Cop Kills Naked Negro (video)

I'll bet the cop could have safely retreated and waited for back-up.

He ordered him to stop, dingbat. Why does he need back up? You are supposed to comply to an officer's orders. Should the police wait for backup when they turn on their emergency lights and attempt to pull people over too? Quit being such a fucking dingbat.

You can't shoot people for every mistake they make.
I'll bet the cop could have safely retreated and waited for back-up.

He ordered him to stop, dingbat. Why does he need back up? You are supposed to comply to an officer's orders. Should the police wait for backup when they turn on their emergency lights and attempt to pull people over too? Quit being such a fucking dingbat.

You can't shoot people for every mistake they make.
You can shoot them when they are charging you and you have a gun. Its a him or me situation at that point. That's just how it is.
You can't shoot people for every mistake they make.

What exactly happened? The camera wasn't on the man or the police officer, yet, you're making conclusions.
Why don't you set us all straight and tell us why the officer's actions were not justified?
What happened off camera that everyone is missing but you?

Likewise, you have shown nothing to prove the man was a danger or not just trying to run away.
Likewise, you have shown nothing to prove the man was a danger or not just trying to run away.

I clearly heard the officer repeatedly commanding the Negro to stop. Turn your speakers up, shitforbrains. I think you're missing that key piece of evidence.

Why would anyone expect a naked man running around in public to act rationally?
The cop should have called for animal control
The boy was the same age as Trayvon

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