Constitutional Conservatives Support Open Borders

What's the problem, according to your link congress has the power to do it and there is legal precedent, upheld by a unanimous decision by the supremes. But Cruz can't do it with an EO like your dear leader tries to do.
Rafael is certainly welcome to introduce a Bill. It will be a new experience for him, rather than just grandstanding.

And you also show your ignorance when you claim that Obama has tried to make new law with EOs. He cannot, and has not tried to. He has affected how existing law is enforced. That is the extent of the power of an Executive Order.

Now - why don't you already know that?

Really, how is your dear leader issuing work permits to people the law says aren't eligible for them? Oh right, the courts slapped the shit out him for that, didn't they?

Also as far as Cruz introducing a bill, the last one he introduce passed both houses unanimously and your dear leader signed it. So sit back and suck on that one for a while.
The motherfucker threatened to abolish SCOTUS
Here's someone who's ACTUALLY trying to do defang SCOTUS:

Ted Cruz Threatens To Take Away The Supreme Court’s Power To Decide Marriage Equality Cases

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.

But if congress says the lower courts can consider a matter, it will never make it to the supremes.

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.
Please cite which clause fo the Constitution does this, you ignorant prick.
Clause 2, Section 2.
If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.

You remain an idiot who thinks he's smart. The saddest type.

Please show me where conservatives have railed against prosecutorial discretion, because that's all this is.
Obama is a prosecutor? Wow, who knew?
You stupid ignorant prick,an EO is not the document a prosecutor issues.
It's still the use of legal discretion. Prosecutors have it in determining whether to prosecute a crime, and the POTUS has it in determining whether to enforce.

What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.

But if congress says the lower courts can consider a matter, it will never make it to the supremes.
It will as soon as someone appeals.
What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.

But if congress says the lower courts can consider a matter, it will never make it to the supremes.
It will as soon as someone appeals.

If the lower court can't consider a matter, it can't be appealed, congress controls the appellate courts too.
Also as far as Cruz introducing a bill, the last one he introduce passed both houses unanimously and your dear leader signed it.
What bill was that?

What's wrong smarty pants, is your google broke?

Senate votes to bar Iran's UN pick from entering US | Fox News
Oh, I thought it was going to be a re-naming of a post office in Reagan's honor. But this is close.

A showboat bill. OK, that's cool. But it's nothing of consequence.

Cruz is a civil service, elective lightweight. He should have followed Al Franken's lead and kept his fucking mouth closed for the first term, and do a lot of work. Ted Cruz could have done the work. He has a decent brain. But he chose to run for POTUS after 3 years of being in public office, and never having any Executive experience.
Most people that call themselves "constitutional conservatives" don't base what they say on the reality of the constitution, but based on their hatred of government. Don't fucking tell me that millions of professors in law, constitutional matters and judges are all wrong and some red neck backwater prick is somehow right.

The constitution allows the federal government to have a public sector and to help people. Period. in away if the people vote for the government to do things = more democratic. i am glad we have clean air, water and food regulations in this country! I am glad we have a government that believes education and science is worth investing in.
What? Cruz proposed to not make Americans subject to judges as rulers? The f'ing gall!
I thought he (and you) was the one who always wants to uphold the Constitution?

Doesn't the Constitution say that SCOTUS Justices are the final arbiters of whether a law is un-Constitutional?

And that's an Article, not an Amendment, correct?
You're such an ignorant turd. That's why debate is impossible.
There is nothing in the Constitution awarding the Supreme Court that power. They took it on themselves with Marbury v Madison.
Maybe you should stick to Halakha. Here in the U.S. our Constitution gives the SCOTUS the authority to rule whether any law that comes before them is Constitutional or not.

That's it. Period.
Please cite which clause fo the Constitution does this, you ignorant prick.
Clause 2, Section 2.
There is no such thing as "Clause 2 Section 2" in citing the Constitution. Cites are by Article, Section, and Clause.
You are truly an ignorant prick.
If Obama will not enforce a law then he effectively legalizes whatever the law criminalized. That is making law.

You remain an idiot who thinks he's smart. The saddest type.

Please show me where conservatives have railed against prosecutorial discretion, because that's all this is.
Obama is a prosecutor? Wow, who knew?
You stupid ignorant prick,an EO is not the document a prosecutor issues.
It's still the use of legal discretion. Prosecutors have it in determining whether to prosecute a crime, and the POTUS has it in determining whether to enforce.
What section of the Constitution gives the POTUS the power to choose which laws he wants to enforce? There is none, you ignorant prick.
Also as far as Cruz introducing a bill, the last one he introduce passed both houses unanimously and your dear leader signed it.
What bill was that?

What's wrong smarty pants, is your google broke?

Senate votes to bar Iran's UN pick from entering US | Fox News
Oh, I thought it was going to be a re-naming of a post office in Reagan's honor. But this is close.

A showboat bill. OK, that's cool. But it's nothing of consequence.

Cruz is a civil service, elective lightweight. He should have followed Al Franken's lead and kept his fucking mouth closed for the first term, and do a lot of work. Ted Cruz could have done the work. He has a decent brain. But he chose to run for POTUS after 3 years of being in public office, and never having any Executive experience.
Wow, imagine the nerve of a white man running for president after only 3 years of being in public office!
Actually Cruz was in public office since 2003 as Solicitor General.
I would love to debate Rafael Cruz. I'd more than hold my own. Because I've heard his arguments and they are wanting.
You can't hold your own on this forum, you ignorant prick. You get schooled every day by people with nothing better to do than sit here and post. Cruz would destroy you in the first 5 seconds.
Anyone styling himself a constitutional conservative must support open borders. Those who do not are merely statists as the has no power to regulate borders.

Well, I am a constitutional conservative and I don't support open borders. I am not a statist, I am a federalist. It is true the federal government has limited enumerated powers, however they are predicated on national sovereignty. Without borders there is no "federal government" because we are not sovereign.

This argument is as silly as claiming, if you're a constitutional conservative, you must believe the president should live in a tent along the Potomac.... because the constitution says nothing about putting him up in a white house.
Anyone styling himself a constitutional conservative must support open borders. Those who do not are merely statists as the has no power to regulate borders.

Well, I am a constitutional conservative and I don't support open borders. I am not a statist, I am a federalist. It is true the federal government has limited enumerated powers, however they are predicated on national sovereignty. Without borders there is no "federal government" because we are not sovereign.

This argument is as silly as claiming, if you're a constitutional conservative, you must believe the president should live in a tent along the Potomac.... because the constitution says nothing about putting him up in a white house.
Based on your idea there is nothing the federal government could not do. That goes against the notion of limited enumerated powers, which is the cornerstone of our system.
We had a country long before we had an immigration system.

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