Cornel West Blasts Obama Is A "Brown-Faced Clinton"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The war wagons must really be moving toward the Hillary camp. More and more previous Obama supporters are coming to the conclusion that not only has Obama been a complete epic failure for the world, he also had a negative impact locally here on the far left that supported him.



Cornel West Blasts Obama Is A Brown-Faced Clinton A Post-Traumatic Depression Will Follow Zero Hedge

Outspoken Union Theological Seminary professor Cornel West goes where very few 'thinkers-of-color' have had the courage to go in this interview with Salon's Thomas Frank: "The thing is, [Obama] posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone presidency, a national security presidency. The torturers go free. The Wall Street executives go free... we ended up with a brown-faced Clinton. Another opportunist. Another neoliberal opportunist... So you got low-quality black leadership. Al Sharpton is who? He’s a cheerleader for Obama... Eric Holder won’t touch the Wall Street executives; they’re his friends... I think a post-Obama America is an America in post-traumatic depression.
The war wagons must really be moving toward the Hillary camp. .

Yeah, the Left and the media really piling on Obama now.

Nothing to lose, and they have to concentrate on getting Hillary elected.

Does this mean the number of racists is increasing?


LOL... Meh, we cant be racist if non-racist are saying it? I think its a good time to revisit Bob. You see, Bob by definition;, is racist.

It is documented on this site as I have stated time and time again just what Mr West cries. Obama convinced, otherwise known as lied, that the 1% who fly on shiny jets to Las Vegas were un-american and they should be tarred and feathered.



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