Corona Virus Proves Trump Was Right on Borders and Trade

this from the guy that supports tariffs which is nothing more than governmental control of the private sector.

I am the only one in the discussion that actually supports the private sector, you want governmental control over it
In a world where international trade cannot be avoided I prefer the trump approach of tariffs over the communist chinese policy of super corporatism that pits the chinese government against private American companies

of course you do, government interference and control is always your go to answer.
When a foreign government is trying to take over our industry and markets the US government better respond

So, you really are not an advocate for the free market or for private industry.
I am not a Laissez-faire capitalist who is against all government intervention

if you are that makes you a very small minority

I am used to being in the small minority.

The small minority that wants less government spending

The small minority that wants more personal freedom

The small minority that does not bow to the altar of the duopoly
Damn, you truly suck at reading.

I never said anyone's opinion had to be the same, I was simply pointing out the hilarity of you partisan sheep that have to label everyone that does not agree with you 100% as members of the other side.

you are truly incapable of grasping the idea that some of us do not fall into either sheep pen
What you unwittingly pointed out is that conservatives do not march in lockstep

Wow, you really are functionally illiterate.
When libs are reduced to personal insults I know I’m winning

why do you who favors governmental interference of private companies call someone else a Lib?
Tariffs are not interfering with domestic American companies just products made in china

By American companies and for American companies...not that there really is such a thing. Companies care about profit, not borders.
I laugh
"Foreign Policy" magazine - 0ffshoot off The Washington Post - Praises Communist China and slams President Trump

Factually refute what the article says or STFU.
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.
Then you're not a free market capitalist I guess. You can't have it both ways, private. Just as GG isn't a liberal and he is to the right of you on tariffs, moron. Actually, most Americans are to the right of Trump on this.
You mean a brainless globalist who does not care which country dominates the world?

you betcha I care

How long do I have to keep paying these taxes that Trump imposed anyway? How many more farmers are bailed out or go bankrupt in your crazy left wing tariffs scheme?

Free market capitalist, not you.

I'm a liberal, but I ain't that liberal.
The farmers were attacked by china in retaliation to tariffs

trump came to their aid just as FDR reacted to the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

By forcing many of them into bankruptcy? Good plan. Or is it socialist scheme to take tax payer money to help keep some of them afloat?
If anything the money you dislike saved many from bankruptcy
Money didn't save Trump from bankruptcy 6 times Probably made money going bankrupt
I laugh
"Foreign Policy" magazine - 0ffshoot off The Washington Post - Praises Communist China and slams President Trump

Factually refute what the article says or STFU.
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.
You mean a brainless globalist who does not care which country dominates the world?

you betcha I care

How long do I have to keep paying these taxes that Trump imposed anyway? How many more farmers are bailed out or go bankrupt in your crazy left wing tariffs scheme?

Free market capitalist, not you.

I'm a liberal, but I ain't that liberal.
The farmers were attacked by china in retaliation to tariffs

trump came to their aid just as FDR reacted to the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

By forcing many of them into bankruptcy? Good plan. Or is it socialist scheme to take tax payer money to help keep some of them afloat?
If anything the money you dislike saved many from bankruptcy
Money didn't save Trump from bankruptcy 6 times Probably made money going bankrupt

He has never gone bankrupt
How long do I have to keep paying these taxes that Trump imposed anyway? How many more farmers are bailed out or go bankrupt in your crazy left wing tariffs scheme?

Free market capitalist, not you.

I'm a liberal, but I ain't that liberal.
The farmers were attacked by china in retaliation to tariffs

trump came to their aid just as FDR reacted to the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

By forcing many of them into bankruptcy? Good plan. Or is it socialist scheme to take tax payer money to help keep some of them afloat?
If anything the money you dislike saved many from bankruptcy
Money didn't save Trump from bankruptcy 6 times Probably made money going bankrupt

He has never gone bankrupt

just his companies, which is his only claim to fame.

then there is the small fact that not one single company he started on his own succeeded.
Factually refute what the article says or STFU.
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

you are free to disagree, but it is still true.
Factually refute what the article says or STFU.
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

you are free to disagree, but it is still true.

The Journal's editorial pages and columns, run separately from the news pages, have a conservative bent and are highly influential in American conservative circles. Despite this, the Journal refrains from endorsing candidates and has not endorsed a candidate since 1928. reaches a global audience of 42.4 million digital readers per month who seek the news and information critical to their business and personal lives.
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.


This to me is non-biased. When we are discussing trade, I think the WSJ is a terrific and unbiased source.

THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.


This to me is non-biased. When we are discussing trade, I think the WSJ is a terrific and unbiased source.

I think if you take the paper as a whole it is on the conservative side. You have to include the editorial section.

THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

you are free to disagree, but it is still true.

The Journal's editorial pages and columns, run separately from the news pages, have a conservative bent and are highly influential in American conservative circles. Despite this, the Journal refrains from endorsing candidates and has not endorsed a candidate since 1928. reaches a global audience of 42.4 million digital readers per month who seek the news and information critical to their business and personal lives.

Thanks for posting about their bias.

So, do you have another source you would like to try for?

THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.


This to me is non-biased. When we are discussing trade, I think the WSJ is a terrific and unbiased source.

It is less biased than most, that is for sure.

By the way, what is the source for your graph?
Leftist Site. Provide an unbiased source, “Berg”.

Name one unbiased source.


THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.
So Liberals are not pro business? Mike Bloomberg is not pro business? That’s a new one.
You mean a brainless globalist who does not care which country dominates the world?

you betcha I care

How long do I have to keep paying these taxes that Trump imposed anyway? How many more farmers are bailed out or go bankrupt in your crazy left wing tariffs scheme?

Free market capitalist, not you.

I'm a liberal, but I ain't that liberal.
The farmers were attacked by china in retaliation to tariffs

trump came to their aid just as FDR reacted to the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

By forcing many of them into bankruptcy? Good plan. Or is it socialist scheme to take tax payer money to help keep some of them afloat?
If anything the money you dislike saved many from bankruptcy

I dislike money? Is this another made up argument of yours?

So those bankruptcies which were caused by tariffs and not China and not all the farmers are being bailed out either.
The farm subsidy money

THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.


This to me is non-biased. When we are discussing trade, I think the WSJ is a terrific and unbiased source.

I think if you take the paper as a whole it is on the conservative side. You have to include the editorial section.
Editorials are opinion pieces. I discount them as such. But if you’re talking trade then the true and unbiased source would be the news section of the WSJ as I have illustrated.

THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.
So Liberals are not pro business? Mike Bloomberg is not pro business? That’s a new one.
Bloomberg is heavily invested in china and a disgusting apologist for that communist dictatorship

THe WSJ has a clear conservative bias.

I'm not saying they are on the level of the Gateway Pundit or do not have journalistic standards, but clearly biased.

I disagree. They have a business bias. That doesn't make them conservative.

I think a 'pro-business' bias (notice the quotes) would be considered fiscally conservative by most people.

With that said you were asked to provide a non-biased source and apparently by your own admission you couldn't.


This to me is non-biased. When we are discussing trade, I think the WSJ is a terrific and unbiased source.

It is less biased than most, that is for sure.

By the way, what is the source for your graph?

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