Conway Goes off on CNN Reporter Who Questions Her About Her Husband' Negative Trump Tweets...

Thanks for proving my point. :113:
Your point is illogical.
You have no point other than that your bias overrules you ability to put things in their proper perspective.

Trump comments on a material fact in an investigation over government corruption and you somehow think that opens up a can of worms allowing the media to trash Conways marriage. We both know that bringing up her husband's unrelated tweets and misinterpreting the context of those tweets was a pretty low blow and meant to deflect from the glaring facts of the investigation. CNN keeps showing us why their ratings are piss-poor because of their penchant for yellow journalism and their lack of integrity.
My own personal experiences with CNN gives me the impression that CNN is an extremely anti-american outfit that can't be considered a reliable source of news. The public knows this. Charlie Hebdo is held in higher is Fox News.

Saying to McCabe, "Ask your wife what it feels like to be a loser" is not part of any investigation. Conway is a hypocrite and so are you.
Conway didn't tweet it......the president did.
Does anything the president tweets give CNN the right to trash his staff's families?

I guess you cocksuckers feel there is no line you won't cross.

All that attitude will get you is a massive backlash against you.

Jesus Christ are you dumb? Conway said that CNN started this whole issue of using the spouse's political position against the other... AND IT WAS HER BOSS TRUMP THAT DID IT FIRST.

Yeah.....Trump started it.
I guess the media didn't say that their kid was Autistic.....and didn't make fun of Melania's accent.
I also guess they never called her a prostitute dropout.
They never tried to set up Don Jr by bringing in some Russian lawyer that never should have been allowed in the country, to make it appear that they were colluding with Russians.
Trump started it.


Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones.

What you just mentioned has nothing to do with using a spouse's political position against them. Try to stick to the topic.

You know... what the thread is actually about?
Couples don’t agree on everything well shit lets have a congressional committee look into this. People’s ability to find controversy and outrage over nothing is truly amazing.

I'd generally agree with you here, if it weren't the fact you support Trump, the man that started this entire issue. It makes you come across as having crocodile tears.
The fact you seem to think I give a frogs fart about this is rather sad I find it amusing so many on both sides are trying to make it into a big deal. Sorry but I am not a member of the phony outrage club if the rest of you wish to continue trying to make this mole hill into a mountain so be it I'm not interested.
Couples don’t agree on everything well shit lets have a congressional committee look into this. People’s ability to find controversy and outrage over nothing is truly amazing.

I'd generally agree with you here, if it weren't the fact you support Trump, the man that started this entire issue. It makes you come across as having crocodile tears.
The fact you seem to think I give a frogs fart about this is rather sad I find it amusing so many on both sides are trying to make it into a big deal. Sorry but I am not a member of the phony outrage club if the rest of you wish to continue trying to make this mole hill into a mountain so be it I'm not interested.

It's more about the context than the actual statement. Sorry you don't get it. Conway made a big hellaballoo about what the host asked, when HER BOSS did the same thing long beforehand.

What you are a member of, is the group of hypocrites who will watch Trump do something on this level and give rep points to all your buddies in a thread about it, and laugh and post about how Trump is kicking people's asses by pointing out the issue...

...and then you come to a thread like this and say it is nothing, and that the host that brought it up is in the wrong.

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