Cops intentionally hit by a a guess what....

Blacks would have nothing if they didn't have racism to blame for every woe in their life. Therefore, blacks have to perpetuate racism.

We'd still have big dicks and the white size queens
are you black like this?
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
Dont use your family when you know no one can answer without breaking the rules Coward.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
Hey Howard Zinn...get a life...or a history education.
So you can't intelligently or factually rebut my statement...oh well, just say something stupid.
You already did....
Shogun Wars in Japan? So the Japanese hated those fucking Japanese. American Civil War and the constitutional crisis that it was about. American Revolution, sure, that was about race and culture.
the constitutional crisis of the civil war was men not being free......................
WTF? What "media" says that? Link...?


"The Republican presidential nominee is missing a golden opportunity to make inroads to black communities. Worse yet for the New York real estate mogul, he is driving black voters to Democratic nominee Hillary Clintonin one survey he attracted just 1 percent of blacks — by appearing racially insensitive or even intolerant, warned Republican campaign veterans.?

Hillary Clinton dominates Donald Trump 99 percent to 1 percent among blacks, poll finds
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. That doesn't say 99% of blacks are Democrat. That says 99% of blacks oppose Crazy Donald.

And that only makes them smart.

Roughly 50% of all blacks aged 18 and over voted for Obama and he received a record number of votes from blacks. Only an idiot would assume a person is a Democrat because they're black.

Here is the headline to that link, and Hillary Clinton is a Democrat. You are the retard that can't even read.

99 percent of black voters back Hillary Clinton over ‘racially intolerant’ Donald Trump
That doesn't make them Democrat. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

You do realize that Republicans sometimes vote Democrat depending on the candidates, right?

You do realize that Independents often vote Democrat depending on the candidates, right?

That doesn't make them Democrat.

I realize that if 99% of Blacks back a Democrat, that makes them a Democrat.
what about those backing Trump???? I mean he is a democrat as well.

"The Republican presidential nominee is missing a golden opportunity to make inroads to black communities. Worse yet for the New York real estate mogul, he is driving black voters to Democratic nominee Hillary Clintonin one survey he attracted just 1 percent of blacks — by appearing racially insensitive or even intolerant, warned Republican campaign veterans.?

Hillary Clinton dominates Donald Trump 99 percent to 1 percent among blacks, poll finds
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. That doesn't say 99% of blacks are Democrat. That says 99% of blacks oppose Crazy Donald.

And that only makes them smart.

Roughly 50% of all blacks aged 18 and over voted for Obama and he received a record number of votes from blacks. Only an idiot would assume a person is a Democrat because they're black.

Here is the headline to that link, and Hillary Clinton is a Democrat. You are the retard that can't even read.

99 percent of black voters back Hillary Clinton over ‘racially intolerant’ Donald Trump
That doesn't make them Democrat. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

You do realize that Republicans sometimes vote Democrat depending on the candidates, right?

You do realize that Independents often vote Democrat depending on the candidates, right?

That doesn't make them Democrat.

I realize that if 99% of Blacks back a Democrat, that makes them a Democrat.
what about those backing Trump???? I mean he is a democrat as well.

Not any more. He switched parties. Didn't you get the memo?
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. That doesn't say 99% of blacks are Democrat. That says 99% of blacks oppose Crazy Donald.

And that only makes them smart.

Roughly 50% of all blacks aged 18 and over voted for Obama and he received a record number of votes from blacks. Only an idiot would assume a person is a Democrat because they're black.

Here is the headline to that link, and Hillary Clinton is a Democrat. You are the retard that can't even read.

99 percent of black voters back Hillary Clinton over ‘racially intolerant’ Donald Trump
That doesn't make them Democrat. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

You do realize that Republicans sometimes vote Democrat depending on the candidates, right?

You do realize that Independents often vote Democrat depending on the candidates, right?

That doesn't make them Democrat.

I realize that if 99% of Blacks back a Democrat, that makes them a Democrat.
what about those backing Trump???? I mean he is a democrat as well.

Not any more. He switched parties. Didn't you get the memo?
Switched parties yet still preaching the same democrat claptrap.... Nope he is still a democrat. think it's crazy for someone to assume a black adult is supportive of the Democrats...plain and simple. And it isn't. You need to stop posting and think about what you are saying. The numbers don't help you either way.
With roughly half of the adult black population voting for a black Democrat presidential candidate, the numbers are absolutely in favor of attributing the assumption that a black person is Democrat because they're black, to crazy-assed assumptions.
Half? Try 90%.
You morons are like moths attracted to light. Always another coming along to join their fellow imbeciles.

Ok, Idiot ... in the last presidential election, where more blacks than ever voted for a Democrat candidate, there were about 28,736,000 black adults in America. Roughly 15,260,810 of them voted for the Democrat.

Now here's the challenging part for ya .... what percentage is 15.3 million of 28.7 million...?

I'll even make it easy for you, since you sound like a conservative, and make it multiple choice....

Is the answer a) 53% or b) 90% ?

holy fuck, not all black adults voted, how hard is that?
It's not about who voted, ya flamin' idiot. :cuckoo: it's about blacks.

Is the fucker who ran those cops down a voter? You don't know because this is about blacks, not black voters. You don't care how stupid you look, do you?

My comment was about blacks, were you drunk? read it again sober

"The Republican presidential nominee is missing a golden opportunity to make inroads to black communities. Worse yet for the New York real estate mogul, he is driving black voters to Democratic nominee Hillary Clintonin one survey he attracted just 1 percent of blacks — by appearing racially insensitive or even intolerant, warned Republican campaign veterans.?

Hillary Clinton dominates Donald Trump 99 percent to 1 percent among blacks, poll finds
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. That doesn't say 99% of blacks are Democrat. That says 99% of blacks oppose Crazy Donald.

And that only makes them smart.

Roughly 50% of all blacks aged 18 and over voted for Obama and he received a record number of votes from blacks. Only an idiot would assume a person is a Democrat because they're black.
#BlackLivesMatter Cuts to the Heart of the Democratic Convention
Your double done.
You think because a few black women were on that stage, that 99% of blacks are Democrat?

Is there a rightard in this joint with a functioning brain?
Blacks have voted 90+% Democratic for awhile now, according to past exit polling. So it is isn't crazy to assume a black person is a Democrat voter. Off the top of my head, I believe in 2012 that it was 94% of the blacks leaving the polls said they voted for Obama, with 6% for Romney or another candidate. I might be off on the %, but not by much.
Of course it's crazy to assume that. You're talking about the high percentage of voting blacks vote Democrat. That's a different argument.

That's not the same as assuming a black is a Democrat since.only about 57% of all blacks 18 and over even vote; and the an election with a black candidate, 53% of all blacks 18 and over voted Democrat.

So yes, assuming a black person is a Democrat when only about half of them actually vote Democrat is absolutely crazy. Even worse, that also assumes Black Republicans are Democrats because they voted for Obama. :cuckoo:

to say you cannot extrapolate voting black behavior to the nonvoting group is stupid, you have not one shred of proof that the nonvoting group would vote conservative. They cannot or they would cut off their welfare
atleast this one is little more obviously racist, the last guy who posted this story called him a "democrat" im assuming this is on stormfornt or breitbart or some other racist website thats why you guys keep posting it, right?
It's in the headlines of the news, jackass. Yeah, I'm sure he a Republican TEA party member.
You can tell by the dirty, greasy, gross dreadlocks.
the blacks in here always resort to their 'big cock banging white trash' thing because they have nothing else ever. Black men are the biggest losers of all demographics, what primitive minds full of garbage
the blacks in here always resort to their 'big cock banging white trash' thing because they have nothing else ever. Black men are the biggest losers of all demographics, what primitive minds full of garbage
Thomas Sowells and Walter Williams they are not.
With roughly half of the adult black population voting for a black Democrat presidential candidate, the numbers are absolutely in favor of attributing the assumption that a black person is Democrat because they're black, to crazy-assed assumptions.
Half? Try 90%.
You morons are like moths attracted to light. Always another coming along to join their fellow imbeciles.

Ok, Idiot ... in the last presidential election, where more blacks than ever voted for a Democrat candidate, there were about 28,736,000 black adults in America. Roughly 15,260,810 of them voted for the Democrat.

Now here's the challenging part for ya .... what percentage is 15.3 million of 28.7 million...?

I'll even make it easy for you, since you sound like a conservative, and make it multiple choice....

Is the answer a) 53% or b) 90% ?

holy fuck, not all black adults voted, how hard is that?
It's not about who voted, ya flamin' idiot. :cuckoo: it's about blacks.

Is the fucker who ran those cops down a voter? You don't know because this is about blacks, not black voters. You don't care how stupid you look, do you?

My comment was about blacks, were you drunk? read it again sober
I can't help you don't understand what you say. Your claim is "pretty much all" blacks are Democrat because of the ones who vote, a high percentage of them vote Democrat.

But the argument of the asshole who ran those cops over being a Democrat is not based on him being a voter. It's based on him being black. And 53% of blacks voted for the Democrat in the last election. And of the 47% who didn't, it doesn't matter why they didn't. That means without knowing if he voted, there's a 53% chance he voted Democrat in the last presidential election. And that's what you moronically call, "pretty much all." :cuckoo:

I know you still don't get it. Hell, you don't even know how to post a link on a smartphone. Oh well, c'est la vie. :itsok:
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. That doesn't say 99% of blacks are Democrat. That says 99% of blacks oppose Crazy Donald.

And that only makes them smart.

Roughly 50% of all blacks aged 18 and over voted for Obama and he received a record number of votes from blacks. Only an idiot would assume a person is a Democrat because they're black.
#BlackLivesMatter Cuts to the Heart of the Democratic Convention
Your double done.
You think because a few black women were on that stage, that 99% of blacks are Democrat?

Is there a rightard in this joint with a functioning brain?
Blacks have voted 90+% Democratic for awhile now, according to past exit polling. So it is isn't crazy to assume a black person is a Democrat voter. Off the top of my head, I believe in 2012 that it was 94% of the blacks leaving the polls said they voted for Obama, with 6% for Romney or another candidate. I might be off on the %, but not by much.
Of course it's crazy to assume that. You're talking about the high percentage of voting blacks vote Democrat. That's a different argument.

That's not the same as assuming a black is a Democrat since.only about 57% of all blacks 18 and over even vote; and the an election with a black candidate, 53% of all blacks 18 and over voted Democrat.

So yes, assuming a black person is a Democrat when only about half of them actually vote Democrat is absolutely crazy. Even worse, that also assumes Black Republicans are Democrats because they voted for Obama. :cuckoo:

to say you cannot extrapolate voting black behavior to the nonvoting group is stupid, you have not one shred of proof that the nonvoting group would vote conservative. They cannot or they would cut off their welfare
There is no evidence of how non-voters vote. You're really retarded. And about 50% of blacks collect welfare.
Last edited:
You think because a few black women were on that stage, that 99% of blacks are Democrat?

Is there a rightard in this joint with a functioning brain?
Blacks have voted 90+% Democratic for awhile now, according to past exit polling. So it is isn't crazy to assume a black person is a Democrat voter. Off the top of my head, I believe in 2012 that it was 94% of the blacks leaving the polls said they voted for Obama, with 6% for Romney or another candidate. I might be off on the %, but not by much.
Of course it's crazy to assume that. You're talking about the high percentage of voting blacks vote Democrat. That's a different argument.

That's not the same as assuming a black is a Democrat since.only about 57% of all blacks 18 and over even vote; and the an election with a black candidate, 53% of all blacks 18 and over voted Democrat.

So yes, assuming a black person is a Democrat when only about half of them actually vote Democrat is absolutely crazy. Even worse, that also assumes Black Republicans are Democrats because they voted for Obama. :cuckoo:

to say you cannot extrapolate voting black behavior to the nonvoting group is stupid, you have not one shred of proof that the nonvoting group would vote conservative. They cannot or they would cut off their welfare
There is no evidence of how non-voters vote. You're really retarded. And about 50% of blacks are on welfare.

don't change my words liar, I didn't say they voted, but there is mountains of evidence as to their political preferences
You think because a few black women were on that stage, that 99% of blacks are Democrat?

Is there a rightard in this joint with a functioning brain?
Blacks have voted 90+% Democratic for awhile now, according to past exit polling. So it is isn't crazy to assume a black person is a Democrat voter. Off the top of my head, I believe in 2012 that it was 94% of the blacks leaving the polls said they voted for Obama, with 6% for Romney or another candidate. I might be off on the %, but not by much.
Of course it's crazy to assume that. You're talking about the high percentage of voting blacks vote Democrat. That's a different argument.

That's not the same as assuming a black is a Democrat since.only about 57% of all blacks 18 and over even vote; and the an election with a black candidate, 53% of all blacks 18 and over voted Democrat.

So yes, assuming a black person is a Democrat when only about half of them actually vote Democrat is absolutely crazy. Even worse, that also assumes Black Republicans are Democrats because they voted for Obama. :cuckoo:

to say you cannot extrapolate voting black behavior to the nonvoting group is stupid, you have not one shred of proof that the nonvoting group would vote conservative. They cannot or they would cut off their welfare
There is no evidence of how non-voters vote. You're really retarded. And about 50% of blacks are on welfare.

don't change my words liar, I didn't say they voted, but there is mountains of evidence as to their political preferences
That's was the accusation that was made, moron. The claim is that asshole is a Democrat. You don't know how he votes. You're guessing. and 53% of blacks voted Democrat in the last presidential election.

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