Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

Trump Boasts He’s a Medical Expert
“President Trump likes to say that he fell into politics almost by accident, and on Friday, as he sought to calm a nation gripped with fears over coronavirus, he suggested he would have thrived in another profession — medical expert,” the Washington Post reports.

Said Trump: “I like this stuff. I really get it.”

He added: “People are really surprised I understand this stuff. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.”

The man is truly delusional
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Trump is not a scientist so he should just shut up.
I suppose this wasn't 'official'...

Trump Interrupts Coronavirus Briefing to Ask Fox Reporter About His TV Ratings

During the tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters, Trump was asked by a reporter what measures he was considering to help offset the widespread economic and social impacts of the crisis. The president responded by saying the seasonal flu was worse with 36,000 deaths in the U.S. last year, compared to 240 confirmed cases of COVID-19. “When I first heard this I was shocked,” he said. “As of the time I left the plane with you we had 240 cases, that’s at least what was on a very fine network known as Fox News, don’t you love it? That’s what I happened to be watching and, how was the show last night? Did it get good ratings by the way?” he asked as he turned to a Fox reporter. “I don’t know,” the reporter responded. “Oh really, I heard it broke all ratings records, but maybe that’s wrong,” he continued. “But what happened if you look at the number, by the time we left, it was 240 cases and 11 deaths. That’s what it has been. Now, you look throughout the world and other countries—South Korea, Italy and particularly China, have many.”
And? It’s still selective editing, not using his main press conference. So, shove your stupid narrative.
'selective editing'!

As though he didn't say it!

Not saying he didn’t say it, shit-for-brains. I’m saying the video is comparing foreign leaders press conferences with selective 10 second cuts of President Trump on the phone with a TV show.
Not saying he didn’t say it, shit-for-brains. I’m saying the video is comparing foreign leaders press conferences with selective 10 second cuts of President Trump on the phone with a TV show.
No worries, fuckwit. I've given you two other occasions of IMPOTUS COVID-19 pronouncements to compare as well. One where he takes Fox News figures as his goto while at CDC. His messaging is what you voted for and it's certainly what you got.

Next you'll be saying his tweets aren't official IMPOTUS policy.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Nice doctored video that uses very select audio from President Trump.

Gawd you people are pathetic.

Doctored? In what way is it altered or falsified?

Selective editing. It uses official statements from world leaders, then it cuts to an audio of President Trump on the phone? It doesn’t use his official statements at press conferences.

So stop being a stupid c*** and acting like you don’t know how it’s disingenuous.

Of course it does... half the clips of Trump except a few from his phone Interview with Hannity on Fox was video of him making statements to the press. Do phone interviews with Fox News now not count as official statements from the President?
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And? It’s still selective editing, not using his main press conference. So, shove your stupid narrative.
'selective editing'!

As though he didn't say it!

Not saying he didn’t say it, shit-for-brains. I’m saying the video is comparing foreign leaders press conferences with selective 10 second cuts of President Trump on the phone with a TV show.
It compares video and audio of Trump talking to the press with other leaders talking to the press... what point are you trying to make hear Hawk? Because you are failing miserably
It compares video and audio of Trump talking to the press with other leaders talking to the press... what point are you trying to make hear Hawk?
It's not fair to take the IMPOTUS at his word. C'mon, Hawk's succeeding brilliantly in making that point.
I knew Drumpf was a fucking idiot but this goes above and beyond his usual idiocy.

If all his arse lickers and nodders had notebooks that scene could be interchanged with NK.

President Trump is on top of it, more so than any other leader. Don't need to watch the video.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

At this juncture, why would concentrated capital be all torn up over a sizable percentage of those over say 60 to 65 dying off due to this? Oh of course, their own loved ones, but the masses? Pfffffffffffffffffft, a blessing for the captains of capital. That demographic is past its use as revenue generational tools in the economic system. That demographic is past its soldiering days in the empire’s endless bogus illegal wars and global occupations. Concentrated capital covets the funding that goes into things like SS, Medicare, Medicaid, just as it did the capital that used to go into pensions. And the sooner that demographic disappears from society, taking its memories of how America used to work with them to the grave, the better for concentrated capital. All we need is a Pavlovian phrase like “welfare queen” that applies to this demographic. And society has already tacitly accepted the notion of concentration/internment camps.

True, America could save a tidy bit on Medicare and Social Security if we let this puppy loose for real.

~46,000 deaths a year due to lack of healthcare coverage is a little slow for the captains of America capital.

You’re not going to get any honest, constructive responses from any of Trump’s supporters – you’ll get only deflection, misinformation, and lies.
It is rather funny... I haven’t seen one Trump supporter actually address the question in my OP.
I hear a president that is being as honest and direct as he can....scaring the population to death is not the way to go....not sure what you and Georgie see in this video but I see a man that has grown into his position well and is giving answers as he can...he isn't panicking and doesn't want anyone else to panic since that won't help anyone....maybe you and Georgie pooh should tell us what you see....if this is all Georgie pooh has he ain't got shit....Trump speaks like we the people do....if you want a phony pompous ass for a leader move to Canada or France or Australia........
Thank you for being the first to answer the question and to do so in a semi respectful way. If I may ask one follow up before answering your question... Did you think the other leaders were scaring the population to death or acting in a way that seemed to cause panic?
In those clips yes but they were a snap shot so its hard to even address the point of the video....of course we must be truthful with the people at a time like this but we should not over react...many leaders use things like this to build support in their nations....they hype a crises knowing it will be rectified so they can reap the glory but do they do anything?
Trump acted fast...before the media or anyone was talking about this...and it may have spared us from a major outbreak...I wish people would give him some credit for that rather than release videos trying to shame him and his Georgie Pooh has done here....what a cheap shot artist....I don't know why kellyanne doesn't kick his ass out....
He gets plenty of credit. His supporters, admin, pundits, right wing media and VP shower him with praises in every sound bite. But he has made many statements contradicting his people in what appears an attempt to downplay. So while I do agree this situation should not be overblown, as it has been in many cases, that does not excuse the POTUS from releasing inaccurate information or spinning for his political advantage. It’s OK to critique the most powerful person in the world and compare his actions to leaders of other countries.

I see the point of the video to be a critical contrast of Trumps messaging vs other world leaders... I think a political agenda and manipulation is shown more in Trump than any of the others. What do you think?
He gets no credit from the media and any of you Trump haters here...until that changes don't look for Trump supporters to point out any of his shortfalls...
You’re not going to get any honest, constructive responses from any of Trump’s supporters – you’ll get only deflection, misinformation, and lies.
It is rather funny... I haven’t seen one Trump supporter actually address the question in my OP.
I hear a president that is being as honest and direct as he can....scaring the population to death is not the way to go....not sure what you and Georgie see in this video but I see a man that has grown into his position well and is giving answers as he can...he isn't panicking and doesn't want anyone else to panic since that won't help anyone....maybe you and Georgie pooh should tell us what you see....if this is all Georgie pooh has he ain't got shit....Trump speaks like we the people do....if you want a phony pompous ass for a leader move to Canada or France or Australia........
Drumpf treats adults like children. Tell the truth and stop lying so your numbers look good.
That's Trump not some respect...stop being an infant loser....
Its Drumpf and I have zero respect for the idiot in office.
And very little for yourself no doubt...
It is rather funny... I haven’t seen one Trump supporter actually address the question in my OP.
I hear a president that is being as honest and direct as he can....scaring the population to death is not the way to go....not sure what you and Georgie see in this video but I see a man that has grown into his position well and is giving answers as he can...he isn't panicking and doesn't want anyone else to panic since that won't help anyone....maybe you and Georgie pooh should tell us what you see....if this is all Georgie pooh has he ain't got shit....Trump speaks like we the people do....if you want a phony pompous ass for a leader move to Canada or France or Australia........
Thank you for being the first to answer the question and to do so in a semi respectful way. If I may ask one follow up before answering your question... Did you think the other leaders were scaring the population to death or acting in a way that seemed to cause panic?
In those clips yes but they were a snap shot so its hard to even address the point of the video....of course we must be truthful with the people at a time like this but we should not over react...many leaders use things like this to build support in their nations....they hype a crises knowing it will be rectified so they can reap the glory but do they do anything?
Trump acted fast...before the media or anyone was talking about this...and it may have spared us from a major outbreak...I wish people would give him some credit for that rather than release videos trying to shame him and his Georgie Pooh has done here....what a cheap shot artist....I don't know why kellyanne doesn't kick his ass out....
He gets plenty of credit. His supporters, admin, pundits, right wing media and VP shower him with praises in every sound bite. But he has made many statements contradicting his people in what appears an attempt to downplay. So while I do agree this situation should not be overblown, as it has been in many cases, that does not excuse the POTUS from releasing inaccurate information or spinning for his political advantage. It’s OK to critique the most powerful person in the world and compare his actions to leaders of other countries.

I see the point of the video to be a critical contrast of Trumps messaging vs other world leaders... I think a political agenda and manipulation is shown more in Trump than any of the others. What do you think?
He gets no credit from the media and any of you Trump haters here...until that changes don't look for Trump supporters to point out any of his shortfalls...
Why would he get credit from Trump haters? They wouldn’t really be Trump haters if they liked to give him credit so your statement doesn’t really make sense. As for the media... Fox news is the biggest cable news company in the world and they are very friendly to Trump ESP. In the prime time hours. Conservative media also dominates the radio waves and all they do is compliment trump and rag on liberals so I don’t know how you can say with a straight face that he gets no credit from the media.
I hear a president that is being as honest and direct as he can....scaring the population to death is not the way to go....not sure what you and Georgie see in this video but I see a man that has grown into his position well and is giving answers as he can...he isn't panicking and doesn't want anyone else to panic since that won't help anyone....maybe you and Georgie pooh should tell us what you see....if this is all Georgie pooh has he ain't got shit....Trump speaks like we the people do....if you want a phony pompous ass for a leader move to Canada or France or Australia........
Thank you for being the first to answer the question and to do so in a semi respectful way. If I may ask one follow up before answering your question... Did you think the other leaders were scaring the population to death or acting in a way that seemed to cause panic?
In those clips yes but they were a snap shot so its hard to even address the point of the video....of course we must be truthful with the people at a time like this but we should not over react...many leaders use things like this to build support in their nations....they hype a crises knowing it will be rectified so they can reap the glory but do they do anything?
Trump acted fast...before the media or anyone was talking about this...and it may have spared us from a major outbreak...I wish people would give him some credit for that rather than release videos trying to shame him and his Georgie Pooh has done here....what a cheap shot artist....I don't know why kellyanne doesn't kick his ass out....
He gets plenty of credit. His supporters, admin, pundits, right wing media and VP shower him with praises in every sound bite. But he has made many statements contradicting his people in what appears an attempt to downplay. So while I do agree this situation should not be overblown, as it has been in many cases, that does not excuse the POTUS from releasing inaccurate information or spinning for his political advantage. It’s OK to critique the most powerful person in the world and compare his actions to leaders of other countries.

I see the point of the video to be a critical contrast of Trumps messaging vs other world leaders... I think a political agenda and manipulation is shown more in Trump than any of the others. What do you think?
He gets no credit from the media and any of you Trump haters here...until that changes don't look for Trump supporters to point out any of his shortfalls...
Why would he get credit from Trump haters? They wouldn’t really be Trump haters if they liked to give him credit so your statement doesn’t really make sense. As for the media... Fox news is the biggest cable news company in the world and they are very friendly to Trump ESP. In the prime time hours. Conservative media also dominates the radio waves and all they do is compliment trump and rag on liberals so I don’t know how you can say with a straight face that he gets no credit from the media.
Because its the right thing to do....
The video?
It is a perfect example, supreme example of how the media twists everything this President says.
And this is the ONLY thing that this video shows.

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