"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?


"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?

You don't understand the issue or what is meant by constitutional crisis apparently. Checks and balances, snooks. The orange one isn't above the law

What "law" is that, Nazi Jill?

Mewler is Grand Inquisitor of the Witch Hunt, care to cite which article or amendment of the Constitution authorizes such an actor? Mewler is a hack working on behalf of the opposition party to effect a coup on a legally elected President.

That is treason - which actually is in the Constitution.

The problem is, you have never read the Constitution.
Witch hunts have no evidence.
This current investigation has evidence.
Mueller started as head of FBI just before sept 11 attacks. He term was unanimously extended by republicans on 2011. Probably nobody is better suited for this job. He is also a republican.
Mueller is a regressive rino shill.
There are a whole lot of reasons why we are where we are. We have all been brainwashed by liberal education and the myths of what is and is not in the constitution.

For example, most of us think the constitution is about democracy. The word does not appear in any of the documents. There is a reason. It is a republic for a reason. A democracy is mob rule. The socialists want that. Trust that. Look at the losers pushing the "popular vote." What do you think that is all about?

There have been so many government agencies formed by our government. So many damn agencies controlling our lives. IRS, FBI, EPA, on and on and on. None of them have anything to do with the constitution. In fact all of them are really anti constitution.

This where we are and it getting worse, not better.
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"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?

You don't understand the issue or what is meant by constitutional crisis apparently. Checks and balances, snooks. The orange one isn't above the law
The three branches of government check each other. The executive branch doesn't check it's self. The justice department reports to the president. The courts can block the presidents moves as unconstitutional and congress can impeach his ass... those are your checks and balances on the executive branch.
The Senate DEMs are competing for at least ten seats in states where Trump kicked ass.
Anyone who believes the Dems could take control of the Senate is fucking delusional.
Anyone who believes the DEMs are going to take control of Congress is fucking stupid.
No matter how many times you LIB morons 'circle-jerk' the Senate and Congress is going to stay in the hands of the REPs.
"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?'

The crisis the country now faces, due to recent revelations, is the evidence that the Federal Bureau of Investigations has been transformed into a corrupt, criminally partisan agency that committed the crimes of sedition, tampering with evidence, Obstruction, Aiding and Abetting criminal activity by protecting those who committed those crimes, Campaign law (illegally buying and using in a U.S. election a false report containing Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians), and other crimes.

In short, the FBI has betrayed the trust of an entire nation, becoming an organization - a Federal Agency of the United States Government - led by criminals.

The leaders of this agency criminally aided and abetted the Russians by hiding their criminal activity, placed their loyalty in a political party and the specific leaders / members of that party rather than remaining loyal 1st and foremost to this nation.

It's reputation is forfeit, which unfortunately is not fair to the many honest, hard-working, dedicated, honest agents within the agency. Deputy Director Andrew 'insurance Policy' McCabe's testimony before Congress did nothing to change that, except to possibly make matters worse, resulting in more coming Subpoenas.

"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?

You don't understand the issue or what is meant by constitutional crisis apparently. Checks and balances, snooks. The orange one isn't above the law

What "law" is that, Nazi Jill?

Mewler is Grand Inquisitor of the Witch Hunt, care to cite which article or amendment of the Constitution authorizes such an actor? Mewler is a hack working on behalf of the opposition party to effect a coup on a legally elected President.

That is treason - which actually is in the Constitution.

The problem is, you have never read the Constitution.

I find it funny that you bigoted losers think I'm the nazi.

But then again you're such a police you'd have voted for Adolph.
"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?'

The crisis the country now faces, due to recent revelations, is the evidence that the Federal Bureau of Investigations has been transformed into a corrupt, criminally partisan agency that committed the crimes of sedition, tampering with evidence, Obstruction, Aiding and Abetting criminal activity by protecting those who committed those crimes, Campaign law (illegally buying and using in a U.S. election a false report containing Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians), and other crimes.

In short, the FBI has betrayed the trust of an entire nation, becoming an organization - a Federal Agency of the United States Government - led by criminals.

The leaders of this agency criminally aided and abetted the Russians by hiding their criminal activity, placed their loyalty in a political party and the specific leaders / members of that party rather than remaining loyal 1st and foremost to this nation.

It's reputation is forfeit, which unfortunately is not fair to the many honest, hard-working, dedicated, honest agents within the agency. Deputy Director Andrew 'insurance Policy' McCabe's testimony before Congress did nothing to change that, except to possibly make matters worse, resulting in more coming Subpoenas.
The FBI has really always been that. Until I see an actual ex field agent APPOINTED by a president and not some lawyer who have no experience in doing actual FBI work, then I may change my mind.

The FBI directors have all been lawyers, appointed. Which means they are all politicians. We all know lawyers lie and politicians lie. How lawyers who are politicians?


Lawyers? Yeah, they sure are.

"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?

You don't understand the issue or what is meant by constitutional crisis apparently. Checks and balances, snooks. The orange one isn't above the law

What "law" is that, Nazi Jill?

Mewler is Grand Inquisitor of the Witch Hunt, care to cite which article or amendment of the Constitution authorizes such an actor? Mewler is a hack working on behalf of the opposition party to effect a coup on a legally elected President.

That is treason - which actually is in the Constitution.

The problem is, you have never read the Constitution.
Mueller is a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican to investigate a Republican administration. Don't see how that makes him a hack working a witch hunt for the opposition party. That description seems to fit Ken Starr a lot more than Mueller.

"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?

You don't understand the issue or what is meant by constitutional crisis apparently. Checks and balances, snooks. The orange one isn't above the law
What law, dingbat? The FBI is part of the executive branch. Trump is Mueller' s boss

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The director of the FBI serves at the pleasure of the President. If he is ever unhappy with the director performance he is free to can the asshole. How could this be a crisis?
Mueller is a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican to investigate a Republican administration. Don't see how that makes him a hack working a witch hunt for the opposition party. That description seems to fit Ken Starr a lot more than Mueller.
I have heard this from others. Political partisanship is not the only motivation for perpetrating crimes...and yes, evidence shows Mueller committed crimes.

Being a 'Republican' does not justify hiding Russia's intention of buying Uranium One, hiding their crimes of Bribery / Extortion / Intimidation / etc..., and / or protecting Hillary from selling the country out by taking $100+ million in bribes from the Russians at the height of their Bribery scandal. (Everyone else who took money from the Russians is guilty of accepting 'Bribes'...but not Hillary? WTF?)

Being a 'Republican' does not justify his past documented investigative and prosecutorial misconduct, stacking the deck against Trump by filling his Counsel with anti-Trump Pro-Hillary DNC / Hillary donors and corrupt Clinton Lawyers, refusing to provide Congress with the documents / information they have asked for, illegally exercising an illegal seizure by confiscating files / items not on their warrant, and disregarding law by seizing privileged information / communications.

His being a Republican does not justify his own conflicts of interest, and it sure as heel doesn't excuse / explain / justify the revealed sedition within the FBI, as demonstrated by evidence found in communications involving Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe, whose incomplete and shoddy testimony before Congress just resulted in a fresh batch of Subpoenas going out to find out how deep the sedition and criminal partisan activity within the FBI goes.
Witch hunts have no evidence.

Exactly, witch hunts scream "collusion" and when none is found, move on to the next unfounded allegation in hopes of finding, or fabricating something, ANYTHING to pin on the victim.

This current investigation has evidence.

Oh? Is it "super secret double probation" evidence?

Mueller started as head of FBI just before sept 11 attacks. He term was unanimously extended by republicans on 2011. Probably nobody is better suited for this job. He is also a republican.

Mewler is a DNC hack who has filled his team with Hillary campaign thugs.

He has violated federal law in his zeal to undo the election on behalf of Hillary.


"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?
'constitutional crisis' is the code word/term for 'impeachment of the president' of the united states

whenever someone uses constitutional crisis, that's what it means

Well, good luck with the Comrade.

"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?
'constitutional crisis' is the code word/term for 'impeachment of the president' of the united states

whenever someone uses constitutional crisis, that's what it means

Well, good luck with the Comrade.
Good luck with what? I only explained that whenever someone mentions a constitutional crisis in the media or by politicians, they are speaking about, impeachment... impeachment is what they mean when they say constitutional crisis.... at least from all that I have observed saying the term...
Comrade Uncensored2008 thinks the President Trump can rule by decree not law.
What we're now learning should be a big concern for every American. It's looking like the Obama admin and Hillary were working to corrupt every level of government.
This is some serious shit we should all be demanding answers to.

"Constitutional crisis" for firing FBI?

how can there be a "constitutional crisis" for firing FBI, when the founders didn't create the FBI, and the Constitution never called for the forming of an FBI?

You don't understand the issue or what is meant by constitutional crisis apparently. Checks and balances, snooks. The orange one isn't above the law

What "law" is that, Nazi Jill?

Mewler is Grand Inquisitor of the Witch Hunt, care to cite which article or amendment of the Constitution authorizes such an actor? Mewler is a hack working on behalf of the opposition party to effect a coup on a legally elected President.

That is treason - which actually is in the Constitution.

The problem is, you have never read the Constitution.

I find it funny that you bigoted losers think I'm the nazi.

But then again you're such a police you'd have voted for Adolph.

You are a Nazi. You're a Hamas supporting democrat pile of shit.

You're also dumb as a brick. No doubt you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA that Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (well DUH.) I mean, you're a JOOOOOOO hating democrat after all, and your whole filthy party is fuming that Trump upset your Hezbollah and ISIS allies...

Death to Israel is your motto, just like the rest of the democrats, Nazi Jill.
One has to wonder if they even understand the term "Constitutional Crisis".

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