Cops intentionally hit by a a guess what....

Isnt it amazing such a large percentage vote for the party that held them slaves?
You mean in the southern conservative states which now mostly vote Republican?
o I mean Democrats... What ever makes you think you are different from them??? You keep them uneducated and in slums and full of hate and depression. Actually you regressives might just be worse then your forefathers
You have to be pretty stupid to think Progressives are "regressive," but that aside.... it was mostly southern conservatives who kept slaves. They were Democrat then; they are Republican now. You can ignore reality but you can't change it.
To call yourself progressive would mean to progress to something all you want to do is to regress ... You have no progress to offer just the status quo .
Project much? maintaining Status quo is the creed of conservatism.
To conserve individual freedoms granted by GOD is very much progress. We don't follow a ideology of slavery like you.
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You have to be pretty stupid to think Progressives are "regressive," but that aside....

What you ultimately promote is feudalism.

Leftists seek a society where the central authority controls all assets; whether we call this "single payer" as you do, or "the divine right of kings," the reality is the same, the ruler is the owner of all who doles out to underlings in concert with the favor they have to the rulers.

In addition there is the aristocracy. Under the feudal system, the ruling class was deemed "noble" and above the law of commoners. Now we have Hillary Clinton who is declared "too big to jail" and above the law by the FBI.

You are regressives, regressing society right back to the feudalism of the dark ages. You leftists seek a ruling elite with absolute power who rule over the obedient masses.

it was mostly southern conservatives who kept slaves. They were Democrat then; they are Republican now. You can ignore reality but you can't change it.

Ah yes, the big lie - the primary weapon of leftists.

I have eviscerated you a dozen times on this lie. Conservative? You mean they sought individual liberty - these slave owners? Conservative, they wanted government out of their lives - the government that provided the force to keep other men enslaved?

No, you're just lying - an outrageous lie that you believe will be more accepted because it is so outrageous.

The Democrat slave owners were big government thugs, using the violence of the state to impose their will on others - no different than you Khmer Rouge democrat thugs today.
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You mean in the southern conservative states which now mostly vote Republican?

Still butt hurt that people no longer vote for you racist scum? :dunno:
WTF? You think they no longer vote for racist scum?? They just call themselves Republicans now. The south id still as racist as they've ever been.
While it is true that racists are still elected I am pretty sure Obama isnt a republican.
You have to be pretty stupid to think Progressives are "regressive," but that aside....

What you ultimately promote is feudalism.

Leftists seek a society where the central authority controls all assets; whether we call this "single payer" as you do, or "the divine right of kings," the reality is the same, the ruler is the owner of all who doles out to underlings in concert with the favor they have to the rulers.

In addition there is the aristocracy. Under the feudal system, the ruling class was deemed "noble" and above the law of commoners. Now we have Hillary Clinton who is declared "too big to jail" and above the law by the FBI.

You are regressives, regressing society right back to the feudalism of the dark ages. You leftists seek a ruling elite with absolute power who rule over the obedient masses.

it was mostly southern conservatives who kept slaves. They were Democrat then; they are Republican now. You can ignore reality but you can't change it.

Ah yes, the big lie - the primary weapon of leftists.

I have eviscerated you a dozen times on this lie. Conservative? You mean they sought individual liberty - these slave owners? Conservative, they wanted government out of their live - the government that provided the force to keep other men enslaved?

No, you're just lying - an outrageous lie that you believe will be more accepted because it is so outrageous.

The Democrat slave owners were big government thugs, using the violence of the state to impose their will on others - no different than you Khmer Rouge democrat thugs today.
You're fucking deranged. The Anerican left does not "seek a society where the central authority controls all assets." :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post is unhinged because it's based on that idiicy.
You're fucking deranged.

What a well crafted response.

Precisely what I expect from an ignorant dolt such as you.

The Anerican left does not "seek a society where the central authority controls all assets." :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post is unhinged because it's based on that idiicy.


The goal of the left is a centrally planned and managed economy. Are you seriously lying otherwise?
You have to be pretty stupid to think Progressives are "regressive," but that aside....

What you ultimately promote is feudalism.

Leftists seek a society where the central authority controls all assets; whether we call this "single payer" as you do, or "the divine right of kings," the reality is the same, the ruler is the owner of all who doles out to underlings in concert with the favor they have to the rulers.

In addition there is the aristocracy. Under the feudal system, the ruling class was deemed "noble" and above the law of commoners. Now we have Hillary Clinton who is declared "too big to jail" and above the law by the FBI.

You are regressives, regressing society right back to the feudalism of the dark ages. You leftists seek a ruling elite with absolute power who rule over the obedient masses.

it was mostly southern conservatives who kept slaves. They were Democrat then; they are Republican now. You can ignore reality but you can't change it.

Ah yes, the big lie - the primary weapon of leftists.

I have eviscerated you a dozen times on this lie. Conservative? You mean they sought individual liberty - these slave owners? Conservative, they wanted government out of their live - the government that provided the force to keep other men enslaved?

No, you're just lying - an outrageous lie that you believe will be more accepted because it is so outrageous.

The Democrat slave owners were big government thugs, using the violence of the state to impose their will on others - no different than you Khmer Rouge democrat thugs today.
Regarding your nonsense on slavery, you're brain-dead on that too. Southern Democrats in those days were states rights proponents. It was the progressive north which sought to end slavery. The conservative south fought to keep it. It was racist conservatives who seceded from the nation to escape what they felt was an over-reaching government.
You're fucking deranged.

What a well crafted response.

Precisely what I expect from an ignorant dolt such as you.

The Anerican left does not "seek a society where the central authority controls all assets." :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post is unhinged because it's based on that idiicy.


The goal of the left is a centrally planned and managed economy. Are you seriously lying otherwise?
It is not, ya brain-dead maniac. While the left does promote some social programs, the economy they promote is still capitalist. Despite your best efforts to paint the American left as Communists, you fail miserably every time because your beliefs are based upon your own delusions. The left is not promoting a "society where the central authority controls all assets," I don't care how crazy you are.
It is not, ya brain-dead maniac. While the left does promote some social programs, the economy they promote is still capitalist.

Izzatrite sploogy?

Let's look at one of the hate sites run by the owner of the democrats..

{When asked their opinion, nearly 6 in 10 Americans (58 percent) say they favor the idea of Medicare-for-all, including 34 percent who say they strongly favor it. This is compared to 34 percent who say they oppose it, including 25 percent who strongly oppose it. Opinions vary widely by political party identification, with 8 in 10 Democrats (81 percent) and 6 in 10 independents (60 percent) saying they favor the idea, while 63 percent of Republicans say they oppose it.}

81% of Democrats Support Single Payer, as well as 58% of all Americans

Well gee, that makes it appear that democrats support SOCIALIZED medicine - centrally planned and managed by our rulers.

Ah but maybe that's only for medicine...

In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.

Nearly six-in-ten Democratic primary voters believe socialism has a 'positive impact on society,' according to polling conducted this month for the right-leaning issue advocacy group American Action Network and provided to POLITICO.

Read more: Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook}

Now, are you lying, or just abysmally ignorant?

No one has ever thought of you as the smartest guy in any room, but then again you're a democrat - not a shred or hint of integrity..

Despite your best efforts to paint the American left as Communists, you fail miserably every time because your beliefs are based upon your own delusions. The left is not promoting a "society where the central authority controls all assets," I don't care how crazy you are.

{It is imperative that we, as a nation, develop policies that not only mitigate existing economic inequality and poverty, but that actually reverse these trends for the long term. Beyond perpetuating poverty, fomenting social unrest, incurring greater burdens on social services, and producing countless other toxic consequences, numerous studies, as well as our recent first-hand experience with the Great Recession, affirm that income inequality is bad not only for low-income individuals, but also bad for the economy at large.15 Whereas income and wealth inequality lead to economic stagnation and social instability, greater economic equality, on the other hand, produces economic growth and social stability.16 A fairer, inclusive employment system will undoubtedly be a critical component of building a more equitable, sustainable economy—so how do we begin making real, measurable steps toward this nebulous goal?}

Reducing Economic Inequality through Democratic Worker-Ownership


Is it that you are as dumb as you present yourself, or do you just think others are so dumb they won't fact check your bullshit? :dunno:
It is not, ya brain-dead maniac. While the left does promote some social programs, the economy they promote is still capitalist.

Izzatrite sploogy?

Let's look at one of the hate sites run by the owner of the democrats..

{When asked their opinion, nearly 6 in 10 Americans (58 percent) say they favor the idea of Medicare-for-all, including 34 percent who say they strongly favor it. This is compared to 34 percent who say they oppose it, including 25 percent who strongly oppose it. Opinions vary widely by political party identification, with 8 in 10 Democrats (81 percent) and 6 in 10 independents (60 percent) saying they favor the idea, while 63 percent of Republicans say they oppose it.}

81% of Democrats Support Single Payer, as well as 58% of all Americans

Well gee, that makes it appear that democrats support SOCIALIZED medicine - centrally planned and managed by our rulers.

Ah but maybe that's only for medicine...

In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.

Nearly six-in-ten Democratic primary voters believe socialism has a 'positive impact on society,' according to polling conducted this month for the right-leaning issue advocacy group American Action Network and provided to POLITICO.

Read more: Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook}

Now, are you lying, or just abysmally ignorant?

No one has ever thought of you as the smartest guy in any room, but then again you're a democrat - not a shred or hint of integrity..

Despite your best efforts to paint the American left as Communists, you fail miserably every time because your beliefs are based upon your own delusions. The left is not promoting a "society where the central authority controls all assets," I don't care how crazy you are.

{It is imperative that we, as a nation, develop policies that not only mitigate existing economic inequality and poverty, but that actually reverse these trends for the long term. Beyond perpetuating poverty, fomenting social unrest, incurring greater burdens on social services, and producing countless other toxic consequences, numerous studies, as well as our recent first-hand experience with the Great Recession, affirm that income inequality is bad not only for low-income individuals, but also bad for the economy at large.15 Whereas income and wealth inequality lead to economic stagnation and social instability, greater economic equality, on the other hand, produces economic growth and social stability.16 A fairer, inclusive employment system will undoubtedly be a critical component of building a more equitable, sustainable economy—so how do we begin making real, measurable steps toward this nebulous goal?}

Reducing Economic Inequality through Democratic Worker-Ownership


Is it that you are as dumb as you present yourself, or do you just think others are so dumb they won't fact check your bullshit? :dunno:
Sadly, you burned off your last 2 remaining brain cells to produce all that which doesn't even prove that America's left wants to switch from a capitalist economy to "a society where the central authority controls all assets."
Sadly, you burned off your last 2 remaining brain cells to produce all that which doesn't even prove that America's left wants to switch from a capitalist economy to "a society where the central authority controls all assets."

Does that ever work?

You completely get your ass handed to you and then try second grade insults?


I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you.

But here's the deal sploogy - if you use ad hom, you have to be able to back up your shit - and you can't. You're just a partisan hack spewing hate memes from the Soros sites. You have no ability to think or reason on your own. Push you off script and you crash & burn, as you did here.
Sadly, you burned off your last 2 remaining brain cells to produce all that which doesn't even prove that America's left wants to switch from a capitalist economy to "a society where the central authority controls all assets."

Does that ever work?

You completely get your ass handed to you and then try second grade insults?


I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you.

But here's the deal sploogy - if you use ad hom, you have to be able to back up your shit - and you can't. You're just a partisan hack spewing hate memes from the Soros sites. You have no ability to think or reason on your own. Push you off script and you crash & burn, as you did here.
I can't decide which is more adorable....

how you resort to ad-hominem while actually complaining about me using ad-hominem...

Or you declaring victory for yourself after failing miserablely to establish your retarded point that America's left wing is Communist.

Sadly, you burned off your last 2 remaining brain cells to produce all that which doesn't even prove that America's left wants to switch from a capitalist economy to "a society where the central authority controls all assets."

Does that ever work?

You completely get your ass handed to you and then try second grade insults?


I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you.

But here's the deal sploogy - if you use ad hom, you have to be able to back up your shit - and you can't. You're just a partisan hack spewing hate memes from the Soros sites. You have no ability to think or reason on your own. Push you off script and you crash & burn, as you did here.
I can't decide which is more adorable....

how you resort to ad-hominem while actually complaining about me using ad-hominem...

Or you declaring victory for yourself after failing miserablely to establish your retarded point that America's left wing is Communist.

They were not conservatives gomer they are democrats JUST LIKE YOU ... you racists never stop trying to push the blame on others it is really pathetic.
I can't decide which is more adorable....

how you resort to ad-hominem while actually complaining about me using ad-hominem...

So when I said;

"I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you. "

I was complaining about the use?


You are not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, sploogy.

Or you declaring victory for yourself after failing miserablely to establish your retarded point that America's left wing is Communist.


Herpaderp derpity derp?

Well said Fawn.
Sadly, you burned off your last 2 remaining brain cells to produce all that which doesn't even prove that America's left wants to switch from a capitalist economy to "a society where the central authority controls all assets."

Does that ever work?

You completely get your ass handed to you and then try second grade insults?


I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you.

But here's the deal sploogy - if you use ad hom, you have to be able to back up your shit - and you can't. You're just a partisan hack spewing hate memes from the Soros sites. You have no ability to think or reason on your own. Push you off script and you crash & burn, as you did here.
I can't decide which is more adorable....

how you resort to ad-hominem while actually complaining about me using ad-hominem...

Or you declaring victory for yourself after failing miserablely to establish your retarded point that America's left wing is Communist.

They were not conservatives gomer they are democrats JUST LIKE YOU ... you racists never stop trying to push the blame on others it is really pathetic.
The world is not comprised of only conservatives and Communists. That you think that way doesn't make it so -- it only reveals how fucked in the head you are.
I can't decide which is more adorable....

how you resort to ad-hominem while actually complaining about me using ad-hominem...

So when I said;

"I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you. "

I was complaining about the use?


You are not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, sploogy.

Or you declaring victory for yourself after failing miserablely to establish your retarded point that America's left wing is Communist.


Herpaderp derpity derp?

Well said Fawn.
No conservative, when you said, "if you use ad hom, you have to be able to back up your shit."

Don't make me have to explain your words to you.
Sadly, you burned off your last 2 remaining brain cells to produce all that which doesn't even prove that America's left wants to switch from a capitalist economy to "a society where the central authority controls all assets."

Does that ever work?

You completely get your ass handed to you and then try second grade insults?


I love ad hom, particularly at the expense of arrogant blowhards like you.

But here's the deal sploogy - if you use ad hom, you have to be able to back up your shit - and you can't. You're just a partisan hack spewing hate memes from the Soros sites. You have no ability to think or reason on your own. Push you off script and you crash & burn, as you did here.
I can't decide which is more adorable....

how you resort to ad-hominem while actually complaining about me using ad-hominem...

Or you declaring victory for yourself after failing miserablely to establish your retarded point that America's left wing is Communist.

They were not conservatives gomer they are democrats JUST LIKE YOU ... you racists never stop trying to push the blame on others it is really pathetic.
The world is not comprised of only conservatives and Communists. That you think that way doesn't make it so -- it only reveals how fucked in the head you are.
What is it like to have to constantly lie about what you are????

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