Conversion Therapy For Minors Rejected By U.S. Supreme Court!

Our son got this sick idea in his head that he wanted to date a black girl. But we fixed him right up with some "reparative therapy".

Thank God!
We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!
Nice. If you want to pretend you aren't gay as an adult, knock yourself out, but the therapy either way is malpractice. Snake oil from religious homophobes.
scratch a liberal especially a liberal/homosexual find a FASCIST

[MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] @Diablo Blanco [MENTION=11674]Sunni Man[/MENTION]
Why not turn the tables on liberal politics?

If people want to "ban the choice" of treatment they fear as harmful,
ask them to apply the same to abortion which has been argued for years as harmful.

So let's do the research.
Let's compare the research of harm resulting from abortion
with harm from conversion therapy.

So if you are going to ban one, what about the other?
Our son got this sick idea in his head that he wanted to date a black girl. But we fixed him right up with some "reparative therapy".

Thank God!

oh knock it look like a frikken loony toon
We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!
Nice. If you want to pretend you aren't gay as an adult, knock yourself out, but the therapy either way is malpractice. Snake oil from religious homophobes.


People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.

Just because spiritual healing therapy doesn't apply to all people
doesn't mean it doesn't help other people, and save lives and marriages!

NOTE: this is NOT the same as forced conversion that I agree is malpractice and fraud/abuse.
The point is not to confuse that fraud with lifesaving effective recovery that works for people who are naturally heterosexual.
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We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!

U.S. Supreme Rejects Challenge To California?s Ban On Conversion Therapy For Minors| Gay News | Towleroad

Adults remain able to receive this therapy. I feel for those who are gay, and for various reasons, wish they were not. American society fully accepting gay Americans may help.
We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!
Nice. If you want to pretend you aren't gay as an adult, knock yourself out, but the therapy either way is malpractice. Snake oil from religious homophobes.


People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.

Just because spiritual healing therapy doesn't apply to all people
doesn't mean it doesn't help other people, and save lives and marriages!

NOTE: this is NOT the same as forced conversion that I agree is malpractice and fraud/abuse.
The point is not to confuse that fraud with lifesaving effective recovery that works for people who are naturally heterosexual.
It's total nonsense. It's for people raised in overtly religious ways that can't deal with reality and when reality strikes they seek out even more nonsense to try and deal with what they were raised never to accept. If God creates life then he creates plenty of gay life as well.
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We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!

U.S. Supreme Rejects Challenge To California?s Ban On Conversion Therapy For Minors| Gay News | Towleroad

Adults remain able to receive this therapy. I feel for those who are gay, and for various reasons, wish they were not. American society fully accepting gay Americans may help.
It as helped for quite some time now but there are still nutters who believe that being gay means you are going to Hell. Utter nonsense.
notice they don't have a damn problem with minors having an abortion without a parents consent

or teaching grade school children about two mommies or two daddies

but some homosexual therapy, the go ape shit over

you people's priorities are screwed up
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Our son got this sick idea in his head that he wanted to date a black girl. But we fixed him right up with some "reparative therapy".

Thank God!
[MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] No, the methods that work for racial healing tend to help couples stay married
and resolve issues with family members etc. the point of healing is to restore natural harmony, not harm or force anything on anyone.

Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness - Home

The difference with race versus orientation,
after going through spiritual healing to resolve conflicts emotions and abuses
* no one has ever changed race to become a race they were not in the first place
* people have returned to their original/natural orientation so this CAN change

* "race" refers to a physical level by birth determined by "race" of both parents
(if you disagree with external labels for "race" you can go by genetic DNA from parents)
* orientation can involve spiritual or social factors and behaviors that can change

* healing HAS resulted in people changing their orientations to "what they are naturally"
* healing does NOT change anyone's race since they're already that, what they are naturally!

these two cannot be directly compared

What is in common, is the healing process helps people come to higher peace with their natural selves and natural harmony in relationships.
Race does not change by "healing" but people's orientations and behavior can and have, by restoring their natural born state, not something they aren't.
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notice they don't have a damn problem with minors having an abortion without a parents consent

I have a serious problem with minors being allowed to get abortions without a parent's consent.

So swing and a miss.
Our son got this sick idea in his head that he wanted to date a black girl. But we fixed him right up with some "reparative therapy".

Thank God!

* no one has ever changed race to become a race they were not in the first place

I wasn't talking about changing race. I was talking about one's sexual preference for a member of a different race and "reparative therapy" to change that.

Swing and a miss.
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We were elated to learn that this practice was rejected in California by a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court!! That is GREAT News! Children will now not have to fear being sent to get it!

U.S. Supreme Rejects Challenge To California?s Ban On Conversion Therapy For Minors| Gay News | Towleroad

Adults remain able to receive this therapy. I feel for those who are gay, and for various reasons, wish they were not. American society fully accepting gay Americans may help.
It as helped for quite some time now but there are still nutters who believe that being gay means you are going to Hell. Utter nonsense.

Have you died? If so was there a heaven or hell?
See ...
How nutty are you to be so stupid as to share with everyone YOUR opinion which is based solely on your "feelings.... oh oh feelings... OH OH feelings..." Geez people like you really are stupid!
If someone believes something that hasn't an ounce of FACT i.e. there is a Heaven or HELL... why are you ragging on them?
YOU believe there isn't! What is the difference between them and you???

So please don't show your juvenile sophomoric grade school mentality by poking fun at others when YOU stated YOUR belief!
Adults remain able to receive this therapy. I feel for those who are gay, and for various reasons, wish they were not. American society fully accepting gay Americans may help.
It as helped for quite some time now but there are still nutters who believe that being gay means you are going to Hell. Utter nonsense.

Have you died? If so was there a heaven or hell?
See ...
How nutty are you to be so stupid as to share with everyone YOUR opinion which is based solely on your "feelings.... oh oh feelings... OH OH feelings..." Geez people like you really are stupid!
If someone believes something that hasn't an ounce of FACT i.e. there is a Heaven or HELL... why are you ragging on them?
YOU believe there isn't! What is the difference between them and you???

So please don't show your juvenile sophomoric grade school mentality by poking fun at others when YOU stated YOUR belief!
My opinion is based on a rational understanding of humanity and its religious traditions. If you knew Christianity well you would also know why I would say such a thing. it has to do with the existence of Heaven and Hell.

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