowards like you base your meaningless waste of a life on.
You don't see very clearly, but go ahead and provide an example if you can.

20/10 vision. I see perfectly.

The examples are in just about every post you write.

You are devoted to your own opinions and prejudices and you treat those with differing opinions with intolerance.

Pay attention, little missy. I told you to provide an example. Now get to it. Don't make me tell you again.

You've done that for me. Again.

And you don't have a 'race,' fool.

So how do they enforce affirmative action?

How can "racists" be such "cowards" and "fools" if race doesn't exist?

Oh, wait. Like you're going to answer...

Liberals like you create, and then live by, artificial distinctions like 'race.' It exists as a concept that pathetic fucking cowards like you base your meaningless waste of a life on.

Yeah, I made up race. Shit, have I caused a lot of problems.
Is there a point to this ridiculous thread? A true conservative relates to individuals, not groups.
Is there a point to this ridiculous thread? A true conservative relates to individuals, not groups.


A true conservative does not believe, a la Ayn Rand, that humanity is a collection of isolated automatons.

A true conservative believes that we are intensely related to our groups: our families, our communities, our cultures, our religions. We are a product of them, and we find richest fulfillment in them. Our little platoons, as one true conservative put it.

Do you know who that was, jwoodie?

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