Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
As usual, when a liberal loses the argument, he often starts ranting hysterically like this.

The end goal of our gun policy should be to let all responsible adults carry if they want to.

Most still won't bother, but a few will. And ones who want to have the most effect on criminals contemplating a crime, will carry their weapon concealed. A criminal looking to do a mass shooting or robbery etc., will know that there are probably a few armed people in the crowd he's about to attack... and he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect a bullet from an unknown direction, before he can rack up his wished-for gruesome body count, or make his getaway or whatever.

And so, maybe he will decide he doesn't want to commit his crime after all.

So in many cases, lives will be saved, without a shot being fired.

That's a better result than any liberals have ever achieved by making laws restricting the guns of people who obey laws.

This has been pointed out to this hysterical liberal many times, and he has never refuted it. Apparently enough time has gone by since he lost the argument the last time, that he feels he can re-state his debunked wishful thinking as though it had somehow magically become true again.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
As usual, when a liberal loses the argument, he often starts ranting hysterically like this. Especially when his points have been debunked several times over the years.
I don't traffic in 'rants' I leave that to the less capable debaters. Answer the question or stop deflecting.
A few points on guns I believe to be true.

There are some folks in this nation who have an enjoyable relationship with firearms. There are folks in this nation to whom firearms represent a clear danger. Some folks enjoy hunting and shooting sports. Others live in dread of gunshots ringing out in their neighborhoods.

The people who enjoy guns cannot fathom a life without them while those whose lives have been shattered by gun violence cannot fathom dumping more guns on the streets to achieve public safety.

I do not seek to deprive people who love guns from hunting and shooting sports. But I wonder if hunting is still a 'sport' when armed with a semi-automatic rifle with a large capacity ammunition clip. Weapons like that, weapons designed to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest time possible are the type of weapons plaguing our streets.

The founding fathers wrote the second amendment with a clause not mentioned nearly enough. They cited the necessity of a well regulated militia. some think that means every individual can comprise a well regulated militia. I disagree. The founding fathers could not conceive of scheduled railroad service between Washington and Baltimore, let alone rocket propelled grenade launchers, automatic rifles and bazookas. No one, I believe, should keep and bear such arms without that well regulated part.

Others seem to think that any and all weaponry should be available to the general public. Where do they refuel their Abrams A-1 tanks? Where do they silo their Minuteman missiles? Clearly there is not a constitutional provision to permit all weapons to be available to the public. There are some restrictions.

My proposal would be this: all long rifles with bolt actions, all shotguns including pump action shotguns, all revolvers would be legal arms to bear. Pistols with semi automatic firing systems, long guns with semi-automatic firing systems and all weapons whose firing systems can accommodate an ammunition clip containing more than ten rounds would be illegal to sell, transport, import, manufacture, trade or retrofit.

That way sportsmen can still enjoy their guns and those in places with overwhelming gun violence can sleep a little easier.

The argument will come down that only 'law abiding citizens' will be restricted. I ask you: will street gangs open up clandestine gun factories, or resort to using the same weapons available easily to the general public?
As usual, the liberal keeps trying to find excuses to violate the 2nd amendment and restrict people's right to keep and bear arms. Equally as usual, he keeps returning to tired, long-debunked points to pretend he has some legitimate point somewhere. (That act is called a "rant", for those who are curious)
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.
No, that's left-wing freedom.... the freedom to get shot, and not have the slightest chance of defending yourself.
We are going to avoid getting shot, because we can fight back.
Once concealed carry becomes the norm, most people still won't bother. But a few will. And an assailant will know there's a better chance you might be armed, or someone nearby might be. And so he may decide not to assault you in the first place.

Murderers, rapists etc. might make the same decision.

There you go. A reduction in crime, without a shot being fired.

Liberals are dead-set against this happening. You have to wonder why.
As usual, the liberal keeps trying to find excuses to violate the 2nd amendment and restrict people's right to keep and bear arms. Equally as usual, he keeps returning to tired, long-debunked points to pretend he has some legitimate point somewhere. (That act is called a "rant", for those who are curious)
That is neither a rebuttal nor an argument. (it is digging in one's heels and refusing to engage. We call that 'petulance' for those who are curious)
Liberty is the freedom to get shot.
No, that's left-wing freedom.... the freedom to get shot, and not have the slightest chance of defending yourself.
We are going to avoid getting shot, because we can fight back.
Once concealed carry becomes the norm, most people still won't bother. But a few will. And an assailant will know there's a better chance you might be armed, or someone nearby might be. And so he may decide not to assault you in the first place.

Murderers, rapists etc. might make the same decision.

There you go. A reduction in crime, without a shot being fired.

Liberals are dead-set against this happening. You have to wonder why.

based on what? You make all these assumptions, and yet you don't see a correlation between more guns and less crime, not in the US and not internationally. You don't see a correlation between more guns and less rape, in fact Alaska has a rape rate 5 times higher than NY state, go figure.
As usual, the liberal keeps trying to find excuses to violate the 2nd amendment and restrict people's right to keep and bear arms. Equally as usual, he keeps returning to tired, long-debunked points to pretend he has some legitimate point somewhere. (That act is called a "rant", for those who are curious)
That is neither a rebuttal nor an argument.
Correct. The rebuttal came in the post AFTER the one you quoted.

Nice try at deflection.
As usual, the liberal keeps trying to find excuses to violate the 2nd amendment and restrict people's right to keep and bear arms. Equally as usual, he keeps returning to tired, long-debunked points to pretend he has some legitimate point somewhere. (That act is called a "rant", for those who are curious)
That is neither a rebuttal nor an argument.
Correct. The rebuttal came in the post AFTER the one you quoted.

Nice try at deflection.
You failed to rebut any of my points. You have failed in this debate.
You missed the point. The point is the presence of a gun cannot prevent gun violence.
You missed the point. If I have a gun, I can prevent being a victim of gun violence.[/
You missed the point. The point is the presence of a gun cannot prevent gun violence.
You are out of your depth on this issue. It can prevent gun violence. And often times does. No one is going to fall into your foolish lead of trying to predict "what may have happened"; but instead one can rely on the mountains of facts in regard to "what did happen". If you really wanted to know; you could bury yourself in stories of armed people pulling guns, on armed aggressors which resulted in the cessation of a crime in progress. Including gun violence. Like I said. You are uninformed, and uneducated on this subject. Probably best for you to sit this one out...
You are out of your depth on this issue. It can prevent gun violence. And often times does. No one is going to fall into your foolish lead of trying to predict "what may have happened"; but instead one can rely on the mountains of facts in regard to "what did happen". If you really wanted to know; you could bury yourself in stories of armed people pulling guns, on armed aggressors which resulted in the cessation of a crime in progress. Including gun violence. Like I said. You are grossly uninformed, and uneducated on this subject. Probably best for you to sit this one out...
So you're saying that any argument against having more guns on the streets is amateurish, I'll-informed, foolish and those proffering such points are essentially out of their depth. The only points to be considered are those of the pro gun lobby, people who have a deep,affection for weaponry and Dirty Harry wannabes.

Isn't that a bit authoritarian? And where guns are concerned, is authoritarian the correct way to approach the subject?
Wrong. I'm stating that the "reason" you offered doesn't hold water. Learn the difference.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
You missed the point. If I have a gun, I can prevent being a victim of gun violence.[/
You are out of your depth on this issue. It can prevent gun violence. And often times does. No one is going to fall into your foolish lead of trying to predict "what may have happened"; but instead one can rely on the mountains of facts in regard to "what did happen". If you really wanted to know; you could bury yourself in stories of armed people pulling guns, on armed aggressors which resulted in the cessation of a crime in progress. Including gun violence. Like I said. You are uninformed, and uneducated on this subject. Probably best for you to sit this one out...
You are out of your depth on this issue. It can prevent gun violence. And often times does. No one is going to fall into your foolish lead of trying to predict "what may have happened"; but instead one can rely on the mountains of facts in regard to "what did happen". If you really wanted to know; you could bury yourself in stories of armed people pulling guns, on armed aggressors which resulted in the cessation of a crime in progress. Including gun violence. Like I said. You are grossly uninformed, and uneducated on this subject. Probably best for you to sit this one out...
So you're saying that any argument against having more guns on the streets is amateurish, I'll-informed, foolish and those proffering such points are essentially out of their depth. The only points to be considered are those of the pro gun lobby, people who have a deep,affection for weaponry and Dirty Harry wannabes.

Isn't that a bit authoritarian? And where guns are concerned, is authoritarian the correct way to approach the subject?
Wrong. I'm stating that the "reason" you offered doesn't hold water. Learn the difference.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
People 'have a conniption' when they are exposed to gun violence. People 'have a conniption' when their neighborhoods sound like a war zone.

How have those 'conniptions' been addressed?
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
As usual, when a liberal loses the argument, he often starts ranting hysterically like this.

The end goal of our gun policy should be to let all responsible adults carry if they want to.

Most still won't bother, but a few will. And ones who want to have the most effect on criminals contemplating a crime, will carry their weapon concealed. A criminal looking to do a mass shooting or robbery etc., will know that there are probably a few armed people in the crowd he's about to attack... and he won't know which ones they are. So he can expect a bullet from an unknown direction, before he can rack up his wished-for gruesome body count, or make his getaway or whatever.

And so, maybe he will decide he doesn't want to commit his crime after all.

So in many cases, lives will be saved, without a shot being fired.

That's a better result than any liberals have ever achieved by making laws restricting the guns of people who obey laws.

This has been pointed out to this hysterical liberal many times, and he has never refuted it. Apparently enough time has gone by since he lost the argument the last time, that he feels he can re-state his debunked wishful thinking as though it had somehow magically become true again.
Nosmo King was raised hitler youth,.....he advocates banning poptarts too...:lol:
You are out of your depth on this issue. It can prevent gun violence. And often times does. No one is going to fall into your foolish lead of trying to predict "what may have happened"; but instead one can rely on the mountains of facts in regard to "what did happen". If you really wanted to know; you could bury yourself in stories of armed people pulling guns, on armed aggressors which resulted in the cessation of a crime in progress. Including gun violence. Like I said. You are grossly uninformed, and uneducated on this subject. Probably best for you to sit this one out...
So you're saying that any argument against having more guns on the streets is amateurish, I'll-informed, foolish and those proffering such points are essentially out of their depth. The only points to be considered are those of the pro gun lobby, people who have a deep,affection for weaponry and Dirty Harry wannabes.

Isn't that a bit authoritarian? And where guns are concerned, is authoritarian the correct way to approach the subject?
Wrong. I'm stating that the "reason" you offered doesn't hold water. Learn the difference.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
People 'have a conniption' when they are exposed to gun violence. People 'have a conniption' when their neighborhoods sound like a war zone.

How have those 'conniptions' been addressed?

How is keeping law abiding people from owning guns going to stop that?

FYI it won't

You know what will
mandatory and very long prison sentences for anyone convicted of committing a crime while in possession of a firearm
So you're saying that any argument against having more guns on the streets is amateurish, I'll-informed, foolish and those proffering such points are essentially out of their depth. The only points to be considered are those of the pro gun lobby, people who have a deep,affection for weaponry and Dirty Harry wannabes.

Isn't that a bit authoritarian? And where guns are concerned, is authoritarian the correct way to approach the subject?
Wrong. I'm stating that the "reason" you offered doesn't hold water. Learn the difference.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
People 'have a conniption' when they are exposed to gun violence. People 'have a conniption' when their neighborhoods sound like a war zone.

How have those 'conniptions' been addressed?

How is keeping law abiding people from owning guns going to stop that?

FYI it won't

You know what will
mandatory and very long prison sentences for anyone convicted of committing a crime while in possession of a firearm
Because prison deters crime? Because the death penalty deters murders?
Wrong. I'm stating that the "reason" you offered doesn't hold water. Learn the difference.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
People 'have a conniption' when they are exposed to gun violence. People 'have a conniption' when their neighborhoods sound like a war zone.

How have those 'conniptions' been addressed?

How is keeping law abiding people from owning guns going to stop that?

FYI it won't

You know what will
mandatory and very long prison sentences for anyone convicted of committing a crime while in possession of a firearm
Because prison deters crime? Because the death penalty deters murders?
An armed society is a polite society....Nazi King.....
Wrong. I'm stating that the "reason" you offered doesn't hold water. Learn the difference.
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
People 'have a conniption' when they are exposed to gun violence. People 'have a conniption' when their neighborhoods sound like a war zone.

How have those 'conniptions' been addressed?

How is keeping law abiding people from owning guns going to stop that?

FYI it won't

You know what will
mandatory and very long prison sentences for anyone convicted of committing a crime while in possession of a firearm
Because prison deters crime? Because the death penalty deters murders?

LONG prison sentences keep violent people off the streets which reduces violent crime our revolving door system does not keep violent criminals off the streets
If guns are supposed to avert gun violence ( a counterintuitive notion of the first order) why conceal them? Why doesn't every "law abiding citizen" just strap yer shootin' iron to yer hip and go full on Dodge City?
because all the snowflakes have a conniption fit if they see a gun openly carried in a holster
People 'have a conniption' when they are exposed to gun violence. People 'have a conniption' when their neighborhoods sound like a war zone.

How have those 'conniptions' been addressed?

How is keeping law abiding people from owning guns going to stop that?

FYI it won't

You know what will
mandatory and very long prison sentences for anyone convicted of committing a crime while in possession of a firearm
Because prison deters crime? Because the death penalty deters murders?

LONG prison sentences keep violent people off the streets which reduces violent crime our revolving door system does not keep violent criminals off the streets
Build more prisons. Make more guns. Arm everyone. We'll be safe.

That about sums it up then, right?

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