Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.

Of course we already know. You and people of your ilk ignore the 1000’s of blacks killed at the hands of other blacks and you focus in on the statistically very low % of blacks breaking the law and then getting roughed up by police.
I love when the cops taser criminals. Its hilarious. Pepper spray is funny too!

Police dogs are even more enjoyable to watch when they get a running suspect.
Jerry, the German Shepherd had an Honorable Discharge from the Army right after WW II and raised me. Years later I was given a Belgian Shepherd but she was not trained. I traded goffer work at a place called K-9 Inc. who trained guard and watchdogs. I got an up close and personal look at a lot of dog poop!

In my mid-teens, I was already a pretty big, substantial guy. They asked me if I wanted to work out one of the dogs by being in the padded suit. I dressed in the suit, face mask and took my position about 20 yards from the handler and dog. I was supposed to advance and attack the dog. He released the dog with a hand motion. Half a second later I didn't think I'd been hit by a car, more like a freight train.


I do love watching COPS when they turned the dog loose!
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
It wasn't open areas it was people's gardens

and as for being dressed all in black - it's suspicious in itself.

People dressed all in black are usually folk that don't want to be identified.

You're the one asking the questions but somehow don't want to hear the answers.
It was people’s lawns, otherwise known as an open area. That’s not trespassing and I don’t think he was charged with it

Being dressed in black isn’t probable cause. Lots of people dress in black. It was broad daylight for crying out loud.

No reason to tase him.
I know trespassing laws are different in the USA to the UK but it's semantics. You're cutting about other folks properties dressed suspiciously all in black, then ignore police instruction when confronted by the Police and it then emerges you've got drugs on you and are on parole for being a thief and joy rider.

I'm sorry but the odds are stacked against him.

I know lunatics are hell-bent on blaming the Police for everything but I'm glad this guy done his job responding to concerned neighbors.
The odds are stacked against him. That much is true.

Being dressed in black is close to the lamest excuse for probable cause I’ve ever heard.

Still no reason to tase him.
You're not getting it though - of course you can't just go around tasering folk because of what they are wearing but context is king - dressed like that, moving around people's gardens is suspicious. It's about the picture that's built up and any reason and justification thereafter. You're also continuing to ignore the fact that he ignored Police instruction - and then was tasered. That's a big thing too.
Hmmm...looks like the Criminal Lobby is about again.

He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
It wasn't open areas it was people's gardens

and as for being dressed all in black - it's suspicious in itself.

People dressed all in black are usually folk that don't want to be identified.

You're the one asking the questions but somehow don't want to hear the answers.
It was people’s lawns, otherwise known as an open area. That’s not trespassing and I don’t think he was charged with it

Being dressed in black isn’t probable cause. Lots of people dress in black. It was broad daylight for crying out loud.

No reason to tase him.
I know trespassing laws are different in the USA to the UK but it's semantics. You're cutting about other folks properties dressed suspiciously all in black, then ignore police instruction when confronted by the Police and it then emerges you've got drugs on you and are on parole for being a thief and joy rider.

I'm sorry but the odds are stacked against him.

I know lunatics are hell-bent on blaming the Police for everything but I'm glad this guy done his job responding to concerned neighbors.
The odds are stacked against him. That much is true.

Being dressed in black is close to the lamest excuse for probable cause I’ve ever heard.

Still no reason to tase him.
You're not getting it though - of course you can't just go around tasering folk because of what they are wearing but context is king - dressed like that, moving around people's gardens is suspicious. It's about the picture that's built up and any reason and justification thereafter. You're also continuing to ignore the fact that he ignored Police instruction - and then was tasered. That's a big thing too.
Hmmm...looks like the Criminal Lobby is about again.

Yeah these folk seem to think others have this god given right to just do what they want and questioning it is like systemic racism or something

sense of entitlement is beyond belief
Then how did he know it happened? Why was he there in the first place?
It would appear he was just driving by.
He was just driving by and accused a dude on a porch of running through lawns? Is this the retarded theory your trying to push right now?
you had enough time to read the police report were you actually interested. but you are not and simply troll with your uninformed queefing, boy.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

Of course he wasnt a black teenager in Klan country.
Guilty complex or what, Tommy? I didn't mention his criminal record-----at all. My comments were about how the article was obviously bias as they didn't provide actual facts---just the boo-hoo of the you now admitted criminals mother. I find when they leave out pertinent info, and quote the mother of the suspect---that the article is pure manipulation and that they are hiding the truth.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

I didn't mention his criminal record at all. I only pointed out that quoting the suspects mother instead of checking other sources like the police report---CLEARLY shows manipulation on the articles part. Mother a pot head? Dad not around? the article didn't even ask the girl if this guy was her boyfriend (for all you know she doesn't even know him) should be giving you a hint that something is amiss.
Your innate racism causes you to project on an awesome scale.

There is no proof that the Mother is a pothead.
There is no proof that the father is not present.
Why would he claim he was visiting his girlfriend if he wasnt ? That is easily disproved.

You are a car crash of a racist shit. You should join the police.
Then how did he know it happened? Why was he there in the first place?
It would appear he was just driving by.
He was just driving by and accused a dude on a porch of running through lawns? Is this the retarded theory your trying to push right now?
you had enough time to read the police report were you actually interested. but you are not and simply troll with your uninformed queefing, boy.
So a cop saw him commit the crime? Whats the problem then?
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That right there ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Says all that needs to be said.

Close the thread.
From what I've read the use of a taser by police under Florida law is restricted to use on people that are physically resisting. Per officier's own story that wasn't the situation here.

I'll say teen and his mom have just won the lottery.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
No, its the combination of looking like a criminal, while running through your property. Sorry, but you cant do both of those things at the same time and not expect people to be alarmed.
"looking like a criminal"? Is that like blaming a rape victim for the way she dresses?
From what I've read the use of a taser by police under Florida law is restricted to use on people that are physically resisting. Per officier's own story that wasn't the situation here.

I'll say teen and his mom have just won the lottery.
Still hasn't dawned on you that the teen and his mom are lying?

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