Cops Killing Civilians: What Is It Really About?

IMO the problem with the police is a manifestation and microcosm of the racial history in the US. It was not until Civil Rights did you see the large scale appearance of heavy handed police presence in the Black community. That points directly to an issue of control. "How do we keep control of the Black people problem?" Once the legal control of Blacks via Jim Crow was dismantled there had to be another means put in place. I believe that police were the answer to that question asked by some of the countries top politicians. Until everyone acknowledges the reality of this dynamic we will not be able to resolve this.

The problem isn't the police. It's the idiots that break the law. Garner nor Brown would be dead today had they simply obeyed the law. Seems some blacks are too stupid to acknowledge where the real fault lies.

The crimes they had been convicted of and executed for?

Being black.

No one was executed. How do you explain the whites that are killed each year by police?

In 2012, 123 blacks were killed by cops, 326 whites were killed by cops that same year.
What was the breakdown? How many Black cops shot unarmed white people and how many white cops shot unarmed Black people?

Cops are all the same
This isnt Avatar. Cops are all different races. Are you admitting you just made up those stats? Maybe thats why you are deflecting. Show us the stats please.
According to the GALLUP study, the black population has less trust to the police. African American citizens do not believe that the police, the court or any other state institution can protect them (or protects them enough). They also believe to be mistreated by the police.

Do they have real grounds for such attitude or is there some other side of the coin?

Just think about it. Not a single person wants to go outside being afraid of a police officer, thinking what to do or not to do in order to avoid police brutality. But why is it the blacks who are more afraid of the police, not the whites?

And then just think about the cops who die on duty. There are quite a lot of them, btw. I don’t think any of them want to die, so there are rules they follow to avoid risks and to prevent some injuries from happening. Especially in certain environment and neighborhoods. And then there are circumstances in which an average cop would be more nervous and prepared to use his gun.

I’m not implying here that some citizens are provoking officers or some officers are too nervous. I’m just trying to say that there are two sides (at least, so maybe there are even more) of the problem when both parties move to escalating the conflict.

In general, I think that we have here a complicated social, cultural and historical controversy which no one is planning to solve. And just forbidding cops to shoot won’t work. Neither will rules on how to behave in front of the police officer help.

I wonder where they got that crazy idea???????
The problem isn't the police. It's the idiots that break the law. Garner nor Brown would be dead today had they simply obeyed the law. Seems some blacks are too stupid to acknowledge where the real fault lies.

The crimes they had been convicted of and executed for?

Being black.

No one was executed. How do you explain the whites that are killed each year by police?

In 2012, 123 blacks were killed by cops, 326 whites were killed by cops that same year.
What was the breakdown? How many Black cops shot unarmed white people and how many white cops shot unarmed Black people?

Cops are all the same
This isnt Avatar. Cops are all different races. Are you admitting you just made up those stats? Maybe thats why you are deflecting. Show us the stats please.

The stats doesn't state what race the officers were. The only people that care about race are racist blacks and white liberals.
The crimes they had been convicted of and executed for?

Being black.

No one was executed. How do you explain the whites that are killed each year by police?

In 2012, 123 blacks were killed by cops, 326 whites were killed by cops that same year.
What was the breakdown? How many Black cops shot unarmed white people and how many white cops shot unarmed Black people?

Cops are all the same
This isnt Avatar. Cops are all different races. Are you admitting you just made up those stats? Maybe thats why you are deflecting. Show us the stats please.

The stats doesn't state what race the officers were. The only people that care about race are racist blacks and white liberals.
So you dont know what you are talking about as usual. What a surprise.
No one was executed. How do you explain the whites that are killed each year by police?

In 2012, 123 blacks were killed by cops, 326 whites were killed by cops that same year.
What was the breakdown? How many Black cops shot unarmed white people and how many white cops shot unarmed Black people?

Cops are all the same
This isnt Avatar. Cops are all different races. Are you admitting you just made up those stats? Maybe thats why you are deflecting. Show us the stats please.

The stats doesn't state what race the officers were. The only people that care about race are racist blacks and white liberals.
So you dont know what you are talking about as usual. What a surprise.

Yes I know what I'm talking about. It's obvious you're too stupid to comprehend it.
What was the breakdown? How many Black cops shot unarmed white people and how many white cops shot unarmed Black people?

Cops are all the same
This isnt Avatar. Cops are all different races. Are you admitting you just made up those stats? Maybe thats why you are deflecting. Show us the stats please.

The stats doesn't state what race the officers were. The only people that care about race are racist blacks and white liberals.
So you dont know what you are talking about as usual. What a surprise.

Yes I know what I'm talking about. It's obvious you're too stupid to comprehend it.
He comprehends. And then (badly) PRETENDS that he doesn't.
Now we have lots of rioting going on in Berkeley, CA. reports have been sketchy, but it looks like compared to the amount of rioting, very few arrests are being made. last number I heard was 5. Five ? It ought to be 500, starting with everybody that shows up at at street protest wearing a mask.

No tonly should cops be arresting these loons in droves, they should be beating on them too. I remember the Vietnam anti-war protests. Cops cracked heads, broke legs, and arrested thousands. One guy threw a plastic bag of urine at a cop. He missed, but the cop didn't miss his leg bone (about 6 inches below the knee) with his billy club. It sounded like an explosion, when he hit that guy's leg. I heard it loud, from a half block away. THAT's what should be happening now. Cops should KICK ASS.
Now we have lots of rioting going on in Berkeley, CA. reports have been sketchy, but it looks like compared to the amount of rioting, very few arrests are being made. last number I heard was 5. Five ? It ought to be 500, starting with everybody that shows up at at street protest wearing a mask.

No tonly should cops be arresting these loons in droves, they should be beating on them too. I remember the Vietnam anti-war protests. Cops cracked heads, broke legs, and arrested thousands. One guy threw a plastic bag of urine at a cop. He missed, but the cop didn't miss his leg bone (about 6 inches below the knee) with his billy club. It sounded like an explosion, when he hit that guy's leg. I heard it loud, from a half block away. THAT's what should be happening now. Cops should KICK ASS.
No doubt violence by the police gives you a woody. You sounded like you were having a flashback to a wet dream.
The police are left with two options. Enforce the law or withdraw. Right now they are withdrawing. Let the rioters loot and burn.
Now we have lots of rioting going on in Berkeley, CA. reports have been sketchy, but it looks like compared to the amount of rioting, very few arrests are being made. last number I heard was 5. Five ? It ought to be 500, starting with everybody that shows up at at street protest wearing a mask.

No tonly should cops be arresting these loons in droves, they should be beating on them too. I remember the Vietnam anti-war protests. Cops cracked heads, broke legs, and arrested thousands. One guy threw a plastic bag of urine at a cop. He missed, but the cop didn't miss his leg bone (about 6 inches below the knee) with his billy club. It sounded like an explosion, when he hit that guy's leg. I heard it loud, from a half block away. THAT's what should be happening now. Cops should KICK ASS.
No doubt violence by the police gives you a woody. You sounded like you were having a flashback to a wet dream.
No need to express your perversions on these pages. As usual, you try to write a script. :rolleyes-41:

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