Constituional Amendment to silence corporations and superpacs

Since KELO and including CITIZENS as well as Obamacare, the supreme court has burned its own credibility faster than the Treasury has burned cash. While we live with these reeking scum, there is no duty to honor their decisions passively. We can work against decisions of these lowlife motherfuckers. For example, if the Lost Tribe can try to overturn a reasonable decision like ROE, then reasonable people can work to overturn decisions that go against everything that made America great.

Money bought CITIZENS. Roberts was the bag man between Baker and Rehnquist in 2000. Scalia, Thomas, and Alito are also open partisans making no apologies for selling out the United States for party and for corporations. Kennedy is a whimsical nutball who came down on the wrong side of this one.

But I digress...

Unions are entities for sure; nothing "natural born" about them. Never saw a union charter, but it would surprise me if unions are not a form of corporation with members as nominal stockholders, something like the structure some insurance companies have where policy holders are nominal stockholders.

If by some technicality unions are not corporations already, unions can easily be made subject to the same restrictions as corporations.

My objective and the objective of many, is to get "entities" including unions, churches, corporations, chambers of commerce, more - out of party/partisan politics per se by ending direct AND INDIRECT contributions, as well as making direct paid lobbying illegal, thereby encouraging natural born persons to determine the nation's future.

If US politics are reformed in favor of natural born citizens, pretty much everything from tax policy to immigration will resolve itself in favor of citizens which over time ensures best results (see, 1776-1960). Until US politics are reformed, natural born citizens are going to suck hind tit.

Why would you desire to give up your rights as a citizen of the united states of America when you join a group? Are you daft?

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