Cops show up 3 hours after 911 call then murder family dog

That dog was a known Terrorist. He was planning on destroying our American way of life. I'm glad it's dead. And if you love America, you'll agree.
Well believe what you wish but they are not pigs. They're human beings with a tough job to do. I wouldn't trade places with any of them.

Oh neither would I. I love power and power in the hands of whacko's like the cops is not a good thing and I would use my power in a bad way so I stay away from ever trying to be a cop. I also won't be a cop because they are part of the problem they are the stormtroopers on the street enforcing the dictators laws.

Well put a big note in your local paper. Tell the cops that if they're ever called to the scene of you being mauled by a pit bull, tell them not to shoot it. Tell them to call animal control.


Will do. Only dogs around here are my american bulldog and boxer. If by some weird chance I was "attacked" my dogs would defend me and if they weren't around I am armed.
Well believe what you wish but they are not pigs. They're human beings with a tough job to do. I wouldn't trade places with any of them.

Oh neither would I. I love power and power in the hands of whacko's like the cops is not a good thing and I would use my power in a bad way so I stay away from ever trying to be a cop. I also won't be a cop because they are part of the problem they are the stormtroopers on the street enforcing the dictators laws.

This is what you say now, but you like all the other cop haters will run to then crying when you need them. They are pigs until some thug is trying to kick your door down or someone bumps your car .

LoL...give me a break. Do you really think we aren't able to take care of ourselves in our home? We are so don't worry about it. Oh and my vehicle is a pos so wouldn't really care if it gets bumped. If cops would merely do their job and not abuse their power then there would be no problems.But doubt that is ever going to happen.
Oh neither would I. I love power and power in the hands of whacko's like the cops is not a good thing and I would use my power in a bad way so I stay away from ever trying to be a cop. I also won't be a cop because they are part of the problem they are the stormtroopers on the street enforcing the dictators laws.

Well put a big note in your local paper. Tell the cops that if they're ever called to the scene of you being mauled by a pit bull, tell them not to shoot it. Tell them to call animal control.


Will do. Only dogs around here are my american bulldog and boxer. If by some weird chance I was "attacked" my dogs would defend me and if they weren't around I am armed.

so you own the only two dogs around huh?
Ya know, in this Police State, it's very unwise and Un-American to question the Police. I think there's a cell at GITMO with your name on it. Just sayin.
Mmhmm..closest neighbor is good 1/2 mile away...doesn't have any dogs.
Ya know, in this Police State, it's very unwise and Un-American to question the Police. I think there's a cell at GITMO with your name on it. Just sayin.

It's one thing to question them. It's another to call them pigs.
Oh neither would I. I love power and power in the hands of whacko's like the cops is not a good thing and I would use my power in a bad way so I stay away from ever trying to be a cop. I also won't be a cop because they are part of the problem they are the stormtroopers on the street enforcing the dictators laws.

This is what you say now, but you like all the other cop haters will run to then crying when you need them. They are pigs until some thug is trying to kick your door down or someone bumps your car .

LoL...give me a break. Do you really think we aren't able to take care of ourselves in our home? We are so don't worry about it. Oh and my vehicle is a pos so wouldn't really care if it gets bumped. If cops would merely do their job and not abuse their power then there would be no problems.But doubt that is ever going to happen.

No, I dont think you or most people could "handle" it. Most who say they can are normally the first to run screaming and crying to them, or "handle" it and screw it up worse then it would have been to begin with.
That dog was a known Terrorist. He was planning on destroying our American way of life. I'm glad it's dead. And if you love America, you'll agree.

Not terrorist dogs, but unattended dogs owned by dimwits and drunks.
"Pigs" is not constructive. Well trained police,well regulated, well paid, and federal aid to locals so there are plenty and not over worked IS constructive. Privatized low paid law enforcement and prison personnel is a huge mistake- myopic voodoo legacy...
Yep, and my 100% full blooded pit pulls to that oddly enough, the police man that used to visit my home daily never felt the need to shoot. Mostly because I never got drunk in public, tied him to a fire hydrant and passed out, or called the cops and left him unattended on a chain in the front yard. The owners got their dogs shot. Thems the facts as presented in all cases. If yuou want one to cry about do so over this one-

Menlo Park Puppy Miraculously Survives Police Officer Gunshot To Head « CBS San Francisco

A 7-month-old pit bull puppy will apparently make a full recovery after taking a gunshot to the eye when he reportedly charged at a Menlo Park police officer over the weekend.

In the photo you will see a real pit bull, and if you had knew anything about them you would see that a 7 month old pup can be a formidable adversary. Even so, if you read further, you will see even this incident was just another stupid person who should not be allowed to own any dogs. Sorry, your police state crape just dont apply in any of thees cases.
Hey, the story does has a silver lining. At least the Gestapo didn't murder all the humans this time. Just trying to be an optimist. :)
Hey, the story does has a silver lining. At least the Gestapo didn't murder all the humans this time. Just trying to be an optimist. :)

Wow, you really struggle when you dont have the daily Paul to get all your comments and retorts from.
"Pigs" is not constructive. Well trained police,well regulated, well paid, and federal aid to locals so there are plenty and not over worked IS constructive. Privatized low paid law enforcement and prison personnel is a huge mistake- myopic voodoo legacy...

Unless you have been there remain silent. There are Police officers and their are pigs.
I actually saw no reason to shoot the dog, the cop was itching to kill something.
Been dog bite 6 times never felt the need to shoot one.

You must admit that modern law dictates that deadly force was authorized. Correct?

All I have to admit is that cops will never be found liable for shooting a dog. I could have walked up to that dog and restrained it without getting hurt, and I am not trained to do that kind of stuff. Police should be trained to deal with animals, not shoot them.

They are trained or supposed to be trained to handle that type of situation.
Let's face the whole situation was bad from the beginning. And the dog being a dog paid the price. Sad but true.

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