Convincing The Rational


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Most of us in here realize that we're not going to change the minds of hard-core leftists. Including me.

But, are we also wasting our time trying to 'Convince The Rational' with facts and reason?

I don't know. Here's somebody that's a better writer than I am to help explain it. I recommend it for a short read --

................The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand.

It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief.

No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites.

Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point 'They control the morality and they will impose it on society'.
Most of us in here realize that we're not going to change the minds of hard-core leftists. Including me.

But, are we also wasting our time trying to 'Convince The Rational' with facts and reason?

I don't know. Here's somebody that's a better writer than I am to help explain it. I recommend it for a short read --

................The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand.

It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief.

No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites.

Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point 'They control the morality and they will impose it on society'.
Getting along is way overrated...
Most of us in here realize that we're not going to change the minds of hard-core leftists. Including me.

But, are we also wasting our time trying to 'Convince The Rational' with facts and reason?

I don't know. Here's somebody that's a better writer than I am to help explain it. I recommend it for a short read --

................The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand.

It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief.

No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites.

Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point 'They control the morality and they will impose it on society'.
You're trying to use reason against the feelz....Almost never works.
Most of us in here realize that we're not going to change the minds of hard-core leftists. Including me.

But, are we also wasting our time trying to 'Convince The Rational' with facts and reason?

I don't know. Here's somebody that's a better writer than I am to help explain it. I recommend it for a short read --

Smollett Thoughts | The Z Blog

................The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand.

It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief.

No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites.

Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point 'They control the morality and they will impose it on society'.
You're trying to use reason against the feelz....Almost never works.
Most of us in here realize that we're not going to change the minds of hard-core leftists. Including me.

But, are we also wasting our time trying to 'Convince The Rational' with facts and reason?

I don't know. Here's somebody that's a better writer than I am to help explain it. I recommend it for a short read --

Smollett Thoughts | The Z Blog

................The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand.

It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief.

No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites.

Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point 'They control the morality and they will impose it on society'.
Its fun to watch sycophantic conservatives self project...
Most of us in here realize that we're not going to change the minds of hard-core leftists. Including me.

But, are we also wasting our time trying to 'Convince The Rational' with facts and reason?

I don't know. Here's somebody that's a better writer than I am to help explain it. I recommend it for a short read --

Smollett Thoughts | The Z Blog

................The other side of this dynamic is the civic nationalists are close to a frenzy, trying to prove the next hoax false, confident that this time will do the trick. The Left, confronted with the reality of these hoaxes, will throw down their weapons and finally admit, that yeah, these things are fake. The fear of the secret invisible Hitler people is all nonsense. During every one of these, the CivNats start blinking to one another, working the details of the puzzle, confident that their “eureka!” moment is at hand.

It is a good example of the central challenge of this age. Guys like Steve Sailer truly believe they can turn the tide with facts and reason. He probably has 25 posts on this Smollett thing. He has been working the hate-hoax angle for close to two decades now, yet here we are anyway. He is no closer to unriddling the hate hoax puzzle than he was twenty years ago. If anything, the hoaxes have become more outlandish. Even so, he will keep trying to use facts and reason to address a matter of belief.

No doubt, some civic nationalist types would argue that their project is not about convincing the Left. It is about demonstrating to normal people that these people are dishonest, crazy or even dangerous. In other words, using facts and reason is not about countering belief, but about convincing the rational. The trouble is the Left is undefeated against this strategy and it permits them to own the moral high ground. In this case, they were the ones defending the victim against those evil whites.

Culture wars are moral wars. It is about imposing your morality on the other side, no matter what it takes. It’s why radicals have had no qualms about using violence against their perceived enemies. It’s why Antifa exists. They’re not trying to prove their case or win arguments. They are about clubbing the doubters into submission. From the perspective of the Left, this Smollett affair was a big win. They reinforced an important point 'They control the morality and they will impose it on society'.
You're trying to use reason against the feelz....Almost never works.
View attachment 247812

Bad beer?
Seems its easy to get caught up all or nothing thinking.
gotten so over the top crazy that I have had to take a good hard look at my self getting caught up my self.
had to go back and check out the importance of each issue.
not get caught up in the small petty stuff.
do as much research as possible on what's really important. remember that hate of your fellow American serves no one's best interest .
Trying to convince wingers on either end of anything, on an internet message board, is a pointless endeavor.
View attachment 247813
There is a difference between intelligence and being afflicted with a hardcore partisan ideology.

The two are mutually exclusive.

I hate Tu Quoque fallacies.

Here it is dewd..... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

They are the lowest form of life to ever exist on the Planet. Period.

We, as a Country, have done more to uplift the human spirit, improve the human condition than any Country in the Hisotry of Man.

We have fought Wars to end slavery, submission and bondage. We have sacrificed greatly as citizens to help others not as well as off as us.

We virtually cured world hunger, ended epidemics of disease, sent our Doctors and scientists to help others and yet....

dimocrap FILTH hate America.

That is no shit. They absolutely hate America, they hate the people that founded it, they hate America's traditions and more than anything else -- They hate you.

They don't hate Trump. They don't hate Trump in any form or fashion. It was just a short time ago that Trump was a democrat.

He spoke like a dem, he voted for them, he contributed to them and he campaigned for them.

What's changed?

He became a populist and got the support of you and of me.

It is US that dimocrap FILTH hate. Not Trump. Not Republicans.


They really don't even hate America that much. They just hate that you and I still run it.

I'm telling you, people. dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

I have no desire to work with them, to be around them, to associate with them or to even tolerate them.

AFAIC, they can all disappear from the Planet.

You can't change them. You can't re-educate them or re-train them. They're too far gone. The only thing left is to completely and totally remove them from power.

Or worse.
Trying to convince wingers on either end of anything, on an internet message board, is a pointless endeavor.
View attachment 247813
There is a difference between intelligence and being afflicted with a hardcore partisan ideology.

The two are mutually exclusive.

I hate Tu Quoque fallacies.

Here it is dewd..... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

They are the lowest form of life to ever exist on the Planet. Period.

We, as a Country, have done more to uplift the human spirit, improve the human condition than any Country in the Hisotry of Man.

We have fought Wars to end slavery, submission and bondage. We have sacrificed greatly as citizens to help others not as well as off as us.

We virtually cured world hunger, ended epidemics of disease, sent our Doctors and scientists to help others and yet....

dimocrap FILTH hate America.

That is no shit. They absolutely hate America, they hate the people that founded it, they hate America's traditions and more than anything else -- They hate you.

They don't hate Trump. They don't hate Trump in any form or fashion. It was just a short time ago that Trump was a democrat.

He spoke like a dem, he voted for them, he contributed to them and he campaigned for them.

What's changed?

He became a populist and got the support of you and of me.

It is US that dimocrap FILTH hate. Not Trump. Not Republicans.


They really don't even hate America that much. They just hate that you and I still run it.

I'm telling you, people. dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

I have no desire to work with them, to be around them, to associate with them or to even tolerate them.

AFAIC, they can all disappear from the Planet.

You can't change them. You can't re-educate them or re-train them. They're too far gone. The only thing left is to completely and totally remove them from power.

Or worse.

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