Cop-Killings are less under the Obama presidency than under Bush 43


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Officer down memorial page.jpg

Simple, easy to read statistics. Undeniable. About 10% less, and 2015 is on track to be the year with the least cop-killings in a long, long time. Of course, cop-killings, in a perfect world, would and should be at zero, but we don't live in a perfect world.

For starters:

Cop Killings Are Way Down During Obama Presidency

I'm basing this on the records provided on the Officer Down Memorial Page, which keeps a record of the cops killed in the line of duty, along with the causes of death. The site keeps track of all officer deaths, including those by heart attack, motorcycle accident and other non-homicidal causes, along with intentional homicides like gunfire and stabbing.

Using all of the categories which can be assumed intentional homicide (gunfire, vehicular assault and all other assaults, including stabbing), there have been far less intentional homicides of cops during Obama's presidency than during Bush's.

For the first six years of Bush's presidency (2001-2006), the total number of cops intentionally murdered was 426. This doesn't count 911-related deaths, which would obviously skew Bush's number higher. During the first six years of Obama's presidency, the total number of cops intentionally murdered was 382. That's a 10 percent drop.

In the seventh year of Bush's presidency, there were 77 cop killings, by our definition. So far this year, Obama's seventh in office, there have been 35. Statistically speaking, we're on pace for a total of 52 in 2015, which would be the lowest total in this century.

To recap:

Deliberate cop-killings during the first six Bush years - EXCLUDING any deaths related to 911: 426
So, the 72 cops killed during the terrorist attacks on 911 are NOT in this statistic.
Deliberate cop-killings during Obama's first six years: 382
Difference: 44 less deaths in this time-frame under the Obama administration.
That's a 10.33% reduction in deaths, in spite of continued population growth.

Cop-killings during Bush's 7th year (2007): 77
Cop-killings thus far during Obama's 7th year (2015): 52, and the year is 2/3 over with.

Here is the website that the Huffpo article references:


It has a very, very good search function, it even breaks the deaths down by category, month, state and gender.

So, the next time people decide to politicize cop-killings, which are horrible, brutal things that I wish on no cop, ever, they should take time to actually look at the facts. This thread is posted in politics specifically because people are trying to politicize a horrible thing that goes beyond politics.

I will come back to this thread once a month for a while to update the stats.
Of course it is cop executions you should be looking at, like the recent two in NYC and the the one in Texas. I don't remember a lot of those before.
And there were more sunrises under Bush than under Obama. Clearly Bush's sunrise policy was better.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Just because A is true, and B is true, doesn't mean A caused B.

Cops killed in the line of duty is down. Obama is president. Therefore, obviously in the mindless left-wing thinking, Obama caused fewer Cop deaths.

The rest of us, are not such simpletons. Please explain what specific Obama administration policy was implemented to cause cop deaths to be reduced?

Is it possible that the states have increased law enforcement, which has reduced crime? Is it possible that years of mass incarceration of criminals, has reduced cop deaths?

Crime has been falling for decades, as incarcerations have increased for decades.

That would seem to be a larger factor, than anything Obama did.
And there were more sunrises under Bush than under Obama. Clearly Bush's sunrise policy was better.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Just because A is true, and B is true, doesn't mean A caused B.

Cops killed in the line of duty is down. Obama is president. Therefore, obviously in the mindless left-wing thinking, Obama caused fewer Cop deaths.

The rest of us, are not such simpletons. Please explain what specific Obama administration policy was implemented to cause cop deaths to be reduced?

Is it possible that the states have increased law enforcement, which has reduced crime? Is it possible that years of mass incarceration of criminals, has reduced cop deaths?

Crime has been falling for decades, as incarcerations have increased for decades.

That would seem to be a larger factor, than anything Obama did.

You missed the point.

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