Cop assassinated in New Mexico by illegal

The population of El Paso, Texas is 85% Hispanic immigrants and is ranked as 6th safest big city with a violent crime rate of less than 4 per 1,000 residents.
They are one of the leading illegal sanctuary cities in the US, a hotbed of Covid infection and death.
With the help of the Pope...
The population of El Paso, Texas is 85% Hispanic immigrants and is ranked as 6th safest big city with a violent crime rate of less than 4 per 1,000 residents.
Thats because when the illegals or their offspring commit crimes--they high tail their ass over to the mexican side.
Where did our little fraidycat sheeple run off to?
The population of El Paso, Texas is 85% Hispanic immigrants and is ranked as 6th safest big city with a violent crime rate of less than 4 per 1,000 residents.
what does that have to do with illegal border crossings or this murder by an illegal? You realize immigrants, even hispanic ones, are here legally...right?


As the floods of criminals come in
Utterly repulsive what Biden has done to the borders
Are they going to make a fuss over this cop like the one in the Capitol? I doubt it. Do you people realize that killer will never be deported. We will support him in prison and when he gets out, if he is even prosecuted.
Nah... THIS one was dead within minutes. The cops responded and he tried a firefight. The filth had a "poor outcome".

As the floods of criminals come in
Utterly repulsive what Biden has done to the borders

JOE BIDEN better send the illegal's family a bunch of money now to cover their legal fees!

I KEEP TELLING THESE DUMB ILLEGALS: Don't waste an opportunity---- don't SHOOT the cop, just piss him off enough to KNEEL ON YOUR NECK! :smoke:

Think like a democrat.
You are a horrible person

The population of El Paso, Texas is 85% Hispanic immigrants and is ranked as 6th safest big city with a violent crime rate of less than 4 per 1,000 residents.

validate what lies between your ears. Otherwise, you come across as another one entitled to your facts.

As the floods of criminals come in
Utterly repulsive what Biden has done to the borders
Still less of a chance of happening than dying from Covid which we've been told is miniscule.
It’s minuscule you uneducated bitch and yes both are minuscule and we are battling COVID, and we need to battle illegals coming here.
Being a Police Officer is among the safest jobs in the USA! It's not even in the Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs! Police have successfully pulled off many high profile PR campaigns that have convinced the unsuspecting public to hero worship them, donate to them, raise their pay & allow them to strip away our rights, rape, rob & kill US without being held responsible. Their PR bullshit is worse than Jussie Smollett!

Over 400 LEO's have Died of Covid-19 because Asshole Trump & Governors won't allow a Mask Mandate! That killed 10 times more LEO's than criminals killed. But you don't give a shit because it doesn't fit the lying narrative that South American Immigrants are killers you are pushing.
Being a Police Officer is among the safest jobs in the USA! It's not even in the Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs! Police have successfully pulled off many high profile PR campaigns that have convinced the unsuspecting public to hero worship them, donate to them, raise their pay & allow them to strip away our rights, rape, rob & kill US without being held responsible. Their PR bullshit is worse than Jussie Smollett!

Over 400 LEO's have Died of Covid-19 because Asshole Trump & Governors won't allow a Mask Mandate! That killed 10 times more LEO's than criminals killed. But you don't give a shit because it doesn't fit the lying narrative you are pushing.
Wacko alert! Its libber oclock, cuckoo...cuckoo....cuckoo!!!
Being a Police Officer is among the safest jobs in the USA! It's not even in the Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs! Police have successfully pulled off many high profile PR campaigns that have convinced the unsuspecting public to hero worship them, donate to them, raise their pay & allow them to strip away our rights, rape, rob & kill US without being held responsible. Their PR bullshit is worse than Jussie Smollett!

Over 400 LEO's have Died of Covid-19 because Asshole Trump & Governors won't allow a Mask Mandate! That killed 10 times more LEO's than criminals killed. But you don't give a shit because it doesn't fit the lying narrative you are pushing.
Gestapo states have highest Covid death rates looneytunes.

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