Cops ignoring crime to avoid the hassle; Arrests plummet; Violent crime soars.

For Chicago cops on the street, more scrutiny brings lower morale, fewer stops

This is a thread about a complex issue. Police actually engaging criminals Hillary calls them..."super predators" in our streets. As many police say...there is a mood of resisting and assaulting police that seems to be creeping into society and one party is openly supporting the movement. And some say it's untrue because they'll say cop deaths are down from 30 years ago. Vests becoming standard issue, improved tactics and trauma care are the reason for that.

But so is simple disengagement. Fewer cops pushing the pace against violent thugs. They atmosphere of aggression on cops is there...but the stats may end up going down for reasons Iike my link. Cops just saying fuck it.

The link describes a Chicago gang officer who stops a car...smells weed from inside the gang members car...driver aggressively talking shit. And the cop says fuck it...ignores it...let's him go. Meanwhile....Chicago's murder rate is soaring. So it's a tough topic to measure. Are assaults on cops up or down?? How do we know what's accurate since cops control how often they are actually in a position to be assaulted??

Chicago arrests are down about 50%....while murders are soaring in the city's bad neighborhoods. But much of the stand down by the officers is caused by the aggression they meet when they try to work. From the thugs and from the media/politicians looking to exploit a cause for ratings or votes. So as the culture of aggression worsens....the cops limit their interactions and the stats of cops being assaulted may actually go down.

Skykar challenged me to "prove aggression on cops is up". I agreed but warned it's a long thread. This is a start.

I also asked him to acknowledge that statistically the #BlackLivesMatter is full of shit. That we have proven that statistically the odds a black individual is killed unlawfully by a cop are so ridiculously tiny that it's not even worth discussion. He didnt.
We were predicting this a long time ago.

Any cop engaging a member of a PC-protected group on any level whatsoever is taking his career in his hands. His life, his family's safety.

If I had a family member who was a cop, I wouldn't blame them.

Back off, let 'em go, pick up the pieces later when the dust settles.

Yeah but here's the positive news. The safer suburban police departments are being flooded with applicants from veteran officers from larger departments. Instead of filling the vacancy with an inexperienced noob.....they'll get a 15 year veteran with 5 years on SWAT, 3 as a detective, 3 as trainer and 5 as a supervisor. It's WONDERFUL news if you live in a safe suburb. Your local department is gonna get these seasoned and wise officers who flee these urban shitholes. A little drop in pay? Yeah. Losing the silly pride of the big city PD name on your patch? Sure. Worth it??? In 2016 hell yes!!!

Basically.....crime is headed back to the 1980s and early 90s "New Jack City" days. Yay....have fun folks!!!!
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
For Chicago cops on the street, more scrutiny brings lower morale, fewer stops

This is a thread about a complex issue. Police actually engaging criminals Hillary calls them..."super predators" in our streets. As many police say...there is a mood of resisting and assaulting police that seems to be creeping into society and one party is openly supporting the movement. And some say it's untrue because they'll say cop deaths are down from 30 years ago. Vests becoming standard issue, improved tactics and trauma care are the reason for that.

But so is simple disengagement. Fewer cops pushing the pace against violent thugs. They atmosphere of aggression on cops is there...but the stats may end up going down for reasons Iike my link. Cops just saying fuck it.

The link describes a Chicago gang officer who stops a car...smells weed from inside the gang members car...driver aggressively talking shit. And the cop says fuck it...ignores it...let's him go. Meanwhile....Chicago's murder rate is soaring. So it's a tough topic to measure. Are assaults on cops up or down?? How do we know what's accurate since cops control how often they are actually in a position to be assaulted??

Chicago arrests are down about 50%....while murders are soaring in the city's bad neighborhoods. But much of the stand down by the officers is caused by the aggression they meet when they try to work. From the thugs and from the media/politicians looking to exploit a cause for ratings or votes. So as the culture of aggression worsens....the cops limit their interactions and the stats of cops being assaulted may actually go down.

Skykar challenged me to "prove aggression on cops is up". I agreed but warned it's a long thread. This is a start.

I also asked him to acknowledge that statistically the #BlackLivesMatter is full of shit. That we have proven that statistically the odds a black individual is killed unlawfully by a cop are so ridiculously tiny that it's not even worth discussion. He didnt.
We were predicting this a long time ago.

Any cop engaging a member of a PC-protected group on any level whatsoever is taking his career in his hands. His life, his family's safety.

If I had a family member who was a cop, I wouldn't blame them.

Back off, let 'em go, pick up the pieces later when the dust settles.

Yeah but here's the positive news. The safer suburban police departments are being flooded with applicants from veteran officers from larger departments. Instead of filling the vacancy with an inexperienced noob.....they'll get a 15 year veteran with 5 years on SWAT, 3 as a detective, 3 as trainer and 5 as a supervisor. It's WONDERFUL news if you live in a safe suburb. Your local department is gonna get these seasoned and wise officers who flee these urban shitholes. A little drop in pay? Yeah. Losing the silly pride of the big city PD name on your patch? Sure. Worth it??? In 2016 hell yes!!!

Basically.....crime is headed back to the 1980s and early 90s "New Jack City" days. Yay....have fun folks!!!!
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.

A couple friends of mine who are in the military say some military members get disgusted by the civilian world they protect. Yep. I'm sure cops feel that way now too.
For Chicago cops on the street, more scrutiny brings lower morale, fewer stops

This is a thread about a complex issue. Police actually engaging criminals Hillary calls them..."super predators" in our streets. As many police say...there is a mood of resisting and assaulting police that seems to be creeping into society and one party is openly supporting the movement. And some say it's untrue because they'll say cop deaths are down from 30 years ago. Vests becoming standard issue, improved tactics and trauma care are the reason for that.

But so is simple disengagement. Fewer cops pushing the pace against violent thugs. They atmosphere of aggression on cops is there...but the stats may end up going down for reasons Iike my link. Cops just saying fuck it.

The link describes a Chicago gang officer who stops a car...smells weed from inside the gang members car...driver aggressively talking shit. And the cop says fuck it...ignores it...let's him go. Meanwhile....Chicago's murder rate is soaring. So it's a tough topic to measure. Are assaults on cops up or down?? How do we know what's accurate since cops control how often they are actually in a position to be assaulted??

Chicago arrests are down about 50%....while murders are soaring in the city's bad neighborhoods. But much of the stand down by the officers is caused by the aggression they meet when they try to work. From the thugs and from the media/politicians looking to exploit a cause for ratings or votes. So as the culture of aggression worsens....the cops limit their interactions and the stats of cops being assaulted may actually go down.

Skykar challenged me to "prove aggression on cops is up". I agreed but warned it's a long thread. This is a start.

I also asked him to acknowledge that statistically the #BlackLivesMatter is full of shit. That we have proven that statistically the odds a black individual is killed unlawfully by a cop are so ridiculously tiny that it's not even worth discussion. He didnt.
We were predicting this a long time ago.

Any cop engaging a member of a PC-protected group on any level whatsoever is taking his career in his hands. His life, his family's safety.

If I had a family member who was a cop, I wouldn't blame them.

Back off, let 'em go, pick up the pieces later when the dust settles.

Yeah but here's the positive news. The safer suburban police departments are being flooded with applicants from veteran officers from larger departments. Instead of filling the vacancy with an inexperienced noob.....they'll get a 15 year veteran with 5 years on SWAT, 3 as a detective, 3 as trainer and 5 as a supervisor. It's WONDERFUL news if you live in a safe suburb. Your local department is gonna get these seasoned and wise officers who flee these urban shitholes. A little drop in pay? Yeah. Losing the silly pride of the big city PD name on your patch? Sure. Worth it??? In 2016 hell yes!!!

Basically.....crime is headed back to the 1980s and early 90s "New Jack City" days. Yay....have fun folks!!!!
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.

A couple friends of mine who are in the military say some military members get disgusted by the civilian world they protect. Yep. I'm sure cops feel that way now too.
Those are the people that shouldnt be allowed to have jobs protecting people. Just food for thought.
We were predicting this a long time ago.

Any cop engaging a member of a PC-protected group on any level whatsoever is taking his career in his hands. His life, his family's safety.

If I had a family member who was a cop, I wouldn't blame them.

Back off, let 'em go, pick up the pieces later when the dust settles.

Yeah but here's the positive news. The safer suburban police departments are being flooded with applicants from veteran officers from larger departments. Instead of filling the vacancy with an inexperienced noob.....they'll get a 15 year veteran with 5 years on SWAT, 3 as a detective, 3 as trainer and 5 as a supervisor. It's WONDERFUL news if you live in a safe suburb. Your local department is gonna get these seasoned and wise officers who flee these urban shitholes. A little drop in pay? Yeah. Losing the silly pride of the big city PD name on your patch? Sure. Worth it??? In 2016 hell yes!!!

Basically.....crime is headed back to the 1980s and early 90s "New Jack City" days. Yay....have fun folks!!!!
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Yeah but here's the positive news. The safer suburban police departments are being flooded with applicants from veteran officers from larger departments. Instead of filling the vacancy with an inexperienced noob.....they'll get a 15 year veteran with 5 years on SWAT, 3 as a detective, 3 as trainer and 5 as a supervisor. It's WONDERFUL news if you live in a safe suburb. Your local department is gonna get these seasoned and wise officers who flee these urban shitholes. A little drop in pay? Yeah. Losing the silly pride of the big city PD name on your patch? Sure. Worth it??? In 2016 hell yes!!!

Basically.....crime is headed back to the 1980s and early 90s "New Jack City" days. Yay....have fun folks!!!!
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.

Careers? Lives. Darren Wilson will never live normal again. And...he's got what to show for it???
Fewer encounters means fewer cases of "police brutality".

Everyone should be happy here.
Yeah but here's the positive news. The safer suburban police departments are being flooded with applicants from veteran officers from larger departments. Instead of filling the vacancy with an inexperienced noob.....they'll get a 15 year veteran with 5 years on SWAT, 3 as a detective, 3 as trainer and 5 as a supervisor. It's WONDERFUL news if you live in a safe suburb. Your local department is gonna get these seasoned and wise officers who flee these urban shitholes. A little drop in pay? Yeah. Losing the silly pride of the big city PD name on your patch? Sure. Worth it??? In 2016 hell yes!!!

Basically.....crime is headed back to the 1980s and early 90s "New Jack City" days. Yay....have fun folks!!!!
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.
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These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.

Careers? Lives. Darren Wilson will never live normal again. And...he's got what to show for it???
ever. cause of some fkn punk ass. He was merely doing his job. had to interact cause he was there and it was his job. I'm thankful to the witnesses that backed his story. I don't fking care who anyone is, they have no right to reach into a cops car and pull his weapon. For me that is an automatic death sentence, the fact he made back to the street is amazing and tells you the strength of the thug.
These are people who love what they do and want to serve, but who know that the system is too distorted for them to do it in certain areas. What a goddamn shame.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
and why is that?
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Every fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.
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And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

The perfect post. Sums it all up. And yeah...when that occasional shithead in uniform comes with him.
And why is what?
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

It takes a certain temperament to be cool and collected in such situations. Unfortunately that isn't always the case.
Unrelated...but a heart warming photo of the good guys catching a violent criminal and no one hurt.

the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

The perfect post. Sums it all up. And yeah...when that occasional shithead in uniform comes with him.
the system too distorted for them to do it in certain areas?
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

It takes a certain temperament to be cool and collected in such situations. Unfortunately that isn't always the case.
I agree, because sometimes the situation is truly fk'd up. And no fkn human should have to be in those scenarios ever, yet punks present them frequently.
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

The perfect post. Sums it all up. And yeah...when that occasional shithead in uniform comes with him.

Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

It takes a certain temperament to be cool and collected in such situations. Unfortunately that isn't always the case.
I agree, because sometimes the situation is truly fk'd up. And no fkn human should have to be in those scenarios ever, yet punks present them frequently.

It's like trying to micromanage unannounced drug fueled mentally ill uneducated chaos. You cant. That's why the Supreme Court says a cops actions must be "reasonable" rather than perfect. "Reasonable" doesn't always mean we like it or agree. Like a thug with a knife or bat. A "reasonable" response may be many things.

But the media and the Democrats want perfection rather than reasonable. And they'll burn a city if they don't get it.

What Darren Wilson did was not "perfect". But it was reasonable.
Look at the prior posts. In any given situation, they're guilty until proven innocent, and even being innocent their careers can still be ruined.
Well a cop is different than the court system. In their minds any individual is guilty until proven innocent, it makes sense. how else could they do their jobs? They'd all die in critical situations otherwise. Someone calls 911 cause someone is doing something to someone. That means someone is offensive. Guilty, and the caller is the evidence to support the thought. The cop doesn't get four weeks to prepare on how he/she'd handle the situation. It gets handled then and there. Based on one thing, the thug is guilty and needs to be stopped.

Pretty sure that most cops get a call, and then they go to investigate the call. Lots of loonies call the cops when they are themselves in the wrong.
agree, that's why they go in with the presence of mind that something might be serious and life threatening. they may have to discharge their weapon. They are the one that makes that call, not a lawyer in a court room or judge behind a desk. Nope real life world shit right in front of them. Ever fkn day. I respect the shit out of them with the crap they take from punks and the like. We had a bad cop here, he didn't kill anyone but himself. Fox Lake, IL. He knew he was guilty.

It takes a certain temperament to be cool and collected in such situations. Unfortunately that isn't always the case.
I agree, because sometimes the situation is truly fk'd up. And no fkn human should have to be in those scenarios ever, yet punks present them frequently.

And yet, in the videos on youtube, it's usually the cops instigating a scenario that no human should be subjected to. It isn't as simple as good guys and bad guys. It's imperfect people who don't have sufficient impulse control.

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