Coronavirus scam -

The Christian TV Creep in the flesh.

Right Wing Watch on Twitter
I believe this guy learned his lesson. He just does what Progs do but does it from another side. There is a market for being careful.
How much do you want to bet that shit is made in China?
We will see a lot of our stuff that we use come to the forefront that is made there in the near future. Perhaps we will make more and more stuff here again. And that is a good thing.
I'm all in on quality products made here, but superstitious inspired garbage is not my deal.
Market trying a big rally in last 20 minutes just like it did last Friday in last 20
That set up a great Monday although could not sustain for this week
The manipulators now fully know that everyone other than liberal American prosperity haters are fully onto what they are doing over this mankind ending flu hype
John Oliver hit this in his show last week:

@17:00, though the whole thing is worth a watch...

Who listens to John Oliver for news or opinion?

Not me. I have HBO and his show has never been on my television screen. The only times (three, I think) I've seen his show is on my phone or laptop when I was at YouTube and I stumbled across a description of an episode I thought sounded funny, so I watched, he was.

I thought this episode was funny, it relates to the thread topic, so I posted it. Watch it, don't watch, I couldn't care less.
Could not quite make it all the way back but still gained 500 in last 30 just like last Friday
My one group had two make it to plus snd those down 10 to 15 came up to down 2 or 3
Have not looked st the other 13 yet
John Oliver hit this in his show last week:

@17:00, though the whole thing is worth a watch...

F'n Kudlow is such a moron. Can you believe he is a WH official? The taxpayers pay for this guy. Trump has to go. Vote his ass out so all of his idiots can go with him.
John Oliver hit this in his show last week:

@17:00, though the whole thing is worth a watch...

F'n Kudlow is such a moron. Can you believe he is a WH official? The taxpayers pay for this guy. Trump has to go. Vote his ass out so all of his idiots can go with him.

He didn't get my vote last time, he sure as hell won't get it this time.
People, people, listen up, humans will overcome the Coronavirus when our own antibodies develop an inhouse virus killer. Once humans develop this antibody it will be passed on to our children and from then on, this virus will reside in our history books, not our morning news outlets. In the meantime, many will carry on, some we will lose;.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., such is life.

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