Cornyn has a decent idea on

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
background checks, and is trying to put thru a bill.

Leading GOP senator offers bill on guns mental health - Yahoo News

"Under Cornyn's bill, states sending at least 90 percent of their records on people with serious mental problems to the federal background check database would get law enforcement grant increases of up to 5 percent. States providing less than that could see grants cut by similar amounts."

Yeah, interesting. You'd think that with the level of technology we've reached that being able to access this information would be relatively simple. I could see some potential HIPAA issues, but there has to be a way to deal with that.

Background checks shouldn't be a big deal, either technologically or politically.

The real cure for mental illness, including severe cases of schizophrenia and demonic voices considered "incureable by medicine alone" will come from the proven practice of Spiritual Healing that has successfully cured such cases. See resources such as: Scott Peck "Glimpses of the Devil" Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries And Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, neurosurgeon, Healing is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry.

In order to make this therapy available to the public, and implemented in prisons and mental health, there needs to be formal medical research and development to prove the process works, and to identify the stages of recovery or relapse, similar to cancer to prove when a patient is in danger or is truly cured or what stage they are in.
background checks, and is trying to put thru a bill.

Leading GOP senator offers bill on guns mental health - Yahoo News

"Under Cornyn's bill, states sending at least 90 percent of their records on people with serious mental problems to the federal background check database would get law enforcement grant increases of up to 5 percent. States providing less than that could see grants cut by similar amounts."


You have to think this through...because believe me...the anti gunners are looking at this as a new way to go after normal gun owners. what is a serious mental health problem? That someone is feeling down? they just lost a loved one? they have insomnia? Unless you lock down the definition of "serious" mental problems...the gun grabbers will exploit it....
Yeah, interesting. You'd think that with the level of technology we've reached that being able to access this information would be relatively simple. I could see some potential HIPAA issues, but there has to be a way to deal with that.

Background checks shouldn't be a big deal, either technologically or politically.


The records of veterans with PSTD?
Idiotic and a gross violation of the expectation of patient/doctor confidentiality. All that it would accomplish is to stop those who need help the most from actually seeking it.
Idiotic and a gross violation of the expectation of patient/doctor confidentiality. All that it would accomplish is to stop those who need help the most from actually seeking it.

Those who need help? You mean those who are a danger to society and their loved ones?
Those who need help? You mean those who are a danger to society and their loved ones?

Absolutely, among others, who needs treatment more?
treatment? Nothing against that -- just giving them guns or jobs with guns

Then you should understand that actions that cause them to avoid treatment are a bad idea.

maybe keep them in the military longer

???? Are you trying to claim that only members of the military go crazy??


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