Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.

I fail to see how the officer felt threatened in broad daylight with a woman and young child in the car during a trivial traffic stop

I agree.
Somehow he made the determination that the driver was dangerous without ever identifying him or running his name.
The driver told the cop he had a gun then reached behind his back

Would you feel threatened if someone did that to you?

Not when he was honest about having a gun.
You don't know what the officer ordered or didn't order. The officer was hysterical on the video.

And you don't either. And the guy just killed someone I'm sure he didn't want to if he was calm and cool you'd criticize him for that too saying he didn't care that he killed a black guy

It seemed to be an .....oh shit, what did I do response. Followed by, I am in deep shit

Regardless, he will claim self defense and be exonerated. The force will find he broke a dozen rules in the stop and relieve him of duty. The city will settle out of court without admitting fault

African Americans really do have legitimate complaints on their treatment. I have no doubt this Gestapo thug would have invented some sort of 'justification' for taking this man to jail. A Black man in a car really should fear the Police. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead.
I fail to see how the officer felt threatened in broad daylight with a woman and young child in the car during a trivial traffic stop

I agree.
Somehow he made the determination that the driver was dangerous without ever identifying him or running his name.
The driver told the cop he had a gun then reached behind his back

Would you feel threatened if someone did that to you?

Not when he was honest about having a gun.
You don't know what the officer ordered or didn't order. The officer was hysterical on the video.

And you don't either. And the guy just killed someone I'm sure he didn't want to if he was calm and cool you'd criticize him for that too saying he didn't care that he killed a black guy

It seemed to be an .....oh shit, what did I do response. Followed by, I am in deep shit

Regardless, he will claim self defense and be exonerated. The force will find he broke a dozen rules in the stop and relieve him of duty. The city will settle out of court without admitting fault

Yup. He'll never serve a day in jail.
Missing the lead up to the shooting in the video so all we have is her word vs his.

Ha, good luck on that 'Your word against the Gestapo's word' thing. They routinely lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' And most Judges will side with them. That's the reality.
Unlike you I prefer to see ALL the evidence before passing judgement.

Good luck with that.
Don't you have a far right wing militia tactical event to attend?

Police lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' The System's rotten to the core. Brutally murdered for having a broken tail light. What a country we've become.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:
No question Black Lives Matter will come to the case

Question is...Will the NRA rally in defense of a CC holder or just write him off as another negro killed by a cop?
Ha, good luck on that 'Your word against the Gestapo's word' thing. They routinely lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' And most Judges will side with them. That's the reality.
Unlike you I prefer to see ALL the evidence before passing judgement.

Good luck with that.
Don't you have a far right wing militia tactical event to attend?

Police lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' The System's rotten to the core. Brutally murdered for having a broken tail light. What a country we've become.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
Ask yourself why Danny is, without any information, making both of them into super criminals?

Super criminals? You are watching too much TV.
It wasnt on TV. Danny said so

How would you describe the made up crimes Danny cited? And why would he make up crimes in the first place?

Not super crimes, we don't know what all happened. But if it went down like she said it did, then he needs to be charged and prosecuted. I already stated I don't believe Danny's story, he provided no credible links but I am also not going to give him the attention for being a scumbag racist. Still don't know what a "super criminal" is.
Unlike you I prefer to see ALL the evidence before passing judgement.

Good luck with that.
Don't you have a far right wing militia tactical event to attend?

Police lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' The System's rotten to the core. Brutally murdered for having a broken tail light. What a country we've become.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:
Good luck with that.
Don't you have a far right wing militia tactical event to attend?

Police lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' The System's rotten to the core. Brutally murdered for having a broken tail light. What a country we've become.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:

We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.
My observation

1. The victim did nothing wrong and the traffic stop was hardly warranted
2. The officer overreacted to a black man having a gun (which he was legally entitled to have) and fired in a panic
3. After the shooting, the girlfriend remained calm while the cop was hysterical
4. The officer will not be charged with murder, he will claim he thought the man was reaching for his gun
5. The officer will be relieved of duty for failing to follow proper procedure
6. The city will settle out of court
Well the camera started rolling after the shooting so how do you know what happened before the driver was shot?
From what I surmise the driver told the cop he had a gun then reached behind his back
Licensed to carry or not if you tell a cop you have a gun on you you'd better keep your hands in plain sight at all times

This is where the he said she said comes into play

Trivial traffic stop for a tail light. Man with girlfriend and young child in the car. I see a woman who is calmly recounting what happened while it is fresh in her mind and an officer who is hysterical and repeatedly swearing Fuck....fuck...Fuck

A driver is entitled to reach for his wallet when asked to do so. The officer will say he told him to hold still, the woman will claim he asked for his license

If the officer was carrying a camera and video, there would be no such questions

His career is over, but he will not be prosecuted

I am thinking this story is not over and I think there will be an investigation. I also think he will be prosecuted because of the publicity.
Don't you have a far right wing militia tactical event to attend?

Police lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' The System's rotten to the core. Brutally murdered for having a broken tail light. What a country we've become.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:

We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.
Police lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' The System's rotten to the core. Brutally murdered for having a broken tail light. What a country we've become.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:

We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.

You're probably not a black man. Just a hunch. ;)
Here's some sobering and wise advice for y'all... Fix your tail lights. It could be a death sentence for ya. That's especially true if you're a black man. Peace.
You should write fantasy novels........ :thup:

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:

We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.

You're probably not a black man. Just a hunch. ;)
Nope, worse...... I'm a breed......... part dirty Injun.........
My observation

1. The victim did nothing wrong and the traffic stop was hardly warranted
2. The officer overreacted to a black man having a gun (which he was legally entitled to have) and fired in a panic
3. After the shooting, the girlfriend remained calm while the cop was hysterical
4. The officer will not be charged with murder, he will claim he thought the man was reaching for his gun
5. The officer will be relieved of duty for failing to follow proper procedure
6. The city will settle out of court
Well the camera started rolling after the shooting so how do you know what happened before the driver was shot?
From what I surmise the driver told the cop he had a gun then reached behind his back
Licensed to carry or not if you tell a cop you have a gun on you you'd better keep your hands in plain sight at all times

This is where the he said she said comes into play

Trivial traffic stop for a tail light. Man with girlfriend and young child in the car. I see a woman who is calmly recounting what happened while it is fresh in her mind and an officer who is hysterical and repeatedly swearing Fuck....fuck...Fuck

A driver is entitled to reach for his wallet when asked to do so. The officer will say he told him to hold still, the woman will claim he asked for his license

If the officer was carrying a camera and video, there would be no such questions

His career is over, but he will not be prosecuted

I am thinking this story is not over and I think there will be an investigation. I also think he will be prosecuted because of the publicity.

Have to see if the cops have their own video

If it plays out exactly like the girlfriend reported, there could be manslaughter. But cops are usually given the benefit of the doubt in these cases
A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:

We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.

You're probably not a black man. Just a hunch. ;)
Nope, worse...... I'm a breed......... part dirty Injun.........

Still got it easier than an average black man. A black man driving with a broken tail light, could very well be a death sentence. Such is life in wonderful Police State America. Enjoy. :(
It'll be interesting to find out if the tail light really was broken. The woman is now saying it wasn't. They may have been pulled over for merely being black folks. It wouldn't surprise me.
See, you're already off to a good start. :thup:

We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.

You're probably not a black man. Just a hunch. ;)
Nope, worse...... I'm a breed......... part dirty Injun.........

Still got it easier than an average black man. A black man driving with a broken tail light, could very well be a death sentence. Such is life in wonderful Police State America. Enjoy. :(
If you say so. :dunno:
African Americans really do have legitimate complaints on their treatment. I have no doubt this Gestapo thug would have invented some sort of 'justification' for taking this man to jail. A Black man in a car really should fear the Police. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead.
Translation: The "Black man in a car" should have had his gun out and started shooting first. Black Power! Black Power! Let the Revolution begin!

Let's see how much sympathy you get when cops are being shot down in the streets.

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