Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

Don't resist the police. Say to `em, "You the man, you in charge...

Philando Castile death: Aftermath of police shooting streamed live
Thu, 07 Jul 2016 - A black man's death at the hands of police is captured on video in the US state of Minnesota - a day after a similar incident in Louisiana.
Philando Castile's girlfriend live-streamed the St Paul incident's aftermath, showing him covered in blood as an officer pointed his gun at him. He was shot as he reached for his driving licence, she said. It follows the death of Alton Sterling, who was shot dead by police during an incident in Baton Rouge on Tuesday. Hundreds of people have protested for two nights over Mr Sterling's killing.

The deaths follow a long line of high-profile incidents involving African-Americans dying at the hands of the police, igniting a national debate about the use of lethal force. As news of the latest shooting spread, about 200 people protested outside the St Paul home of Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, who later requested a federal investigation into the shooting. In a statement on Facebook, President Barack Obama said all Americans "should be deeply troubled" by the two fatal shootings.

He said it was clear that they were not isolated incidents but "symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system". Black US tennis player Serena Williams, who is playing at the Wimbledon tournament, also expressed her dismay at news of Mr Castile's death, tweeting: "In London I have to wake up to this. He was black. Shot 4 times? When will something be done - no REALLY be done?!"

Philando Castile death: Aftermath of police shooting streamed live - BBC News

See also:

Serena Williams reacts to Minnesota shooting: 'When will something be done?'
July 7, 2016 - After winning her semifinal Wimbledon match on Thursday, Serena Williams took to Twitter to address Wednesday night’s police shooting of Philando Castile.
Just one day after police shot and killed Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, a police offer shot and killed Castile, a 31-year-old black man, during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. Castile’s girlfriend broadcast the aftermath of the shooting on Facebook Live.

In London I have to wake up to this. He was black. Shot 4 times? When will something be done- no REALLY be done?!?!
— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) July 7, 2016

Serena Williams reacts to Minnesota shooting: 'When will something be done?'
You didn't watch the video.
Ahhh, so you are not only a racist cop-hater, but a fucking liar who claims be clairvoyant.

Alton Sterling had previously pulled a gun on the homeless guy who called 911. Although this morning's news didn't give all the details of the event, the video isn't the only evidence of what happened.

Still, it's sad when anyone is killed.

Watch the video. It was a horrific execution.

Not an assumption you want to make is it?

I don't know. Is it better than your assumptions?

Not in my opinion

Guy tells me he's carrying then reaches behind him I'm going to err on the side of safety and not stand there waiting to see if he pulls a gun

Probably why you'll never be a cop.

And you'd never make past your first shift as one if you're just going to stand there when a person you know is armed reaches behind him

He was following the law. Concealed Carry permit holders are required to tell the officer about the firearm. The mongoloid cop overreacted and executed the man. He should be held accountable. But i doubt it'll happen.

It'll happen, if the video sums up basically what really happened.............unless the cop is related to Hillary.
My guess is, this started out as just another racist cop fishing expedition. They were looking to 'justify' taking this man to jail for something. He died because he was a black man. I know most white people won't accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

No doubt it is a reality, for a very small minority of cops.

African Americans deal with that kind of racist harassment all the time. They were hoping to nail the black dude for something. The 'broken tail light' story is a sham.

The cop pulled em over because they were black folks. He felt he had an easy target. And that's why he was so quick to execute the man. He should be held accountable. But will that happen? I seriously doubt it.
Guy tells me he's carrying then reaches behind him I'm going to err on the side of safety and not stand there waiting to see if he pulls a gun
A man informs you he has a CCW then, by your direction, reaches for his papers and you shoot him? Are you a police officer? If so, tell your boss(es) you intend to do this and see what they say.

Did the cop ask for the driver's license before or after the driver told him he was armed?

As I have said several time until we know this crucial bit of evidence there is no way to assign blame
Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.
I also find how calm the GF is disturbing. It's like she had a plan about how to handle such an event (which is not necessary a bad thing). I hope the cop was wearing and using a body cam. It's better to have video evidence than depend on witness accounts because witness accounts suck.
I watched the video earlier this morning. The girlfriend claims he has no criminal record and is licensed to carry, and if that proves to be true then it really was a senseless shooting. If he was legal to carry and had no warrants or record then he would have no reason to be reaching for his gun. Seeing as how the video starts after the shooting though all the facts may never come out.

more facts need to come out

she said he was reaching for his license

she corrected the cop

she said "you told him to get his license then shot him 4 times "

at this point i tend to believe her
Does one normally keep their driver's license underneath the driver's front seat?
A loaded handgun was found underneath the driver's seat.
There was NO license/wallet/papers found.
The driver DID NOT have a 'CC'.
The driver DID have a criminal record.
Before the LEO left his patrol car he had run a background check on the car.
The car's owner, the driver, had several arrests and two outstanding warrants.
When the LEO approached the vehicle he had already drawn his service weapon.
What the 'girlfriend', AKA a well known hooker, said was total fucking bullshit.
No surprise there.
If the driver had a record how is it he had licensed CCW Permit? Someone is lying in this thread.
I fail to see how the officer felt threatened in broad daylight with a woman and young child in the car during a trivial traffic stop

I agree.
Somehow he made the determination that the driver was dangerous without ever identifying him or running his name.
The driver told the cop he had a gun then reached behind his back

Would you feel threatened if someone did that to you?

Not when he was honest about having a gun.
You don't know what the officer ordered or didn't order. The officer was hysterical on the video.

And you don't either. And the guy just killed someone I'm sure he didn't want to if he was calm and cool you'd criticize him for that too saying he didn't care that he killed a black guy

It seemed to be an .....oh shit, what did I do response. Followed by, I am in deep shit

Regardless, he will claim self defense and be exonerated. The force will find he broke a dozen rules in the stop and relieve him of duty. The city will settle out of court without admitting fault

It seemed to be

Not everything is what it seems to be now is it especially when we do not know what happened before the camera was turned on
From the guys girlfriend...

Reynolds said he kept it in a thick wallet in a right-back pants pocket.

"As he's reaching, he lets the officer know, 'I have a firearm on me,'" Reynolds said. "I begin to yell, 'But he's licensed to carry.' After that, he began to take off shots — bup bup bup."

Reynolds said that "nothing in (Castile's) body said intimidation," but the officer ordered him, "Don't move, don't move."

If the guy is reaching for his wallet and says "I have a firearm on me" it could be mistaken as a statement he is reaching for a gun

I agree. The lack of communication or the timing of him telling the officer he had a weapon as he reached for his wallet would have been a very bad move. However did the officer need to use deadly force? He seemed to be in control of the situation and maybe only needed to draw the gun.

Even by her own account. As he is reaching for his wallet he announces he has a firearm (what bad guy would say that?) The officer yells Don't move, Don't move and pulls the trigger when the guy keeps going for his wallet

It may just be a tragic accident and misinterpreting the situation
...But they absolutely have a right to defend themselves , up to and including using lethal force when necessary. I make no judgements whether it was necessary in THIS case because none of us know the facts yet, but in general terms some have this idea that the police should never shoot anyone and that is just stupid.
Of course they do, just like you and I. OTOH, I don't have a right to shoot you once, much less four times, just because I think you might have a gun. Being a police officer doesn't give them psychic powers nor allow them to shoot anyone they please. They must follow their department's policies on the use of deadly force.

Self-Defense Overview - FindLaw
Self-defense is defined as the right to prevent suffering force or violence through the use of a sufficient level of counteracting force or violence.

Actually, you can use deadly force against someone who is threatening you with deadly force. IE if someone is reaching for a gun, you don't have to wait until they fire on you before you can defend yourself.

BUT that is entirely different than the topic of police officers and subjects that just will not obey lawful commands. Do you REALLY doubt that this negro was told by the police to stop moving SEVERAL times and just wouldn't listen? What are police supposed to do, just let the guy grab whatever might be under his seat?

Are you aware that this guy has cc permit? Meaning he has some training what he need to do carrying a gun.
He even told the shooter he has a gun. Are you aware of that?
African Americans really do have legitimate complaints on their treatment. I have no doubt this Gestapo thug would have invented some sort of 'justification' for taking this man to jail. A Black man in a car really should fear the Police. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead.
Translation: The "Black man in a car" should have had his gun out and started shooting first. Black Power! Black Power! Let the Revolution begin!

Let's see how much sympathy you get when cops are being shot down in the streets.
No any concealed carrier should inform the cop he was carrying then ask the cop how he wants to proceed all the while keeping his hands in plain sight.

You don't tell a cop you have a gun then make a move to reach behind your back

Common sense no?
Did the cop ask for the driver's license before or after the driver told him he was armed?

As I have said several time until we know this crucial bit of evidence there is no way to assign blame
Nice dodge on the point you claim you'd shoot anyone reaching for anything without ever seeing a gun or any other weapon.

When he said it is only one piece of information. Not the most crucial either.
The ugly reality is, cops routinely pull black folks over for fishing expeditions. They hope to find any 'justification' for taking them to jail. But most white people live in denial over this stuff. They can't believe their beloved police would target fellow Citizens based on the color of heir skin. But it does happen. It happens every day. Just ask African Americans.
From the guys girlfriend...

Reynolds said he kept it in a thick wallet in a right-back pants pocket.

"As he's reaching, he lets the officer know, 'I have a firearm on me,'" Reynolds said. "I begin to yell, 'But he's licensed to carry.' After that, he began to take off shots — bup bup bup."

Reynolds said that "nothing in (Castile's) body said intimidation," but the officer ordered him, "Don't move, don't move."

If the guy is reaching for his wallet and says "I have a firearm on me" it could be mistaken as a statement he is reaching for a gun

I agree. The lack of communication or the timing of him telling the officer he had a weapon as he reached for his wallet would have been a very bad move. However did the officer need to use deadly force? He seemed to be in control of the situation and maybe only needed to draw the gun.

Even by her own account. As he is reaching for his wallet he announces he has a firearm (what bad guy would say that?) The officer yells Don't move, Don't move and pulls the trigger when the guy keeps going for his wallet

It may just be a tragic accident and misinterpreting the situation

Doesn't matter if he's a bad guy or not

You don't tell a cop you have a gun as you are reaching behind your back

You tell him with your hands in plain sight and you don't fucking move until the cop tells you what to do
My guess is, this started out as just another racist cop fishing expedition. They were looking to 'justify' taking this man to jail for something. He died because he was a black man. I know most white people won't accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

No doubt it is a reality, for a very small minority of cops.

African Americans deal with that kind of racist harassment all the time. They were hoping to nail the black dude for something. The 'broken tail light' story is a sham.

The cop pulled em over because they were black folks. He felt he had an easy target. And that's why he was so quick to execute the man. He should be held accountable. But will that happen? I seriously doubt it.


I got stopped the other day for doing 41 in a 35. what kind of jackass stops someone for doing 41 in a 35? Anyway. I had a friggin M4 in a bag behind my seat and a .40 S&W in my center console. I get stopped, I sit there with my hands on the steering wheel until the police get to the door. He asks for ID and registration, yada yada. I THEN reach for my ID, never mentioned the guns and 5 minutes later was on my way with a warning. Why is that? Because I'm white? Or because I used common sense..............
Did the cop ask for the driver's license before or after the driver told him he was armed?

As I have said several time until we know this crucial bit of evidence there is no way to assign blame
Nice dodge on the point you claim you'd shoot anyone reaching for anything without ever seeing a gun or any other weapon.

When he said it is only one piece of information. Not the most crucial either.

The guy said he had a gun and he reached behind his back

so did the cop ask for his license before he told the cop he was armed or after he told the cop he was armed

it matters
I watched the video earlier this morning. The girlfriend claims he has no criminal record and is licensed to carry, and if that proves to be true then it really was a senseless shooting. If he was legal to carry and had no warrants or record then he would have no reason to be reaching for his gun. Seeing as how the video starts after the shooting though all the facts may never come out.

more facts need to come out

she said he was reaching for his license

she corrected the cop

she said "you told him to get his license then shot him 4 times "

at this point i tend to believe her
Does one normally keep their driver's license underneath the driver's front seat?
A loaded handgun was found underneath the driver's seat.
There was NO license/wallet/papers found.
The driver DID NOT have a 'CC'.
The driver DID have a criminal record.
Before the LEO left his patrol car he had run a background check on the car.
The car's owner, the driver, had several arrests and two outstanding warrants.
When the LEO approached the vehicle he had already drawn his service weapon.
What the 'girlfriend', AKA a well known hooker, said was total fucking bullshit.
No surprise there.
If the driver had a record how is it he had licensed CCW Permit? Someone is lying in this thread.

I just saw a report that he had a number of traffic tickets was all.
He was a cafeteria supervisor at a local school so it's not likely he had any record.
From the guys girlfriend...

Reynolds said he kept it in a thick wallet in a right-back pants pocket.

"As he's reaching, he lets the officer know, 'I have a firearm on me,'" Reynolds said. "I begin to yell, 'But he's licensed to carry.' After that, he began to take off shots — bup bup bup."

Reynolds said that "nothing in (Castile's) body said intimidation," but the officer ordered him, "Don't move, don't move."

If the guy is reaching for his wallet and says "I have a firearm on me" it could be mistaken as a statement he is reaching for a gun

He was ordered to produce ID. You don't follow the order, you die. You follow the order, you die. He didn't stand a chance. He was a black man, he had to go. The tail light probably wasn't even broken. The woman has said it wasn't.

See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
Not an assumption you want to make is it?

I don't know. Is it better than your assumptions?

Not in my opinion

Guy tells me he's carrying then reaches behind him I'm going to err on the side of safety and not stand there waiting to see if he pulls a gun

Probably why you'll never be a cop.

And you'd never make past your first shift as one if you're just going to stand there when a person you know is armed reaches behind him

He was following the law. Concealed Carry permit holders are required to tell the officer about the firearm. The mongoloid cop overreacted and executed the man. He should be held accountable. But i doubt it'll happen.

I don't think so

It's one thing to tell a cop you are carrying while your hands are in plain sight and quite another to tell a cop you have a gun on you while you are reaching behind your back

But you probably can't understand that difference can you?
My guess is, this started out as just another racist cop fishing expedition. They were looking to 'justify' taking this man to jail for something. He died because he was a black man. I know most white people won't accept that, but it is the ugly reality.
the guy had a broken tail light

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