Coordinating Censorship


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can we use comic book stylized storytelling to link non-race groups/communities such as the LGBT (which harbor civics-grudges similar to those of race-groups such as the NAACP) to race-politics, since such associations can illuminate beneficial racism-related 'democracy sociology' in America?

If we make films such as Colors, we can certainly convince the Trump Administration to pay more attention to 'pedestrian folklore.' Isn't that what free speech is all about? After all, we're very proud that America offers contract-negotiation vigilance-themed films such as Captain America: Civil War, films that nations with less free-speech protection (e.g., North Korea, Cuba) would simply not market.

Here's a short-story I wrote (below) about vigilance-engaged fantastic race-politics. I just don't want to give up on President Trump and say, "A finance-wizard can not help an America in need of more creative discourse!" What do you think Trump would say about such a comic book story? How do you feel about his controversial comments in the media? Maybe Trump is no Captain America, but maybe he is at least 'Citizen Microphone.'

Trump's comments have drawn out many considerations regarding censorship and oration.


Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), the two finest vigilantes in America, went on a crusade to alleviate the problem of racism in America, since they believed it contributed to community values demoralization, poverty-inspired crime justification in the ghetto, political corruption, civics mismanagement (e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots) and of course, narcotics-trafficking related deterioration of under-funded minority inner-cities. Lantern and Arrow had a special 'technique' to deal with this terrible modern-era malady: psychological hygiene (as they called it). Lantern would appeal to black men and white politicians (neglectful of civics responsibilities and educational motivation) by asking them, "Would you rather support gay (homosexual) men (who may seem foreign/unusual to you) or racism-related 'social criminals' (e.g., hate-crime offenders)?" Arrow would ask black females and white female politicians (equally neglectful of civics responsibilities and educational motivation) by asking them, "Would you rather celebrate sexual liberation (e.g., '60s counter-culture lifestyle) or racism-related sexual harassment (e.g., Anita Hill)?"

After about a year of promoting their 'crusade' on the streets of NYC and LA, Lantern and Arrow got a lot of press, as the media hailed them as 'offbeat priests' disseminating creative ideas about using 'lifestyle psychology' to transcend the real evil in America --- racism. Lantern wondered if Arrow's hyping of '60s bohemianism was sufficient to promote the liberal values necessary to challenge racism in the modern age of consumerism-related moral neglect and gluttony (e.g., Enron). Arrow wondered if Lantern's referencing of homosexual tolerance (gay males) in America was sufficient to deal with the problem of machismo-related hate-crimes in the inner-cities. Nevertheless, the two vigilantes were happy with the work the other was doing, and they made such a 'nifty' duo, the media was hailing them as the new age 'JFK/RFK' in terms of political excitement (if not leadership prestige)! However, Lantern and Arrow wondered if tackling racism would draw out an even greater evil --- the anti-vigilante (or 'villain').

One day, Lantern and Arrow read a story in the LA Times about a strange hooded man wandering around the beaches of southern California in the daytime and throwing sand in the eyes of ethnic minorities passing by. This mysterious man always fled the 'scene of the crime/insult' before he could be identified or apprehended, and Lantern and Arrow realized they had a real 'villain' in their midst. Soon this 'Sandman' sent a notice to the LA Times, which would change the way Lantern and Arrow would tackle the problem of racism-related foolishness in America. The American celebrities (movie-stars) Alec Baldwin and Jennifer Connelly were so alarmed at the news of this 'Sandman' (as the press named him) that they also sent a notice to the LA Times, which itself would change the way Lantern and Arrow would address citizenry-engaged vigilance.


"I challenge Green Lantern and Green Arrow to catch me and prove that I am intentionally targeting ethnic minorities when I throw sand in their eyes. I mean, since there are so many minorities (also illegal immigrants) in America right now, who can determine if I'm specifically targeting minorities or the general rabble aimlessly wandering around the beaches of LA? I am frustrated, because I simply do not see the spiritual or intellectual link between 'lifestyle inspiration' (as Lantern and Arrow 'hype') and sociopolitical reform (racism, religious intolerance, etc.). I also do not support the LGBT or liberal/hippie communities (like Lantern and Arrow do). Does this make me a 'villain'?"


"We are very inspired by the deeds of Green Lantern and Green Arrow and believe their work with 'lifestyle optimism communities' (e.g., LGBT, liberals, etc.) makes them visionaries in their crusade against racism in America. We are also concerned that this 'villain' the Sandman is indeed pulling the wool over America's eyes by claiming there's no 'intentional' pattern to his throwing of sand at ethnic minorities visiting the beaches of southern California! That's why we intend to make a film about progressive race-politics titled Citizen Grudge, and we hope Lantern and Arrow can revolutionize civics, so they can motivate this frightening Sandman to enjoy the film with them peacefully in some kind of incarceration-rehabilitation center rather than adding to the fuels of the terrible (and evil) flame of uninspiring racism in democratic USA!"



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