Cop Shoots Beloved Family Dog And Gloats "I Blew Her Head Off......That Was Awesome!"

Why did you leave out details like the dog was a Pit Bull?

Oh, other stuff you left out.

Officers with the Ardmore Police Department said they had received several complaints about the dog acting aggressively and headed to the scene, arriving before animal control.

and this..

Cpt. Eric Hamblin told KFOR that Officer Woolley has received death threats about the incident, but that a review of the incident showed he acted according to protocol.

Regardless of whether he was justified to fire or not, gloating about killing a family pet is callous behavior

Callous behavior isn't against the law and if your offended by whatever he said then you chose to be offended.

Liberals are a bunch of pussies.

Says the Internet tough guy from a safe place.
If you have a pit bull in America, it had better never leave it's yard.

Because one of the millions of people carrying a gun is looking to shoot something. If someone is not available. And cops are people first you know.

Guns are GREAT. Shooting something or someone threatening is our pastime. And our new national motto.

But let me ask this. IF it was a neighbor who shot the dog, and the dogs owner hit the neighbor upside the head for shooting the dog, and then the neighbor shot the dog owner in self defense, then it would all be ok. Right? Of course it would.

Aggressive people are made for shooting. Dogs, not so much.

The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!

ah...this says so very, very much.
Keep your dog on a leash and it won't get shot.

I've shot a lot of dogs over the years. Them bastards would come out and rile up my livestock and I kill them the same I would a coyote, feral hog or any other pest.

The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!
Dogs can get out by accident, it happens. That why dog catchers or animal control has always been around. A small percent may be harmful and they should be dealt with but it's wrong to assume the worst and kill on site. Yes, you can be legally right but you can also be legally dead. If you shot the wrong dog you might have to forfeit your life.
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If you have a pit bull in America, it had better never leave it's yard.

Because one of the millions of people carrying a gun is looking to shoot something. If someone is not available. And cops are people first you know.

Guns are GREAT. Shooting something or someone threatening is our pastime. And our new national motto.

But let me ask this. IF it was a neighbor who shot the dog, and the dogs owner hit the neighbor upside the head for shooting the dog, and then the neighbor shot the dog owner in self defense, then it would all be ok. Right? Of course it would.

Aggressive people are made for shooting. Dogs, not so much.

The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!

ah...this says so very, very much.

Yes it does.

It says that if you value your pet then you would make sure it was properly kept in a safe secure place. Allowing your dog to roam free is inviting trouble and is irresponsible. You may know your dog isn't vicious, but some person that has a fear of dogs or who may have been attacked by one before doesn't know that.

I kill dogs that get on my property because they threaten the health of my livestock. You want your dog to live? Keep his ass kenneled up or on a leash.
The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!

ah...this says so very, very much.

Yes it does.

It says that if you value your pet then you would make sure it was properly kept in a safe secure place. Allowing your dog to roam free is inviting trouble and is irresponsible. You may know your dog isn't vicious, but some person that has a fear of dogs or who may have been attacked by one before doesn't know that.

I kill dogs that get on my property because they threaten the health of my livestock. You want your dog to live? Keep his ass kenneled up or on a leash.

Anyone who owns a dangerous dog should not have it running loose.
Keep your dog on a leash and it won't get shot.

I've shot a lot of dogs over the years. Them bastards would come out and rile up my livestock and I kill them the same I would a coyote, feral hog or any other pest.

The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!
Dogs can get out by accident, it happens. That why dog catchers or animal control has always been around. A small percent may be harmful and they should be dealt with but it's wrong to assume the worst and kill on site. Yes, you can be legally right but you can also be legally dead. If you shot the wrong dog you might have to forfeit your life.

A dog loose on my property has never been the wrong dog.

Animal control is not there to pick up dogs that have gotten out by accident they are charged with responding to requests for help with wild animals, dangerous animals or animals in distress.

How much livestock have you had to doctor because some dog hamstrung them or bit off their ear? How many calves have you lost due to a pack of dogs?

If I see a dog on my property and it doesn't belong to me. It will die.
If you have a pit bull in America, it had better never leave it's yard.

Because one of the millions of people carrying a gun is looking to shoot something. If someone is not available. And cops are people first you know.

Guns are GREAT. Shooting something or someone threatening is our pastime. And our new national motto.

But let me ask this. IF it was a neighbor who shot the dog, and the dogs owner hit the neighbor upside the head for shooting the dog, and then the neighbor shot the dog owner in self defense, then it would all be ok. Right? Of course it would.

Aggressive people are made for shooting. Dogs, not so much.

The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!

Didn't say the owner of the dog didn't have that responsibility. MAtter of fact, I said if you have a Pit, he/she had better never leave it's yard on it's own.

I live close to a city where a woman was recently killed by her neighbors two dogs. She was scared of them, had called the police and the animal control people. Repeatedly.
They were not pits. Or AB's. They were Cain Courso's. A truly vicious breed towards people.

And she still ended up dead by those dogs. She should have killed them herself. Poison, a gun, whatever.

The case has gone to the grand jury now.

People get mean dogs to protect themselves and their property. Just like with guns. And usually the two go together. At least in my case they do. My AB's will give me plenty of time to get to a gun.

But if people are so tolerant of people owning guns for protection, how come they aren't as tolerant of people owning bad ass dogs? More people killed accidentally with guns than dogs.
By a large margin.
A dog loose on my property has never been the wrong dog.
That makes you an asshole. And a very likely anti-gun troll.
Animal control is not there to pick up dogs that have gotten out by accident they are charged with responding to requests for help with wild animals, dangerous animals or animals in distress.
Not here. They won't bother with wildlife at all. Not even birds or even pet birds.
How much livestock have you had to doctor because some dog hamstrung them or bit off their ear? How many calves have you lost due to a pack of dogs?

If I see a dog on my property and it doesn't belong to me. It will die.
And you can die too, that was my point. I made clear what I was talking about. Not all dogs, not even most harm livestock. You're shifting all over the place, you said on your property. I call bullshit that all dogs that came on your property to attack your livestock. That isn't credible. But like I said you are obviously trying to make gun owners look bad so it's unlikely you own livestock. Possibly not even property.
If you have a pit bull in America, it had better never leave it's yard.

Because one of the millions of people carrying a gun is looking to shoot something. If someone is not available. And cops are people first you know.

Guns are GREAT. Shooting something or someone threatening is our pastime. And our new national motto.

But let me ask this. IF it was a neighbor who shot the dog, and the dogs owner hit the neighbor upside the head for shooting the dog, and then the neighbor shot the dog owner in self defense, then it would all be ok. Right? Of course it would.

Aggressive people are made for shooting. Dogs, not so much.

The dog owner has a responsibility to control his dog. Most places have leash laws and if your dog gets out and not on a leash then it's fair fucking game!!!

Didn't say the owner of the dog didn't have that responsibility. MAtter of fact, I said if you have a Pit, he/she had better never leave it's yard on it's own.

I live close to a city where a woman was recently killed by her neighbors two dogs. She was scared of them, had called the police and the animal control people. Repeatedly.
They were not pits. Or AB's. They were Cain Courso's. A truly vicious breed towards people.

And she still ended up dead by those dogs. She should have killed them herself. Poison, a gun, whatever.

The case has gone to the grand jury now.

People get mean dogs to protect themselves and their property. Just like with guns. And usually the two go together. At least in my case they do. My AB's will give me plenty of time to get to a gun.

But if people are so tolerant of people owning guns for protection, how come they aren't as tolerant of people owning bad ass dogs? More people killed accidentally with guns than dogs.
By a large margin.

I have nothing against owning "badass" dogs. I own two Rhodesian Ridgebacks that would do some serious damage to anyone that walked into the yard uninvited.

FTR I wouldn't call getting mauled or even killed by a dog an "accident".
A dog loose on my property has never been the wrong dog.
That makes you an asshole. And a very likely anti-gun troll.
Animal control is not there to pick up dogs that have gotten out by accident they are charged with responding to requests for help with wild animals, dangerous animals or animals in distress.
Not here. They won't bother with wildlife at all. Not even birds or even pet birds.
How much livestock have you had to doctor because some dog hamstrung them or bit off their ear? How many calves have you lost due to a pack of dogs?

If I see a dog on my property and it doesn't belong to me. It will die.
And you can die too, that was my point. I made clear what I was talking about. Not all dogs, not even most harm livestock. You're shifting all over the place, you said on your property. I call bullshit that all dogs that came on your property to attack your livestock. That isn't credible. But like I said you are obviously trying to make gun owners look bad so it's unlikely you own livestock. Possibly not even property.

I love guns. So much so that I bought half interest in a gun shop. And yes, if protecting my livestock from dogs is being an asshole, then I reckon I'm an asshole.

Yes on my property. Any dog on my property is a threat to my livestock and will be treated as such. And as a bonus I have a good reason to use my AR-15. :)
I love guns. So much so that I bought half interest in a gun shop. And yes, if protecting my livestock from dogs is being an asshole, then I reckon I'm an asshole.

Yes on my property. Any dog on my property is a threat to my livestock and will be treated as such. And as a bonus I have a good reason to use my AR-15. :)
You can't read. Being on your property isn't the same as threatening you livestock. Dogs are domesticated and most don't act like coyotes. Some do but your inability to make distinctions or engage in thought might lead to problems down the line. Some people are even more indifferent than you.

But we're talking about your online personna. Legal gun owners don't post ammo on the internet for gun grabbers.
Firing an AR-15 into your cattle herd sounds real fucking dumb to me.

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Firing an AR-15 into your cattle herd sounds real fucking dumb to me.

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That would be dumb. Thankfully I'm smarter than your average liberal and would never fire into a herd. You do know that there's such a thing as a scope and it's easy to watch your target and wait until it's out in the open before squeezing the trigger.
I love guns. So much so that I bought half interest in a gun shop. And yes, if protecting my livestock from dogs is being an asshole, then I reckon I'm an asshole.

Yes on my property. Any dog on my property is a threat to my livestock and will be treated as such. And as a bonus I have a good reason to use my AR-15. :)
You can't read. Being on your property isn't the same as threatening you livestock. Dogs are domesticated and most don't act like coyotes. Some do but your inability to make distinctions or engage in thought might lead to problems down the line. Some people are even more indifferent than you.

But we're talking about your online personna. Legal gun owners don't post ammo on the internet for gun grabbers.

Sure it is. If they're on my property they are perceived a threat and I'm within my rights to protect my livestock.

Who here has posted ammo on the internet? Oh and some legal gun owners do use the internet for purchases be it weapons or ammunition. I've purchased hard to find ammo online many times and I'm a legal gun owner.
There was no prior incident for the dog named Cali. The officer, was previously terminated from Tishomingo Police Department after he killed another dog with his service weapon. The Tishomingo PD settled a lawsuit before his termination. Cali was killed with a shotgun. It takes a sick person to react the way the officer did. He needs psych evaluation about his glee after the shooting. Fortunately there are witnesses.


Why did you leave out details like the dog was a Pit Bull?

Oh, other stuff you left out.

Officers with the Ardmore Police Department said they had received several complaints about the dog acting aggressively and headed to the scene, arriving before animal control.

and this..

Cpt. Eric Hamblin told KFOR that Officer Woolley has received death threats about the incident, but that a review of the incident showed he acted according to protocol.

Here is a shocker for you...

Cops lie.

Cops lie to protect other Cops.
Firing an AR-15 into your cattle herd sounds real fucking dumb to me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That would be dumb. Thankfully I'm smarter than your average liberal and would never fire into a herd. You do know that there's such a thing as a scope and it's easy to watch your target and wait until it's out in the open before squeezing the trigger.

No shit.

I also know bullets ricochet off rocks, water and trees. Did you know that the chance of that happening is very real?

Boom! Your best bulls dead. Oops.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure it is. If they're on my property they are perceived a threat and I'm within my rights to protect my livestock.

Who here has posted ammo on the internet? Oh and some legal gun owners do use the internet for purchases be it weapons or ammunition. I've purchased hard to find ammo online many times and I'm a legal gun owner.
It went over your head, or you pretend so, so you are an anti-gun troll.
Sure it is. If they're on my property they are perceived a threat and I'm within my rights to protect my livestock.

Who here has posted ammo on the internet? Oh and some legal gun owners do use the internet for purchases be it weapons or ammunition. I've purchased hard to find ammo online many times and I'm a legal gun owner.
And the firearms have to shipped to a FFL licensed dealer who must do the background check before you can get it.

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