Corona virus fatigue

I used to enjoy watching TV news shows about what's going around the world.and posting on internet forums.

But now all they do is talk about the corona virus here in the US and other countries 24/7

It's become information overload and quite frankly just boring. ... :cool:
They HAVE to keep talking about it so they can cause panic and continue to blame our president for it. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
I’m happy to have an adult discussion but didn’t you bring up some fable about me hiding under the stairs? Is that what you consider being a mature adult?
You mean after you used the little hash tag? But you seem to be running around all excited about something that has only killed 60 people so far in the U.S. that isn't even an average death toll from an average day of the run of the mill flu.
I call it like I see it. If the virus is no big deal why is Italy shit down and why did Trump call for a national emergency. According to you it sounds like the flu is much worse
I love how you call it a debate when you jump from one point to another because you have no real intrest in trying to debate you just want to scream orange man bad.
Italy is having problems for a number of reasons.
As an aside they are shut down.
Single Parker healthcare.
They did almost nothing to start with.
They allowed large amounts of immigration unchecked.

He called it an emergency in part because so many on the left were in panic mode and saying he was not doing enough.
I haven’t changed the subject once. I’m happy to debate, especially when your arguments are so weak. Italy has had their healthcare system and immigration system for a long time now. The flu has come through every year. This is quite obviously different and more serious. We saw how quickly it spread and how dangerous it has been as it overwhelmed their system.

As for your Trump point that he called a National Emergency because the left was in panic mode... that’s just silly. Trump spends most of his time trying to put the left in panic mode and then rips on them for it. Trump has spent the past few weeks trying to downplay this thing but he can’t fake it anymore. He had to call the emergency because the threat is real.
Lol you are crazy.
Italy's healthcare system has broken down because of I will list them again.
They did almost nothing until it was too late.
They allowed immigration until it was too late.
They have a large amount of older people.
They are short medical workers because of single payer which left them in that condition.

The silly part is that we needed to declare a national emergency to try and calm people because of around sixty deaths in our country. They hear the media hyping the virus and they run out and start hoarding toilet paper. Come on.
As for your claim it is Trump. You and I both know you are making that up just so you can claim orange man bad.
Again, you miss the point. All those reasons you listed existed for years so why didn’t Italy experience the same problems with the flu or other viruses in the past?

National Emergencies aren’t declared to calm the people or because of a certain number of deaths... they are declared to release funding and emergency efforts to deal with disasters or prevent disasters. This has been declared by the world as a pandemic and every country is taking precautions. This doesn’t have anything to do with snowflakes, Dems or Trump. The world isn’t closing shit down because of Trump. Your claims are just silly and they don’t align with reality

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