Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

Whenever I read your posts, the first question that come to mind...where is the truant officer?

And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

I'll call bullshit on that one. FXN is the only network that has mostly a debate format with both sides filtering the propaganda from the other side. So unless you have specific examples, I'm saying that MSNBC and Clinton's News Network are the propaganda centers. Besides, the CIA missed 9/11 and didn't get OBL, so they lost a lot of respect in my book. These new guys aren't as good as the older guys.
And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

I'll call bullshit on that one. FXN is the only network that has mostly a debate format with both sides filtering the propaganda from the other side. So unless you have specific examples, I'm saying that MSNBC and Clinton's News Network are the propaganda centers. Besides, the CIA missed 9/11 and didn't get OBL, so they lost a lot of respect in my book. These new guys aren't as good as the older guys.

I hear ya bro....but dont forget, BFagarn gets the k00k handicap. Seriously.........he's among the half dozen of so most fcukked on this forum.
You merely squeal, little Bern80, and make negative attacks on your opponents instead of dealing with the evidence. So, until you do that, you continue fail here.

I am more conservative than you, little Bern80, and accept responsibility for myself as well as those like you who do not pull their weight in society. I probably make 7 or 8 times more than you each month. Most loons like you make grandiose statements but can't back them up with quantative or qualitative evidence. Your opposition here has provided good examples that show you are wrong. So step up, whiner.

You're about as conservative as a frog is hairy

I am more Republican than you or the wad zander or any other other pretend wannabees that claim to be GOP. Buncha losers! :lol:
And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

I'll call bullshit on that one. FXN is the only network that has mostly a debate format with both sides filtering the propaganda from the other side. So unless you have specific examples, I'm saying that MSNBC and Clinton's News Network are the propaganda centers. Besides, the CIA missed 9/11 and didn't get OBL, so they lost a lot of respect in my book. These new guys aren't as good as the older guys.

Those of us who actually know what it was and how it operated, easily can compare Pravada to the modern FXN: propaganda unhooked from reality and outright demagoguery for the purpose of pushing a one-party state.
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Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

I'll call bullshit on that one. FXN is the only network that has mostly a debate format with both sides filtering the propaganda from the other side. So unless you have specific examples, I'm saying that MSNBC and Clinton's News Network are the propaganda centers. Besides, the CIA missed 9/11 and didn't get OBL, so they lost a lot of respect in my book. These new guys aren't as good as the older guys.

Those of us who actually know what it was and how it operated, easily can compare Pravada to the modern FXN: propaganda unhooked from reality and outright demagoguery for the purpose of pushing a one-party state.

All this back and forth goes to prove what I thought all along, the US version of capitalism, and it's form of govt, are far from perfect....

please quote a post by anyone in this thread that attempted to make the argument that capitalism as an economic system is "perfect".

Yeah, i thought so.

you must be on some nice crack.
All this back and forth goes to prove what I thought all along, the US version of capitalism, and it's form of govt, are far from perfect....

For that matter. What does back and forth banter (admittedly lacking of substance for the last couple of pages) have to do with whether capitalism is good or not?
I trust neither but I do believe the government does need to step in and make sure everybody is playing by the rules from time to time.

And quite frankly the government not stepping in was the reason for the economic downturn. You see, when people are allowed to exploit they will exploit other people to make more money. Somebody needs to make sure that doesn't happen and the only thing big enough to stop it is the government.
I trust neither but I do believe the government does need to step in and make sure everybody is playing by the rules from time to time.

And quite frankly the government not stepping in was the reason for the economic downturn. You see, when people are allowed to exploit they will exploit other people to make more money. Somebody needs to make sure that doesn't happen and the only thing big enough to stop it is the government.

Just so.
All this back and forth goes to prove what I thought all along, the US version of capitalism, and it's form of govt, are far from perfect....

please quote a post by anyone in this thread that attempted to make the argument that capitalism as an economic system is "perfect".

Yeah, i thought so.

you must be on some nice crack.

Where did I say it had been said? It's my observation...
All this back and forth goes to prove what I thought all along, the US version of capitalism, and it's form of govt, are far from perfect....

For that matter. What does back and forth banter (admittedly lacking of substance for the last couple of pages) have to do with whether capitalism is good or not?

There are definitely two trains of thought about the affects corporations and govt have on capitalism, and has been mentioned on this thread..
And quite frankly the government not stepping in was the reason for the economic downturn. You see, when people are allowed to exploit they will exploit other people to make more money. Somebody needs to make sure that doesn't happen and the only thing big enough to stop it is the government.

You are the third person now who apparently does not have eyeballs in their sockets because the above sentiment is observably not true. What can business legally get away with if it wants to right now? They aren't legally required to pay anymore than minimum wage. They aren't required to keep their prices down. Yet most pay more than min wage VOLUNTARILY and most make their products or services inexpensive enough for people to realistically afford. How much more plain does this need to be made for you people? You couldn't make a more observably false statement if you wanted to.

And no lack of government intervention did not cause this problem. It was caused by people like you who refuse to hold themselves accountable for their role in why this happened. It's everyone elses fault. That's what they teach in liberalisim 101 I guess. The people that bought houses they couldn't afford. The people accumulating debt on credit cards. THEY are the thieves.

And the intervention by the government is only going to make things worse. Did they let those bad businesses fail? No. They bailed them out. Did they hold people accountable for the debt they accumulate on credit cards. No they passed new laws making it even easier for people to buy things with money they don't have.
All this back and forth goes to prove what I thought all along, the US version of capitalism, and it's form of govt, are far from perfect....

please quote a post by anyone in this thread that attempted to make the argument that capitalism as an economic system is "perfect".

Yeah, i thought so.

you must be on some nice crack.

Where did I say it had been said? It's my observation...

What is your observation? That we think capitalism is perfect? Please clarify.
No, Bern80, you have to stop this dementia of yours. Your argument has a negative side the which you simply won't recognize. The fact is that Progressivism resulted from the incredible atrocities against the workers perpetrated by owners and management from the 1840s. The economic dislocations caused by improper and illegal economic manipulation by Big Business led to the Great Depression of 1893 to 1897. All of this is true, and your refusal to accept says poorly about you and nothing about the truth of it. Capitalism must be regulated for the welfare of the individual, the community, and the business. All will profit if done so correctly.
Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

I'll call bullshit on that one. FXN is the only network that has mostly a debate format with both sides filtering the propaganda from the other side. So unless you have specific examples, I'm saying that MSNBC and Clinton's News Network are the propaganda centers. Besides, the CIA missed 9/11 and didn't get OBL, so they lost a lot of respect in my book. These new guys aren't as good as the older guys.

Those of us who actually know what it was and how it operated, easily can compare Pravada to the modern FXN: propaganda unhooked from reality and outright demagoguery for the purpose of pushing a one-party state.

Those of us who actually know the difference between bullshit and propaganda say Pravda and MSNBC/CNN have much more in common, namely you only get the State's preferred viewpoint with no debate. I showed you my rationale' why FXN is better, i.e. the debate format airing both sides. You have not shown one example of why your bullshit opinion has any basis in reality.
All this back and forth goes to prove what I thought all along, the US version of capitalism, and it's form of govt, are far from perfect....

please quote a post by anyone in this thread that attempted to make the argument that capitalism as an economic system is "perfect".

Yeah, i thought so.

you must be on some nice crack.

Where did I say it had been said? It's my observation...

You came up with the idea that an economic system devised by men is less than perfect? Wow, how long did that take?

It happens capitalism has given a far higher standard of living to many more people than any other system ever devised.

Silly sod.
I'll call bullshit on that one. FXN is the only network that has mostly a debate format with both sides filtering the propaganda from the other side. So unless you have specific examples, I'm saying that MSNBC and Clinton's News Network are the propaganda centers. Besides, the CIA missed 9/11 and didn't get OBL, so they lost a lot of respect in my book. These new guys aren't as good as the older guys.

Those of us who actually know what it was and how it operated, easily can compare Pravada to the modern FXN: propaganda unhooked from reality and outright demagoguery for the purpose of pushing a one-party state.

Those of us who actually know the difference between bullshit and propaganda say Pravda and MSNBC/CNN have much more in common, namely you only get the State's preferred viewpoint with no debate. I showed you my rationale' why FXN is better, i.e. the debate format airing both sides. You have not shown one example of why your bullshit opinion has any basis in reality.

That is why you, eaglebeck, will always be included with the small minority of wacked loons far far right trying to pretend to be mainstream conservatives. You are not, and all know it. Flap away.

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