Conspiracy Theories Are All Conservatives Run On

I see what you did there.

The claim was WMD was the entire premise to go to war. I point out that was false.
You didnt see jack.

Let's put it this way, if we knew prior to 2003 that Saddam had no WMD's....there is no way in hell we would've went to war with Iraq.

There you go, being stupid again. WMD's were found, just not enough to satisfy the Democrats, but then, there never could be enough to satisfy the Democrats.

It was the Democrat were the ones making it about WMD's to start with. The Bush Administration made the mistake of falling into the Democrat's trap by responding to their false accusations.
What's all the noise about? It was all due to a nasty video, er, I mean some rogue employees in the Cincy IRS office. The fact that they were computer whizzes too I guess is just a coincidence.
Remember everyone Obama watched them die in Benghazi...except he didnt but that dont matter. Arent cha mad?
And you want to know why they don't stop? Because that's all they've got! Absolutely nothing else to contribute of substance to this country at any point in time!

Democrat Busts Republicans On Yet Another Illogical Right Wing IRS Conspiracy Theory

LOL, "Republicans" run on conspiracy theories? From the party that thought W had an army of evil flying kangaroos?

Big Business, big oil, the Rich, Halliburton, yellow cake, voter suppression, the rich, the wealthy, wealthy business owners, bankers, international bankers, Israel, the black President, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, ...

Self awareness is not a liberal core competence, is it?
the people who INSIST the Iraq War was based on "lies" and had over a decade to prove it; are crying like the bitches they are that Republicans are the ones with conspiracy theories?

so your republicans never said we know, not we believe, but we know that saddam has WMD"S and we know where they are... that was the gods honest truth right????

heres another republican loser that can't reconize the truth when he sees it
And you want to know why they don't stop? Because that's all they've got! Absolutely nothing else to contribute of substance to this country at any point in time!

Democrat Busts Republicans On Yet Another Illogical Right Wing IRS Conspiracy Theory

LOL, "Republicans" run on conspiracy theories? From the party that thought W had an army of evil flying kangaroos?

Big Business, big oil, the Rich, Halliburton, yellow cake, voter suppression, the rich, the wealthy, wealthy business owners, bankers, international bankers, Israel, the black President, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, ...

Self awareness is not a liberal core competence, is it?

By the same people that said Bush had the keys to a giant "Weather Machine" that was used to target minorities with Hurricane Katrina. (By the way? Dick Cheney stole the keys upon their egress from the WH):eusa_shhh::doubt:
There is no conspiracy .... The IRS targeted specific groups at the behest of the Obama administration...and are busy covering up their wrongdoing....

Its time to cripple their budget and diminish their fascist tactics.
And you want to know why they don't stop? Because that's all they've got! Absolutely nothing else to contribute of substance to this country at any point in time!

Democrat Busts Republicans On Yet Another Illogical Right Wing IRS Conspiracy Theory

LOL, "Republicans" run on conspiracy theories? From the party that thought W had an army of evil flying kangaroos?

Big Business, big oil, the Rich, Halliburton, yellow cake, voter suppression, the rich, the wealthy, wealthy business owners, bankers, international bankers, Israel, the black President, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, ...

Self awareness is not a liberal core competence, is it?

The bolded is an example of Right wing conspiracy theory projection.

When the OP said "run on" of course that means something other than running on means someone somewhere believes something :D
The claim was WMD was the entire premise to go to war. I point out that was false.
You didnt see jack.

Let's put it this way, if we knew prior to 2003 that Saddam had no WMD's....there is no way in hell we would've went to war with Iraq.

There you go, being stupid again. WMD's were found, just not enough to satisfy the Democrats, but then, there never could be enough to satisfy the Democrats.

It was the Democrat were the ones making it about WMD's to start with. The Bush Administration made the mistake of falling into the Democrat's trap by responding to their false accusations.

From the beginning the Bush Administration was advertising all the WMD's Saddam was sure to have. Even during the Clinton years the neocons were writing open letters to Clinton about Iraq's WMD's. Remember Collin Powell's speech to the UN all about Saddam's huge pile up of WMDs? Yeah...the charade was WMDs WMDs...WMDs!!! Non. Fricking. Stop.

BTW the chemical weapons we found were not linked to Saddam, they belonged to a terrorist group linked with Iran.
The Republicans have plenty to run on.
Freedom from Government.

Dem's have nothing but more government costly programs that we can't afford.
They are monetarily enslaving our future generations.
They refuse to cut spending and got our credit rating downgraded.
Keep electing them and will have more.

GOP issues;

We believe in the power and opportunity of America’s free-market economy. We believe in the importance of sensible business regulations that promote confidence in our economy among consumers, entrepreneurs and businesses alike. We oppose interventionist policies that put the federal government in control of industry and allow it to pick winners and losers in the marketplace.

National Defense

President Ronald Reagan’s approach to America’s national defense, which successfully confronted the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War, is as essential today as it was then: Peace through strength — an enduring peace, based on freedom and the will to defend it. Today, it requires defending America’s homeland, including remaining vigilant in confronting global terrorism, maintaining a robust defense against the threats arising from nuclear proliferation, including a strong ballistic missile defense for America and our allies, and promoting an effective, capable intelligence community. It requires a full commitment to America’s Armed Forces to ensure they are modern, agile and adaptable to the unpredictable range of challenges in the years ahead. And it requires a sustained international effort, which complements our military activities, to develop and maintain alliances and relationships that will lead to greater peace and stability. While the United States participates in various international organizations which can serve the cause of peace and posterity, they must never substitute for principled American leadership nor prevent America from joining other democracies to protect our vital national interests.

Health Care

We support common-sense reforms that will lower costs, ensure quality health care that Americans deserve, and end lawsuit abuse. We oppose government-run health care, which won’t protect the physician-patient relationship, won’t promote competition, and won’t promote health care quality and choice.


We believe that maintaining a world-class system of primary and secondary education with high standards in which all students can reach their potential is critically important to America’s future. We believe parents should be empowered to send their children to the school of their choice.


We believe in energy independence. We support an “all of the above” approach that encourages the responsible production of nuclear power, clean coal, solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, as well as drilling for oil and natural gas in an environmentally responsible way. We oppose so-called cap and trade legislation that would impose a national energy tax on families and small business that would kill jobs and raise utility prices.


Republicans believe a judge’s role is to interpret the law, not make law from the bench. Judges in our federal court system, from district courts to the Supreme Court, should demonstrate fidelity to the U.S. Constitution. We trust the judicial system to base rulings on the law, and nothing else
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And you want to know why they don't stop? Because that's all they've got! Absolutely nothing else to contribute of substance to this country at any point in time!

Democrat Busts Republicans On Yet Another Illogical Right Wing IRS Conspiracy Theory

So true.

The criticisms of Obama from the right that have any merit or substance are few and far between -- usually the Sunday Morning thinking conservatives. The majority of the noise is just mouth foaming hysteria.
Emails 'accidentally' missing? LOL! What a scam. Some Conspiracy Theories turn out to be Conspiracy Fact. This is one of em. Impeachment Hearings should begin.
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And you want to know why they don't stop? Because that's all they've got! Absolutely nothing else to contribute of substance to this country at any point in time!

Democrat Busts Republicans On Yet Another Illogical Right Wing IRS Conspiracy Theory

Yeah sure. Servers mysteriously crash, destroying all emails for a two year period. She takes the fifth. Nothing to see here.
Pleads the Fifth, Retires will full bennies at doing Obama's will...and YES this leads to Obama. NO DOUBT.

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