Cops ignoring crime to avoid the hassle; Arrests plummet; Violent crime soars.

The long and short of it is simply that, with our home-grown liberals, America has no need for foreign enemies. Liberal policies will emasculate all law enforcement to the point where, as in politics, anything goes.
Stay back, hands off, pick up the pieces when the dust settles.

Sure, there's more crime and suffering, but there certainly have been fewer marches recently.

Priorities, priorities.
The long and short of it is simply that, with our home-grown liberals, America has no need for foreign enemies. Liberal policies will emasculate all law enforcement to the point where, as in politics, anything goes.
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.

The fallacy in that is simply that liberals decide nothing. Their "decisions" are made FOR them by the party elite. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to act.
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.

The fallacy in that is simply that liberals decide nothing. Their "decisions" are made FOR them by the party elite. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to act.
I disagree... With only two choices there isn't that much confusion as to which political platform is or is NOT in one's best interests....that is, except for those working class RW wannabes who think somehow big business republicans are their friends.
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.

The fallacy in that is simply that liberals decide nothing. Their "decisions" are made FOR them by the party elite. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to act.

So sad. Conservatives in the US are sheep. Faux News or Fish Dimbaugh say "bray", and the sound echoes across the herd of conservatives "baaaahhhhhh". "BRAY!"..."BAAAAHHHHHHH". "Bray"..."Baaaahhhhh".

And now the scared sheep bray for trump. Doesn't matter what he says or does, the echo back is "baaaahhhhhhh".
“Out of nowhere,” right. You were the one heaping all these accolades on today’s liberals because somewhere 100 years ago or more some people raised up righteousness and attempted to do away with slavery, and child labor, and other unfair labor practices. They had no more in common with today’s liberals and their beliefs than any other political, social or religious group back in those days. So forget it, you do not get to take any credit.

100 years ago, SOME PEOPLE raised up righteousness and ATTEMPTED to do away with slavery, child labor and other unfair labor practices? Somewhere along the way, lessons learned from your elementary, middle and high school history lessons have been corrupted by the dark forces of neo conservatism. Liberals have become so much an anathema to you that you cannot even bring yourself to say anything positive about them; those living today and even those living 100 years ago.
Your "some people" euphemism for liberals tells it all. But you didn't stop there. You further marginalized their accomplishments by saying they ATTEMPTED to do away with slavery, child labor and unfair labor practices.. Please ask your children to help you understand how successful Liberals were in ACCOMPLISHING those heroic deeds. They probably have not yet been corrupted by purveyors of dank present day conservatism and still have their history lessons at hand....prepare yourself better for the real world.

Just because liberalism represents change more than conservatism does not mean much of anything unto itself. It certainly does not represent virtue because to insinuate all change is good is absurd.
I don't see virtue as a quality that belongs exclusively to either liberals OR conservatives. Some of the most virtuous people I know are atheists. Does that make them liberal or conservative regardless of their political orientation?

CHANGE: If change is a crucial tenet of liberalism scientific innovation and technology falls within that purview. The conservative lifestyle you tout so proudly wouldn't exit if some liberal minded alchemist hadn't broken the mental bonds of religiosity and dared to explore the unknown. Europe may never have emerged from the dark ages of conservatism if the Moors had not invaded Spain and brought "enlightenment " with them. Considering how "conservative" Muslims are, the middle ages of Europe must have been even more depressingly conservative than I can imagine.

Liberalism as we know it, sprang from the fruits of the Renaissance.

Note: regression is change too... but that road leads to conservatism and the impedance of individual liberty.

Oh, brother, this is inane. Your “liberal” government is far more to blame for “individual loss of freedom” than any conservative policy. And if you are going to use abortion as an example where conservatism restricts the freedom of a mother to destroy her child, then we will use abortion to point out the loss of individual freedom you inflict on that life inside the womb.

What "liberal" government are you squawking about? Congress isn't "liberal" right now. The Supreme Court isn't "liberal right now. Using your generalization of the term, I suppose you could say Obama's moderate administration is liberal.

ABORTION: The USSC has ruled that abortion is legal Roe Vs Wade!

Ok, I am a laymen and beholden to your higher intellectual understanding of wisdom and justice. Be that as it may you still are doing nothing more than attempting to look the victor in some small time argument and will gladly ignore truths by burying them.

As it is, I fully understand the examples you provided but they really do not mean much to me or what we are talking about here, IMO. I do not care if some “neo-liberals” go to church or if they are pro-life. Nor do I care if cops belong to a union or if blacks are not necessarily “pro-gay.” What I am talking about is not people but platforms and ideologies. And that is where I can generalize for the sake of argument!

I too, am a layman. But the examples I provided are axioms that won't disappear because you don't care about them. These truths are self evident and actually their existence confirms the ignorance that prevails amongst those spouting what passes as conservatism.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I associate liberal policies of the past 30+ years with pro-choice positions, including being in favor of late term abortions. Also in favor of gay marriage.

I think most of the list of issues you posited have been associated with liberals to some degree but I don't believe all liberals, or even MOST, endorse every single item as a group. And I am positive that late term abortion is NOT a general liberal aspiration.

So just because most blacks may be against gay marriage does not negate the fact liberalism is still in favor of it.

In the Black community, gay people are pariahs. Gay marriage is never even a consideration within the Christian milieu that defines the social fabric of Black Americana. Conservatism reigns in that regard. So who decided to place the struggle for equality by Blacks under the same umbrella as the struggle for equality by LGBT factions? First of all, I don't think fighting for rights already conferred by the Constitution is Liberalism. You and your fellow "conservatives" find it useful to make that false connection because both groups hare forced to find sanctuary and representation within one of two major political parties. Conservative "gays" and conservative Blacks with any sense of survival and self preservation know that even though they aren't truly liberals, it is in their best interests to join with 'liberals" in keeping you evil RW bahs-turds from turning back the hands of time or making the USA more of a police state than it already is. We reject your political trajectory that looks so much like that of any of the repressive Muslim regimes you say you deplore.

Liberalism also is far more anti-military, anti-cop because they are hell bent on finding their sins and ignoring their sacrifices, softer on crime, in favor of more govt spending to help the poor despite us going into great debt, big time environmentalists, in favor of letting in all kinds of illegal foreigners and giving them licenses, schooling, etc., and against God being any part of our schools or any mention of it in any government affairs. Ok?

I don't agree that Liberalism is anti-establishment. Liberals are serving American interests in every capacity to include the military, and as cops. Good cops are held in high esteem by everyone, but those who kill unarmed people with impunity are excoriated. I plead guilty to that even though I don't self identity as a liberal.

Ok? You getting my point? And conservatism is the opposite on all those issues.

Yes, I got your point with the first sentence you wrote. I don't agree with your you get mine?

nd by and large can we not also say those who vote democrat are by a large margin also liberals in the majority of the values or beliefs they hold to, and those who vote republican are by a large margin conservative in their values and beliefs?

You can say whatever you please. That doesn't mean your saying it makes it gospel or even accurate.

>>Your "some people" euphemism for liberals tells it all. But you didn't stop there. You further marginalized their accomplishments by saying they ATTEMPTED to do away with slavery, child labor and unfair labor practices.. Please ask your children to help you understand how successful Liberals were in ACCOMPLISHING those heroic deeds. They probably have not yet been corrupted by purveyors of dank present day conservatism and still have their history lessons at hand....prepare yourself better for the real world.<<

Ok, I think we covered this. I don’t know who you think your are educating with your propaganda but all I can say is buyer beware. You keep thinking those who overcame slavery, etc. were also strongly aligned to a particular political party and all its other platforms? If anything it was a Christian movement, not a liberal one. Be that as it may, what does any of that have to do with the values or “morals” of the avante garde secular humanist lustful free-for-alls which represents so much of liberalism today? That is a non-starter. Even Kennedy would blush the moment he read your manifestos.

>>CHANGE: If change is a crucial tenet of liberalism scientific innovation and technology falls within that purview. The conservative lifestyle you tout so proudly wouldn't exit if some liberal minded alchemist hadn't broken the mental bonds of religiosity and dared to explore the unknown. Europe may never have emerged from the dark ages of conservatism if the Moors had not invaded Spain and brought "enlightenment " with them. Considering how "conservative" Muslims are, the middle ages of Europe must have been even more depressingly conservative than I can imagine… Liberalism as we know it, sprang from the fruits of the Renaissance.<<

Well you said a mouthful there. Now you can spit it out.

You really think it’s worth me spending the time disagreeing with you on all this, too?

>>What "liberal" government are you squawking about? Congress isn't "liberal" right now. The Supreme Court isn't "liberal right now. Using your generalization of the term, I suppose you could say Obama's moderate administration is liberal.<<

You could say Obama’s administration is moderately liberal. I could not.
Congress and the Supreme Court, at a minimum, have let liberal policies and executive powers go forth without opposition. That’s being liberal. And the republican congress has done what to advance conservative wishes since it has become a majority? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They are in bed with liberal skunks, part of the hated establishment.

[me:] Ok, I am a laymen… As it is, I fully understand the examples you provided but they really do not mean much to me or what we are talking about here, IMO. I do not care if some “neo-liberals” go to church or if they are pro-life. Nor do I care if cops belong to a union or if blacks are not necessarily “pro-gay.” What I am talking about is not people but platforms and ideologies. And that is where I can generalize what liberalism stands for for the sake of argument.

>>I too, am a layman. But the examples I provided are axioms that won't disappear because you don't care about them. These truths are self evident and actually their existence confirms the ignorance that prevails amongst those spouting what passes as conservatism.<<

Was that an answer? Did you just disprove something I said or cause a diversion?

[me:]Correct me if I am wrong, but I associate liberal policies of the past 30+ years with pro-choice positions, including being in favor of late term abortions. Also in favor of gay marriage.

>>I think most of the list of issues you posited have been associated with liberals to some degree but I don't believe all liberals, or even MOST, endorse every single item as a group. And I am positive that late term abortion is NOT a general liberal aspiration.<<

You are causing me to repeat myself for no good reason. So I won’t. The fact remains it is most often very clear where liberalism stands on many critical issues or ideas and the same goes for conservatism. So do not try to deny that. And it is those positions I am addressing, not subsets of groups or individuals within the party or ideology who waiver on some particulars.
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.

The fallacy in that is simply that liberals decide nothing. Their "decisions" are made FOR them by the party elite. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to act.
I disagree... With only two choices there isn't that much confusion as to which political platform is or is NOT in one's best interests....that is, except for those working class RW wannabes who think somehow big business republicans are their friends.

If you are are required by most other blacks to vote Democrat or you get publicly scorned as a racial traitor.

Ask Stacy Dash.
The long and short of it is simply that, with our home-grown liberals, America has no need for foreign enemies. Liberal policies will emasculate all law enforcement to the point where, as in politics, anything goes.
You poor poor white guy. :laugh:
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.

The fallacy in that is simply that liberals decide nothing. Their "decisions" are made FOR them by the party elite. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to act.
I disagree... With only two choices there isn't that much confusion as to which political platform is or is NOT in one's best interests....that is, except for those working class RW wannabes who think somehow big business republicans are their friends.

If you are are required by most other blacks to vote Democrat or you get publicly scorned as a racial traitor.

Ask Stacy Dash.
I wouldnt go so far to call them a race traitor. I would just call them an uncle tom or in this case an aunt jemima. Voting Dem without getting something is dumb. However voting repub is immeasurably more stupid.
Careful, some of those you deem liberal will be the deciders of whether the candidate you want to be president wins or loses.

The fallacy in that is simply that liberals decide nothing. Their "decisions" are made FOR them by the party elite. Liberals are not allowed to think - only to act.
I disagree... With only two choices there isn't that much confusion as to which political platform is or is NOT in one's best interests....that is, except for those working class RW wannabes who think somehow big business republicans are their friends.

If you are are required by most other blacks to vote Democrat or you get publicly scorned as a racial traitor.

Ask Stacy Dash.
No one knows how you vote unless you tell them. It doesn't matter how you register... you can still vote as you please. The same is true of the Electoral College who ae pledged to support their party. BTW...I think that is where Trump is going to the Electoral College; even though he wins the popular vote.

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