Constitutional Conservatives Support Open Borders

I've been saying that you're nothing but a Democrat. Thanks for showing it once again.



Are you saying that only democrats support the Constitution (1787)?


Cheap come on. If you make a real case for something, I shall consider a response.

Well thank you for admitting that you are a racist motherfucker .


We weren't even talking about race, you fucking moron.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch - be a man and admit that you are a KKK Grand Wizard.


Look how this series of posts degenerated once a left-wing loon got involved. I don't care to be any type of message board police...anyone ought to be free to made a fool of himself any way he wants too...and it is good that this Board allows it.

But it is becoming increasingly remarkable....increasingly worth completely bankrupt, foolish, and uneducated the left-wing responses on this board are.

You can't have political discussion with a get "racist mother-fucker" when race was not even in the discussion....and "suck my rod you stupid son-of-a-bitch" when that fact is pointed out.

The absurdity is palpable...and it is in every thread that a liberal is involved in.

Their entire repertoire of Political Discussion is some variation of:






Hater Dupe (I have the Hater Dupe guy on ignore)


And they have no idea how foolish they look. What does that tell you?
The US immigration system is one of the worst in the world. That's wh we have an illegal immigration problem.
The usual nonsense from the usual liberal open-borders fanatic.

We haven't enforced our duly-enacted immigration laws, so flagrantly that the illegal immigrants know they can flout them at will without consequence.

That's why we have an illegal immigration problem.
OK, first, Congress has no authority to regulate immigration.
Second, our laws suck, which is why we have a problem.
Third, go back to the Constitution and anyone who wants to come here, let them come here.

Congress has the authority because the Constitution doesn't deny Congress the authority.

If Congress makes a law to regulate immigration, who has standing to challenge it?
The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS
Here's someone who's ACTUALLY trying to do defang SCOTUS:

Ted Cruz Threatens To Take Away The Supreme Court’s Power To Decide Marriage Equality Cases

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS
Here's someone who's ACTUALLY trying to do defang SCOTUS:

Ted Cruz Threatens To Take Away The Supreme Court’s Power To Decide Marriage Equality Cases

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?

The Constitution allows the people to make ammendments to it. Also, the judges are not following the Constitution.
The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS
Here's someone who's ACTUALLY trying to do defang SCOTUS:

Ted Cruz Threatens To Take Away The Supreme Court’s Power To Decide Marriage Equality Cases

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
No they dont. That never stopped them before, of course. But for Constitutional Conservatives these things matter so as a matter of law the fedgov does not have authority to enforce immigration.
I'll add Jefferson didnt have the authority to authorize the Louisiana Purchase either. The point was made at the time and his response was, "The deal is too good to turn down."

You can scream all you want, doesn't make a difference. SCOTUS basically says that it is constitutional, as long as the fed imposes it, an let it it be written, so let it be done!

Now you can stand on your head and make your case all you want. All that means, is some silly guy is standing on his head screaming, but it means nothing! SCOTUS says it is so, so it is so. Or are you against the constitution, and SCOTUS part in said constitution? You don't mean to tell me, you want to BREAK the constitution, and said powers of each branch of government, now do you!

Well, maybe you want to change the law, yes! OK, get a libertarian? A Communist? A Socialist? A Facist elected to the White House who will change the decision by putting in judges that see it your way. I personally have no idea which kind of judges would. But needless to say------------> just like Obysmalcare, SCOTUS has spoken. Doesn't mean I agree with either, or neither decision, but the law is the law, and SCOTUS has decided it is covered under our constitution; and after all, they are the final word, no matter how hard you try and convince any of us, it is not so.

So, you go ahead with your thread, because our supposed most prolific minds when coming to juris prudence, has decided that you haven't a leg to stand on, and that is all that matters in this current discussion!

Before 1935 SCOTUS invalidated every law enacted by Fuhrer FDR

The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS

Suddenly SCOTUS REVERSES itself and approved eveyr fascist measure adopted by FDR and every president thereafter

And WE THE PEOPLE must obediently grin and bear it



I respond------->see post 134! That is all that matters as off this post, and you can scream, cry, whine, moan, and groan, but it is fact, and that is all that matters.

You left out one option

A massive bloody civil war


Well you go right on ahead. I will use the ballot box. A very wise person once said------->the pen (AKA computer) is mightier than the sword. I concur.

The ballot box?

Will the parasites, berners, and government supremacists also get to vote?

Could that be the reason that our Founding Fathers opted for Plan B?

The American Revolution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765 and 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrew the authority of Great Britain, and founded the United States of America.


Are you saying that only democrats support the Constitution (1787)?


Cheap come on. If you make a real case for something, I shall consider a response.

Well thank you for admitting that you are a racist motherfucker .


We weren't even talking about race, you fucking moron.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch - be a man and admit that you are a KKK Grand Wizard.


Look how this series of posts degenerated once a left-wing loon got involved. I don't care to be any type of message board police...anyone ought to be free to made a fool of himself any way he wants too...and it is good that this Board allows it.

But it is becoming increasingly remarkable....increasingly worth completely bankrupt, foolish, and uneducated the left-wing responses on this board are.

You can't have political discussion with a get "racist mother-fucker" when race was not even in the discussion....and "suck my rod you stupid son-of-a-bitch" when that fact is pointed out.

The absurdity is palpable...and it is in every thread that a liberal is involved in.

Their entire repertoire of Political Discussion is some variation of:






Hater Dupe (I have the Hater Dupe guy on ignore)


And they have no idea how foolish they look. What does that tell you?

It isn't just this board. Its anywhere, anytime that Liberals have a chance to open their mouths.


Are you saying that only democrats support the Constitution (1787)?


Cheap come on. If you make a real case for something, I shall consider a response.

Well thank you for admitting that you are a racist motherfucker .


We weren't even talking about race, you fucking moron.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch - be a man and admit that you are a KKK Grand Wizard.


Look how this series of posts degenerated once a left-wing loon got involved. I don't care to be any type of message board police...anyone ought to be free to made a fool of himself any way he wants too...and it is good that this Board allows it.

But it is becoming increasingly remarkable....increasingly worth completely bankrupt, foolish, and uneducated the left-wing responses on this board are.

You can't have political discussion with a get "racist mother-fucker" when race was not even in the discussion....and "suck my rod you stupid son-of-a-bitch" when that fact is pointed out.

The absurdity is palpable...and it is in every thread that a liberal is involved in.

Their entire repertoire of Political Discussion is some variation of:






Hater Dupe (I have the Hater Dupe guy on ignore)


And they have no idea how foolish they look. What does that tell you?

Suck my rod you stupid racist son-of-a-bitch , Listen cocksucker ,

a link was provided showing that Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd Prez and Founding Father opposed the 1798 Immigration Act - Congress allowed it expired in 1800 and there were NO IMMIGRATION Laws until a RACIST SCOTUS declared that because the Chinese wanted to work in the California gold mines thereby upsetting the Aryan Brotherhood that there was "an emergency" requiring the motherfuckers to act a a mini-legislature and amending the Constitution,


Cheap come on. If you make a real case for something, I shall consider a response.

Well thank you for admitting that you are a racist motherfucker .


We weren't even talking about race, you fucking moron.

Suck my rod you stupid son of a bitch - be a man and admit that you are a KKK Grand Wizard.


Look how this series of posts degenerated once a left-wing loon got involved. I don't care to be any type of message board police...anyone ought to be free to made a fool of himself any way he wants too...and it is good that this Board allows it.

But it is becoming increasingly remarkable....increasingly worth completely bankrupt, foolish, and uneducated the left-wing responses on this board are.

You can't have political discussion with a get "racist mother-fucker" when race was not even in the discussion....and "suck my rod you stupid son-of-a-bitch" when that fact is pointed out.

The absurdity is palpable...and it is in every thread that a liberal is involved in.

Their entire repertoire of Political Discussion is some variation of:






Hater Dupe (I have the Hater Dupe guy on ignore)


And they have no idea how foolish they look. What does that tell you?

Suck my rod you stupid racist son-of-a-bitch , Listen cocksucker ,

a link was provided showing that Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd Prez and Founding Father opposed the 1798 Immigration Act - Congress allowed it expired in 1800 and there were NO IMMIGRATION Laws until a RACIST SCOTUS declared that because the Chinese wanted to work in the California gold mines thereby upsetting the Aryan Brotherhood that there was "an emergency" requiring the motherfuckers to act a a mini-legislature and amending the Constitution,



The Constitution allows the people to make ammendments to it.
OK. Who said they weren't?

Also, the judges are not following the Constitution.
Not your call. Not Rafael's call. The Constitution says they did, by virtue of the fact that the Constitution gives them the final decision.

I certainly didn't think the Justices (not judges - which shows your low level of understanding) were following the Constitution in Bush v. Gore, but I had to live with it. Just as you have to.
What's the problem, according to your link congress has the power to do it and there is legal precedent, upheld by a unanimous decision by the supremes. But Cruz can't do it with an EO like your dear leader tries to do.
Rafael is certainly welcome to introduce a Bill. It will be a new experience for him, rather than just grandstanding.

And you also show your ignorance when you claim that Obama has tried to make new law with EOs. He cannot, and has not tried to. He has affected how existing law is enforced. That is the extent of the power of an Executive Order.

Now - why don't you already know that?
The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS
Here's someone who's ACTUALLY trying to do defang SCOTUS:

Ted Cruz Threatens To Take Away The Supreme Court’s Power To Decide Marriage Equality Cases

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.
What's the problem, according to your link congress has the power to do it and there is legal precedent, upheld by a unanimous decision by the supremes. But Cruz can't do it with an EO like your dear leader tries to do.
Rafael is certainly welcome to introduce a Bill. It will be a new experience for him, rather than just grandstanding.

And you also show your ignorance when you claim that Obama has tried to make new law with EOs. He cannot, and has not tried to. He has affected how existing law is enforced. That is the extent of the power of an Executive Order.

Now - why don't you already know that?
You stupid pole smoker. If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.
If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.

You remain an idiot who thinks he's smart. The saddest type.

Please show me where conservatives have railed against prosecutorial discretion, because that's all this is.
The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS
Here's someone who's ACTUALLY trying to do defang SCOTUS:

Ted Cruz Threatens To Take Away The Supreme Court’s Power To Decide Marriage Equality Cases

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.
Please cite which clause fo the Constitution does this, you ignorant prick.
If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.

You remain an idiot who thinks he's smart. The saddest type.

Please show me where conservatives have railed against prosecutorial discretion, because that's all this is.
Obama is a prosecutor? Wow, who knew?
You stupid ignorant prick,an EO is not the document a prosecutor issues.

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