Cop assassinated in New Mexico by illegal

Being a Police Officer is among the safest jobs in the USA! It's not even in the Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs! Police have successfully pulled off many high profile PR campaigns that have convinced the unsuspecting public to hero worship them, donate to them, raise their pay & allow them to strip away our rights, rape, rob & kill US without being held responsible. Their PR bullshit is worse than Jussie Smollett!

Over 400 LEO's have Died of Covid-19 because Asshole Trump & Governors won't allow a Mask Mandate! That killed 10 times more LEO's than criminals killed. But you don't give a shit because it doesn't fit the lying narrative you are pushing.
Wacko alert! Its libber oclock, cuckoo...cuckoo....cuckoo!!!
You are the Brainwashed Wacko!
You’re Eight Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist!
Being a Police Officer is among the safest jobs in the USA! It's not even in the Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs! Police have successfully pulled off many high profile PR campaigns that have convinced the unsuspecting public to hero worship them, donate to them, raise their pay & allow them to strip away our rights, rape, rob & kill US without being held responsible. Their PR bullshit is worse than Jussie Smollett!

Over 400 LEO's have Died of Covid-19 because Asshole Trump & Governors won't allow a Mask Mandate! That killed 10 times more LEO's than criminals killed. But you don't give a shit because it doesn't fit the lying narrative you are pushing.
Wacko alert! Its libber oclock, cuckoo...cuckoo....cuckoo!!!
You are the Brainwashed Wacko!
You’re Eight Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist!
Hahahahahaha do you ever have mommy read to you what you post? You are off the rocker plain nuts, way past your typical nutbag sheeple. Doesn't the sound of the wind rushing between your ears bother you?

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