Cops ignoring crime to avoid the hassle; Arrests plummet; Violent crime soars.

Are you calling Buc a troll? I dont think its a troll thread. I just think he likes to whine.

A job done so well, with such grace and elan, that both your ears and tail are at risk for being preserved on a plaque over his fireplace!
So funny to watch liberals crying out laws to enforced!
you mean those same liberals who cried out against child labor, slavery, and industrial pollution?
Those same liberals "cried out about those things and were responsible for the promulgation of JUST laws to correct those societal ills. I think that same standard is being applied to the protests of BLM..although they aren't all liberals. Black conservatives want their kids and families to be free from police harassment and they also want to lower the risk of a cop murdering one of their family members.. That is why those brave Black men and women put their lives on the line everyday to protest and speak out against brutal police tactics
Next time you hear something breaking into your house, call a "black lives matter" activist and see how far that will get you.
Why would you do that instead of protecting yourself? You do realize there are some Black cops that support BLM dont you? I would wager some white cops as well but not as many.
Next time you hear something breaking into your house, call a "black lives matter" activist and see how far that will get you.
Why would you do that instead of protecting yourself? You do realize there are some Black cops that support BLM dont you? I would wager some white cops as well but not as many.
I was being sarcastic. The BLM should focus on how the black community should address the high crime rates in poor black areas , not shift the blame to a few bad (white) cops. It isn't helping and perhaps it's doing just the opposite.
So funny to watch liberals crying out laws to enforced!
you mean those same liberals who cried out against child labor, slavery, and industrial pollution?
Those same liberals "cried out about those things and were responsible for the promulgation of JUST laws to correct those societal ills.
You sure had to reach back a few generations to find something honorable by your liberals. And if you want to talk civil rights in the 60’s that was at least as much republican led as democrats.

So to answer your first question --- No, not those liberals. Those liberals went to church and would be aghast to find how anti-family, anti-life and immoral their nation has become under the name liberal. And how much everyone blamed everyone else for their conditions.
Next time you hear something breaking into your house, call a "black lives matter" activist and see how far that will get you.
Why would you do that instead of protecting yourself? You do realize there are some Black cops that support BLM dont you? I would wager some white cops as well but not as many.
I was being sarcastic. The BLM should focus on how the black community should address the high crime rates in poor black areas , not shift the blame to a few bad (white) cops. It isn't helping and perhaps it's doing just the opposite.
I agree with that as well but other people are already doing that. BLM has taken on the task of telling whites what whites already are aware of. White cops like hunting Blacks. Its not a few bad apples. Its a lot of them as I have seen. However, BLM may have gotten something good going from what my cop friend has told me. I still think ultimately whites will find ways to try and kill off Blacks so I would use that energy elsewhere.
This is what would happen if we
WTF do you lefties expect the cops to do?

Their jobs :eek:
It wouldn't surprise me if they got told to "stand down" :)

Ok, but I just wanted to answer the question that seemed to stump you.
You are a fuckin moron. Seriously

Just remember the left wants people to do a job if they are going to collect a paycheck. Its a new thing you probably never heard about.
What do able bodied people on welfare do then? Besides vote democrat every couple of years?
For Chicago cops on the street, more scrutiny brings lower morale, fewer stops

This is a thread about a complex issue. Police actually engaging criminals Hillary calls them..."super predators" in our streets. As many police say...there is a mood of resisting and assaulting police that seems to be creeping into society and one party is openly supporting the movement. And some say it's untrue because they'll say cop deaths are down from 30 years ago. Vests becoming standard issue, improved tactics and trauma care are the reason for that.

But so is simple disengagement. Fewer cops pushing the pace against violent thugs. They atmosphere of aggression on cops is there...but the stats may end up going down for reasons Iike my link. Cops just saying fuck it.

The link describes a Chicago gang officer who stops a car...smells weed from inside the gang members car...driver aggressively talking shit. And the cop says fuck it...ignores it...let's him go. Meanwhile....Chicago's murder rate is soaring. So it's a tough topic to measure. Are assaults on cops up or down?? How do we know what's accurate since cops control how often they are actually in a position to be assaulted??

Chicago arrests are down about 50%....while murders are soaring in the city's bad neighborhoods. But much of the stand down by the officers is caused by the aggression they meet when they try to work. From the thugs and from the media/politicians looking to exploit a cause for ratings or votes. So as the culture of aggression worsens....the cops limit their interactions and the stats of cops being assaulted may actually go down.

Skykar challenged me to "prove aggression on cops is up". I agreed but warned it's a long thread. This is a start.

I also asked him to acknowledge that statistically the #BlackLivesMatter is full of shit. That we have proven that statistically the odds a black individual is killed unlawfully by a cop are so ridiculously tiny that it's not even worth discussion. He didnt.

Why are you applauding? You should be outraged. Talk about gov't waste.
What kind of fucking moronic, racist loon do you have to be to defend cops that shoot blacks for no good reason and then applaud cops for not doing their jobs simply because blacks are publicly asking not to be shot?

Where do you people come from?
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For Chicago cops on the street, more scrutiny brings lower morale, fewer stops

This is a thread about a complex issue. Police actually engaging criminals Hillary calls them..."super predators" in our streets. As many police say...there is a mood of resisting and assaulting police that seems to be creeping into society and one party is openly supporting the movement. And some say it's untrue because they'll say cop deaths are down from 30 years ago. Vests becoming standard issue, improved tactics and trauma care are the reason for that.

But so is simple disengagement. Fewer cops pushing the pace against violent thugs. They atmosphere of aggression on cops is there...but the stats may end up going down for reasons Iike my link. Cops just saying fuck it.

The link describes a Chicago gang officer who stops a car...smells weed from inside the gang members car...driver aggressively talking shit. And the cop says fuck it...ignores it...let's him go. Meanwhile....Chicago's murder rate is soaring. So it's a tough topic to measure. Are assaults on cops up or down?? How do we know what's accurate since cops control how often they are actually in a position to be assaulted??

Chicago arrests are down about 50%....while murders are soaring in the city's bad neighborhoods. But much of the stand down by the officers is caused by the aggression they meet when they try to work. From the thugs and from the media/politicians looking to exploit a cause for ratings or votes. So as the culture of aggression worsens....the cops limit their interactions and the stats of cops being assaulted may actually go down.

Skykar challenged me to "prove aggression on cops is up". I agreed but warned it's a long thread. This is a start.

I also asked him to acknowledge that statistically the #BlackLivesMatter is full of shit. That we have proven that statistically the odds a black individual is killed unlawfully by a cop are so ridiculously tiny that it's not even worth discussion. He didnt.
Silver lining on every cloud, police brutality claims are down. Makes all those preventable crimes all worth it, doesn't it?

Which preventable crimes? The police brutality crimes or the crimes committed during the police tantrum?
Any officer trying to enforce the law in this climate of persecution is insufficiently sane to be allowed to walk unescorted (that's without his/her Mommy, liberals) let alone handle any sort of weapon.

Conservatives are such pussies.
Waaa. ....persecution, tyranny.
They won't let me discriminate Waaa.
So funny to watch liberals crying out laws to enforced!
you mean those same liberals who cried out against child labor, slavery, and industrial pollution?
Those same liberals "cried out about those things and were responsible for the promulgation of JUST laws to correct those societal ills.
You sure had to reach back a few generations to find something honorable by your liberals. And if you want to talk civil rights in the 60’s that was at least as much republican led as democrats.

So to answer your first question --- No, not those liberals. Those liberals went to church and would be aghast to find how anti-family, anti-life and immoral their nation has become under the name liberal. And how much everyone blamed everyone else for their conditions.

No you don't. It happens all around you.You just refuse to see it.
For Chicago cops on the street, more scrutiny brings lower morale, fewer stops

This is a thread about a complex issue. Police actually engaging criminals Hillary calls them..."super predators" in our streets. As many police say...there is a mood of resisting and assaulting police that seems to be creeping into society and one party is openly supporting the movement. And some say it's untrue because they'll say cop deaths are down from 30 years ago. Vests becoming standard issue, improved tactics and trauma care are the reason for that.

But so is simple disengagement. Fewer cops pushing the pace against violent thugs. They atmosphere of aggression on cops is there...but the stats may end up going down for reasons Iike my link. Cops just saying fuck it.

The link describes a Chicago gang officer who stops a car...smells weed from inside the gang members car...driver aggressively talking shit. And the cop says fuck it...ignores it...let's him go. Meanwhile....Chicago's murder rate is soaring. So it's a tough topic to measure. Are assaults on cops up or down?? How do we know what's accurate since cops control how often they are actually in a position to be assaulted??

Chicago arrests are down about 50%....while murders are soaring in the city's bad neighborhoods. But much of the stand down by the officers is caused by the aggression they meet when they try to work. From the thugs and from the media/politicians looking to exploit a cause for ratings or votes. So as the culture of aggression worsens....the cops limit their interactions and the stats of cops being assaulted may actually go down.

Skykar challenged me to "prove aggression on cops is up". I agreed but warned it's a long thread. This is a start.

I also asked him to acknowledge that statistically the #BlackLivesMatter is full of shit. That we have proven that statistically the odds a black individual is killed unlawfully by a cop are so ridiculously tiny that it's not even worth discussion. He didnt.
gee another oinky McCracker whining about the pigs again

Ah....and libs are displaying why the nation wide police slowdown is underway.
Funny.....cops have stopped stopping minorities. And crime soars. And we say minorities commit the most crime...and you say it's false. Hmmmm.

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