Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

I dont hear any rattling with the exception of every time you move your head.

You have microphones bugging my house? Who do you think you are, Obama?
No microphones needed. The empty space in your head amplifies the sound of the pea thats tumbling around in your head.

Sure it does. Jesus, another fruit loops butt wipe delusional loon. You guys are like mosquitoes. You float around looking for someone to bug.
Sorry to disrupt the trance your pea brain is in. However, dont you think that instead of following Drumpf like he is the pied piper you think for yourself?

It was thinking for myself that I realized five years ago in 2015 that I wanted him as president when I heard that he was running. Best president in our lives. Let me know when you find someone 1/10th as good, you might actually win an election.
How sad for you. How very very sad. :itsok:
I'm still shaking my head over this idiot Drumpf telling people its ok to go to work while you get over the virus.
You can stop shaking it. Here never said that.
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View attachment 310937
So you agree that going to work helps you get better from the virus?
Can't stop pushing the lies huh?

You heard him, trumpanzees! Go to work!

This is America. Concentrated capital's profit margin growth to infinity over people.
That's been a THING since Diaper Donnie started running in 2015.....How DARE the media show recordings of what he actually said!!!!!

Actually the BIG thing 'the media' does is take what he says and attribute their opinion to it and even redacting all he said (as in the OP video) claiming that's what he meant.
how i envy Trump and his family!

Trump has the world at his feet, and is taking on the establishment and winning. he will be credited with saving the world from corona! he is also the father of 3 sweaty, messy boys. ADOPT ME, DONALD!
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

That video is a highly redacted account of everything Trump has been doing and saying. Sad you fell for such B.S. but then, that's what TDSers do, fall for any scintilla of a syllable Trump utters that can be twisted to denigrate the man. If Trump jumped out of a boat and walked on the water to the shore, you and the MSM would be screaming "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!!!!"

I would say "It's A MIRACLE"... but that will never happen. Does Fat Donnie know how to swim?

He should float, at least.

Like a beach ball.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

That video is a highly redacted account of everything Trump has been doing and saying. Sad you fell for such B.S. but then, that's what TDSers do, fall for any scintilla of a syllable Trump utters that can be twisted to denigrate the man. If Trump jumped out of a boat and walked on the water to the shore, you and the MSM would be screaming "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!!!!"

As poor as I am I have photoshop video editing software and while I regularly use it like the image editing stuff, I edited a few videos and it's not that hard. Imagine how easy it is for someone who does it all the time like I do with images. I could make some of my fake images a lot better buy I ain't getting paid so I don't. Anyone need a shill for images?
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.
Pathetic is the 3 years of TDS from people like you and the media........My point stands........The OP is is a soundbite TDS thread......and in the middle the TRUMP SAID GO TO WORK with the Virus came up.....And that is on this thread and many others.

It is a LIE.........And the left and the Media are LYING Sacks...........This is what your party offers.........LIES.....PERPETUAL LIES.
No shit Sherlock... The OP is a political attack ad. No mystery there. But there is no lie. Those were Trumps words and his positions. Don’t get so emo about it
When taken out of context they are a lie and nothing but a smear tactic Op.........

Just like the Trump said Go to work with the virus BS..............

The KGB would be proud of you pal.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.

It is not just this man, this man is a symptom of a dysfunctional society. This man in this position is a reflection of what America is. Face it.

Trumps election was the product of a population frustrated by their government and by the leadership options presented to them. Trump presented an alternative, a fuck you to the establishment, and the promise of a businessman who could get shit done. His election was understandable. But it’s also been a complete disaster and utter embarrassment. The 2020 election will show us what kind of nation we are. If Trump gets re-elected then you will be right. I’m hoping that we’ve learn a lesson and can prove to be better

Only a Disaster for the Dems.......and Obama's legacy of failures.............His legacy is GONE..........BYE BYE

And next year you will be playing this same game after QUID PRO QUO JOE LOSES.........
Just admit Fat Donnie is the worst President ever. Go ahead and check in with reality. It will set you free.
Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit virus.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
The WHO declared the virus you dont believe in to be a pandemic you dumb MF.
Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit virus.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
The WHO declared the virus you dont believe in to be a pandemic you dumb MF.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

That video is a highly redacted account of everything Trump has been doing and saying. Sad you fell for such B.S. but then, that's what TDSers do, fall for any scintilla of a syllable Trump utters that can be twisted to denigrate the man. If Trump jumped out of a boat and walked on the water to the shore, you and the MSM would be screaming "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!!!!"

It’s an attack ad against Trump. Of course it’s redacted or edited or tailored or whatever you want to call it. Are you going to say the same shit when Trump releases thousands of anti Biden ads? We all know what the ad is doing. But that doesn’t dismiss the fact the trump was actually saying those things.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.
Pathetic is the 3 years of TDS from people like you and the media........My point stands........The OP is is a soundbite TDS thread......and in the middle the TRUMP SAID GO TO WORK with the Virus came up.....And that is on this thread and many others.

It is a LIE.........And the left and the Media are LYING Sacks...........This is what your party offers.........LIES.....PERPETUAL LIES.
No shit Sherlock... The OP is a political attack ad. No mystery there. But there is no lie. Those were Trumps words and his positions. Don’t get so emo about it
When taken out of context they are a lie and nothing but a smear tactic Op.........

Just like the Trump said Go to work with the virus BS..............

The KGB would be proud of you pal.
They aren’t edited in a way so they could be taken out of context. The clips were his words and reflected his feelings. Many agree with his sentiments
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.

It is not just this man, this man is a symptom of a dysfunctional society. This man in this position is a reflection of what America is. Face it.

Trumps election was the product of a population frustrated by their government and by the leadership options presented to them. Trump presented an alternative, a fuck you to the establishment, and the promise of a businessman who could get shit done. His election was understandable. But it’s also been a complete disaster and utter embarrassment. The 2020 election will show us what kind of nation we are. If Trump gets re-elected then you will be right. I’m hoping that we’ve learn a lesson and can prove to be better

Only a Disaster for the Dems.......and Obama's legacy of failures.............His legacy is GONE..........BYE BYE

And next year you will be playing this same game after QUID PRO QUO JOE LOSES.........

I disagree on both fronts
I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.
Pathetic is the 3 years of TDS from people like you and the media........My point stands........The OP is is a soundbite TDS thread......and in the middle the TRUMP SAID GO TO WORK with the Virus came up.....And that is on this thread and many others.

It is a LIE.........And the left and the Media are LYING Sacks...........This is what your party offers.........LIES.....PERPETUAL LIES.
No shit Sherlock... The OP is a political attack ad. No mystery there. But there is no lie. Those were Trumps words and his positions. Don’t get so emo about it
When taken out of context they are a lie and nothing but a smear tactic Op.........

Just like the Trump said Go to work with the virus BS..............

The KGB would be proud of you pal.
They aren’t edited in a way so they could be taken out of context. The clips were his words and reflected his feelings. Many agree with his sentiments
An attack piece and nothing more................just like the BS about go to work sick...........and now this TDS BS is causing the panic they wanted and economic problems...........all for politics............

We lost 1000 people in the Swine Flu and a emergency wasn't declared for 6 months.........Now the overreaction will cause more problems......

This virus will run it''s course .......there is NO WAY TO CONTAIN IT.......It is exponential now............Math doesn't lie.........and the spread will continue.............Just like the others we have faced.........
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.

It is not just this man, this man is a symptom of a dysfunctional society. This man in this position is a reflection of what America is. Face it.

Trumps election was the product of a population frustrated by their government and by the leadership options presented to them. Trump presented an alternative, a fuck you to the establishment, and the promise of a businessman who could get shit done. His election was understandable. But it’s also been a complete disaster and utter embarrassment. The 2020 election will show us what kind of nation we are. If Trump gets re-elected then you will be right. I’m hoping that we’ve learn a lesson and can prove to be better

Only a Disaster for the Dems.......and Obama's legacy of failures.............His legacy is GONE..........BYE BYE

And next year you will be playing this same game after QUID PRO QUO JOE LOSES.........

I disagree on both fronts

Good for you.......Good Luck with gonna need it.......of course the corona virus will be your NEW RALLY CALL...........
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.
Pathetic is the 3 years of TDS from people like you and the media........My point stands........The OP is is a soundbite TDS thread......and in the middle the TRUMP SAID GO TO WORK with the Virus came up.....And that is on this thread and many others.

It is a LIE.........And the left and the Media are LYING Sacks...........This is what your party offers.........LIES.....PERPETUAL LIES.
No shit Sherlock... The OP is a political attack ad. No mystery there. But there is no lie. Those were Trumps words and his positions. Don’t get so emo about it
When taken out of context they are a lie and nothing but a smear tactic Op.........

Just like the Trump said Go to work with the virus BS..............

The KGB would be proud of you pal.
They aren’t edited in a way so they could be taken out of context. The clips were his words and reflected his feelings. Many agree with his sentiments
An attack piece and nothing more................just like the BS about go to work sick...........and now this TDS BS is causing the panic they wanted and economic problems...........all for politics............

We lost 1000 people in the Swine Flu and a emergency wasn't declared for 6 months.........Now the overreaction will cause more problems......

This virus will run it''s course .......there is NO WAY TO CONTAIN IT.......It is exponential now............Math doesn't lie.........and the spread will continue.............Just like the others we have faced.........

".there is NO WAY TO CONTAIN IT.......It is exponential now..."

Yeah but if Drumpf had taken the virus seriously we wouldnt be in this situation. He was more worried about his numbers and claiming the virus was a hoax. I'm just hoping his fuckup doesnt kill too many people. I blame that dumbfuck carnival barker for the late response.
I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.
It is not just this man, this man is a symptom of a dysfunctional society. This man in this position is a reflection of what America is. Face it.
Trumps election was the product of a population frustrated by their government and by the leadership options presented to them. Trump presented an alternative, a fuck you to the establishment, and the promise of a businessman who could get shit done. His election was understandable. But it’s also been a complete disaster and utter embarrassment. The 2020 election will show us what kind of nation we are. If Trump gets re-elected then you will be right. I’m hoping that we’ve learn a lesson and can prove to be better
Only a Disaster for the Dems.......and Obama's legacy of failures.............His legacy is GONE..........BYE BYE

And next year you will be playing this same game after QUID PRO QUO JOE LOSES.........
I disagree on both fronts
Good for you.......Good Luck with gonna need it.......of course the corona virus will be your NEW RALLY CALL...........
I couldn’t vote for Hillary last election... will happily give Joe my vote this November

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