Constitutional Attorney Explains Why Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio Are Not Natural Born Citizens

Makes sense. Cruz and Rubio should disqualify themselves from the race. Obama should have never been allowed to run.

Natural born citizen status is inherited - it's not bestowed by the Constitution or Acts of Congress
And under the strictest of definitions, neither is Trump, because his mother was a foreigner. That would make him native born and not natural born. The purest say that to be NATURAL BORN you have to have BOTH PARENTS AMERICAN CITIZENS and BORN ON AMERICAN SOIL, so this birther game Trump is playing with Cruz just might come back to bite him in the ass, because to be PRESIDENT, you have to be NATURAL BORN. No other elected office requires that, only president.
Trumps foreign born mother naturalized as a U.S. Citizen before he was born. He is a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents.

Where does Article 2 mention two U.S. citizen parents?
It doesn't. It does distinguish Citizen from natural born Citizen.




Um, that's a photobucket picture. Not an actual citation of US law. And the reason you avoided the *actual* law is because it doesn't say what you do:

Title 8 said:
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

No where in the *actual* law that those born to US citizens outside the US are 'naturalized'. But instead, citizens at birth.

And no where does Happersett say that those born outside the US to US citizens are not natural born citizens. Anywhere. Which, of course, you know. But really hope we don't.

Ted Cruz acquired citizenship at birth via naturalization in a foreign sovereignty. He is not a natural born Citizen for Article 2 Section 1 purposes.

Show us the *actual* law indicating that Cruz was naturalized.

You can't.

Show us the constitution indicating that Cruz was naturalized.

You can't.

Show us anywhere in Happersett that it indicates that children born abroad to US citizens aren't natural born citizens.

You can't.
Tell me Skylar, where was this passionate concern over Obama's questioned eligibility. When the issue was 1st brought up, when Obama 1st refused to settle the issue by immediately showing his birth certificates? .

Barack Obama was the first candidate to ever show voters his birth certificate- and did so in 2008.

Birthers such as Trump are still Birthering- despite seeing the birth certificates and the State of Hawaii repeatedly confirming he was born there.

LOL- good old Conservative 'revisionist' history.

2008- March- Conservative bloggers start spreading a rumor that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
  • By election November 2008, Birtherism is at home in the fringe right wing nuttery- WND, Stormfront, Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi
  • 2011- GOP Presidential hopeful Donald Trump revives Birtherism by claiming that President Obama has no birth certificate
  • 2011- President Obama shows his official certified copy from Hawaii- and Trump continues to claim he doesn't know where Obama was born
  • 2015- Trump mentions several times that Cruz may not be eligible because of his birth in Canada
  • 2015- Grayson raises the Canada issue- the first Democratic politician to raise the claim.
  • 2016- Trump doubles down and raises the issue again
  • 2016- Republican- Conservative talking head Ann Coulter raise Cruz's birth
  • 2016- Conservatives blame Birtherism on Hilary
Who is repeatedly bringing up Cruz's eligibility- tweeting about it yesterday?

Yes- the GOP's leading candidate.

Your idol.
Makes sense. Cruz and Rubio should disqualify themselves from the race. Obama should have never been allowed to run.

Natural born citizen status is inherited - it's not bestowed by the Constitution or Acts of Congress

publius hudah is not a constitutional scholar. he's a racist moron like you.

Rubio was born here. he is a natural born citizen.
Nothing racists about it. Only patriotism!

only in stormfrontworld, loser.
Makes sense. Cruz and Rubio should disqualify themselves from the race. Obama should have never been allowed to run.

Natural born citizen status is inherited - it's not bestowed by the Constitution or Acts of Congress
And under the strictest of definitions, neither is Trump, because his mother was a foreigner. That would make him native born and not natural born. The purest say that to be NATURAL BORN you have to have BOTH PARENTS AMERICAN CITIZENS and BORN ON AMERICAN SOIL, so this birther game Trump is playing with Cruz just might come back to bite him in the ass, because to be PRESIDENT, you have to be NATURAL BORN. No other elected office requires that, only president.
Trumps foreign born mother naturalized as a U.S. Citizen before he was born. He is a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents.

Where does Article 2 mention two U.S. citizen parents?
It doesn't. It does distinguish Citizen from natural born Citizen.




Ted Cruz acquired citizenship at birth via naturalization in a foreign sovereignty. He is not a natural born Citizen for Article 2 Section 1 purposes.

Your source says only native born citizens receive their citizenship thru the Constitution.
Where does it say native born? Where does it say native born is the only category of natural born citizen?
Your source also says "By acquisition at birth citizen parent(s)", which seems to fit Cruz.

Ted Cruz acquired citizenship at birth via naturalization in a foreign sovereignty.

Naturalization has a real meaning. Not whatever you feel it should mean.
The US government defines it.

Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?

Since he acquired it at birth through a citizen parent, he was not a foreign national and did not need to fulfill the requirements of the INA.
Oh gosh. It keeps looking worse for Cruz naturalized as a Citizen at birth.



the Court hasn't ruled on it.

your kkk'ers aren't the one to opine.

you really should go back to stormfront. as bad as this place can be, I think you'd be much happier in your own element.

C'mon.....when he says 'White is Right', he could just be talking about his sheets.
Oh gosh. It keeps looking worse for Cruz naturalized as a Citizen at birth.



Then it should be remarkably easy for you to show us where in US law it indicates that citizens at birth are 'naturalized'.

Here's the USC.

U.S. Code: Table of Contents

Show us. Don't tell us. You're avoiding the *actual* law for a reason.
Nowhere in the code is the Article 2 Section 1 Term of Art 'Batural Born Citizen'.

What the fuck is 'Art Batural'? It sounds like a toe nail infection.
Makes sense. Cruz and Rubio should disqualify themselves from the race. Obama should have never been allowed to run.

Natural born citizen status is inherited - it's not bestowed by the Constitution or Acts of Congress

publius hudah is not a constitutional scholar. he's a racist moron like you.

Rubio was born here. he is a natural born citizen.
Nothing racists about it. Only patriotism!
you don't know the difference.

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