Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

Those of us who actually know what it was and how it operated, easily can compare Pravada to the modern FXN: propaganda unhooked from reality and outright demagoguery for the purpose of pushing a one-party state.

Those of us who actually know the difference between bullshit and propaganda say Pravda and MSNBC/CNN have much more in common, namely you only get the State's preferred viewpoint with no debate. I showed you my rationale' why FXN is better, i.e. the debate format airing both sides. You have not shown one example of why your bullshit opinion has any basis in reality.

That is why you, eaglebeck, will always be included with the small minority of wacked loons far far right trying to pretend to be mainstream conservatives. You are not, and all know it. Flap away.

You still can't debate anything can you? You post garbage and can't explain or defend it. Either post what you can discuss intelligently or shut the fuck up.
Those of us who actually know the difference between bullshit and propaganda say Pravda and MSNBC/CNN have much more in common, namely you only get the State's preferred viewpoint with no debate. I showed you my rationale' why FXN is better, i.e. the debate format airing both sides. You have not shown one example of why your bullshit opinion has any basis in reality.

That is why you, eaglebeck, will always be included with the small minority of wacked loons far far right trying to pretend to be mainstream conservatives. You are not, and all know it. Flap away.

You still can't debate anything can you? You post garbage and can't explain or defend it. Either post what you can discuss intelligently or shut the fuck up.

He can't do either.
I always explain my postings. You are merely angry that you can't refute my remarks, and get mad when I even top you in put downs. Now go sit on your clutch until they hatch.
You are the third person now who apparently does not have eyeballs in their sockets because the above sentiment is observably not true. What can business legally get away with if it wants to right now? They aren't legally required to pay anymore than minimum wage. They aren't required to keep their prices down. Yet most pay more than min wage VOLUNTARILY and most make their products or services inexpensive enough for people to realistically afford. How much more plain does this need to be made for you people? You couldn't make a more observably false statement if you wanted to.

And no lack of government intervention did not cause this problem. It was caused by people like you who refuse to hold themselves accountable for their role in why this happened. It's everyone elses fault. That's what they teach in liberalisim 101 I guess. The people that bought houses they couldn't afford. The people accumulating debt on credit cards. THEY are the thieves.

And the intervention by the government is only going to make things worse. Did they let those bad businesses fail? No. They bailed them out. Did they hold people accountable for the debt they accumulate on credit cards. No they passed new laws making it even easier for people to buy things with money they don't have.

So you don't think the banks are at fault at all? You think this is surely a crisis caused by only the people who racked up debt and took out mortgages that they couldn't afford to pay for?

Well guess what, the banks still gave them a loan and why did they do it? Because there was nothing there to stop them from giving the loan. As far as the banks were concerned, making more money was their primary concern. In reality they weren't making money but their stock said as much so they kept driving that up as much as they could. Eventually when the banks weren't getting their money back they folded but they didn't care about anything but a profit.
Where did I say it had been said? It's my observation...

What is your observation? That we think capitalism is perfect? Please clarify.

It's called joining the dots Bern...

No, dumbshit. It's called "connecting the dots" and it's a technique used by people who have nothing but association.
So Bush owned an oil company at one time. The Saudis chiefly produce oil. Bin Laden is a Saudi. So ergo Bush must be the father of Osama bin Laden!
Just connect the dots!
No, dumbshit. It's called "connecting the dots" and it's a technique used by people who have nothing but association.
So Bush owned an oil company at one time. The Saudis chiefly produce oil. Bin Laden is a Saudi. So ergo Bush must be the father of Osama bin Laden!
Just connect the dots!

Maybe that is what it is called Stateside you moron, but unlike you, I'm more worldly and know that different people have different, but similar, sayings.

What you call "joshing", we call "taking the piss"; when you say "I could care less", we say "I couldn't care less"...Get it, dipshit..

And you last is just a pathetic ramble that means nothing to what we are talking about. It's not even a good analogy....
No, dumbshit. It's called "connecting the dots" and it's a technique used by people who have nothing but association.
So Bush owned an oil company at one time. The Saudis chiefly produce oil. Bin Laden is a Saudi. So ergo Bush must be the father of Osama bin Laden!
Just connect the dots!

Maybe that is what it is called Stateside you moron, but unlike you, I'm more worldly and know that different people have different, but similar, sayings.

What you call "joshing", we call "taking the piss"; when you say "I could care less", we say "I couldn't care less"...Get it, dipshit..

And you last is just a pathetic ramble that means nothing to what we are talking about. It's not even a good analogy....

So it isnt called "joining the dots" except among sheep-fuckers. Just make that clear.
I've been in far more countries than you and am far more familiar with expressions.
And my parody of "connect the dots" is only slightly more exaggerated than what you come up with. Hooter.
please quote a post by anyone in this thread that attempted to make the argument that capitalism as an economic system is "perfect".

Yeah, i thought so.

you must be on some nice crack.

Where did I say it had been said? It's my observation...

What is your observation? That we think capitalism is perfect? Please clarify.

Like any other conservative you believe in the free market and that if people are left in charge, rather then the government, that ultimately they will work things out on their own.

Problem is, we don't live in a perfect world so in theory capitalism will fail. But I know what you're going to say. The reason for the failure is all the socialist ideas that have been put into the system. Well guess what? Who was it who ushered in the modern economy? Ronald Reagan...
Those of us who actually know what it was and how it operated, easily can compare Pravada to the modern FXN: propaganda unhooked from reality and outright demagoguery for the purpose of pushing a one-party state.

Those of us who actually know the difference between bullshit and propaganda say Pravda and MSNBC/CNN have much more in common, namely you only get the State's preferred viewpoint with no debate. I showed you my rationale' why FXN is better, i.e. the debate format airing both sides. You have not shown one example of why your bullshit opinion has any basis in reality.

That is why you, eaglebeck, will always be included with the small minority of wacked loons far far right trying to pretend to be mainstream conservatives. You are not, and all know it. Flap away.

Id rather be a "whacked far far right loon" than a complete fucking dumbass like yourself any day.
You are the third person now who apparently does not have eyeballs in their sockets because the above sentiment is observably not true. What can business legally get away with if it wants to right now? They aren't legally required to pay anymore than minimum wage. They aren't required to keep their prices down. Yet most pay more than min wage VOLUNTARILY and most make their products or services inexpensive enough for people to realistically afford. How much more plain does this need to be made for you people? You couldn't make a more observably false statement if you wanted to.

And no lack of government intervention did not cause this problem. It was caused by people like you who refuse to hold themselves accountable for their role in why this happened. It's everyone elses fault. That's what they teach in liberalisim 101 I guess. The people that bought houses they couldn't afford. The people accumulating debt on credit cards. THEY are the thieves.

And the intervention by the government is only going to make things worse. Did they let those bad businesses fail? No. They bailed them out. Did they hold people accountable for the debt they accumulate on credit cards. No they passed new laws making it even easier for people to buy things with money they don't have.

So you don't think the banks are at fault at all? You think this is surely a crisis caused by only the people who racked up debt and took out mortgages that they couldn't afford to pay for?

Well guess what, the banks still gave them a loan and why did they do it? Because there was nothing there to stop them from giving the loan. As far as the banks were concerned, making more money was their primary concern. In reality they weren't making money but their stock said as much so they kept driving that up as much as they could. Eventually when the banks weren't getting their money back they folded but they didn't care about anything but a profit.

Also nonsensical. Let's role play. I'm a bank. You want a loan. I'm not gonna just lend you money and not expect all and some more of my money back. So I look at you and your financial position and see that given your income, what you have in reserves, etc. that the the chances of me getting back what you want are not good, but I lend you the money anyway. Now why would I do such a silly thing? What on earth could compel me to 'loan' you money that I am not going to get back? Perhaps say if the loan was back by a third party? Hmmmm who on earth could that be?
Where did I say it had been said? It's my observation...

What is your observation? That we think capitalism is perfect? Please clarify.

It's called joining the dots Bern...

Dude either you want to have a debate or you don't. To most people reading it looks very much like you said people think capitalism is perfect. For whatever reason you won't confirm or deny this. Are you talking notes from the weasel?
So it isnt called "joining the dots" except among sheep-fuckers. Just make that clear.
I've been in far more countries than you and am far more familiar with expressions.
And my parody of "connect the dots" is only slightly more exaggerated than what you come up with. Hooter.

Arizona and Idaho aren't countries dipshit....
What is your observation? That we think capitalism is perfect? Please clarify.

It's called joining the dots Bern...

Dude either you want to have a debate or you don't. To most people reading it looks very much like you said people think capitalism is perfect. For whatever reason you won't confirm or deny this. Are you talking notes from the weasel?

Who is the weasel?

No, what I am saying is that for 9 years now I've been on messageboards mainly run by Yanks. Most of the time they are telling us they have the best country in the world. They have the best country in the world because of their constitution, their govt and their economic system. This has been told to me over and over again ad nauseum. I was just pointing out that this thread clearly shows that:1) a lot of Yanks are not happy with their govt. 2) your economic system (which, let's face it, is run by corporations) is far from perfect.

At least I will never have to hear from you or the fake Rabbi how great and perfect your country is. That's two out of a about 1000 people I can rely not to try and shove that shit down my throat...:cool:
It's called joining the dots Bern...

Dude either you want to have a debate or you don't. To most people reading it looks very much like you said people think capitalism is perfect. For whatever reason you won't confirm or deny this. Are you talking notes from the weasel?

Who is the weasel?

No, what I am saying is that for 9 years now I've been on messageboards mainly run by Yanks. Most of the time they are telling us they have the best country in the world. They have the best country in the world because of their constitution, their govt and their economic system. This has been told to me over and over again ad nauseum. I was just pointing out that this thread clearly shows that:1) a lot of Yanks are not happy with their govt. 2) your economic system (which, let's face it, is run by corporations) is far from perfect.

At least I will never have to hear from you or the fake Rabbi how great and perfect your country is. That's two out of a about 1000 people I can rely not to try and shove that shit down my throat...:cool:

'Perfect' and 'best' are two very different things. No the U.S. is not perfect, but it is the best.
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Ran into this recently, kinda puts the icing on the cake:

Also nonsensical. Let's role play. I'm a bank. You want a loan. I'm not gonna just lend you money and not expect all and some more of my money back. So I look at you and your financial position and see that given your income, what you have in reserves, etc. that the the chances of me getting back what you want are not good, but I lend you the money anyway. Now why would I do such a silly thing? What on earth could compel me to 'loan' you money that I am not going to get back? Perhaps say if the loan was back by a third party? Hmmmm who on earth could that be?

You don't get it, do you? It's not that black and white.

Over a period of time starting in the 1980's, regulations were slowly taken out of the financial system and it became much easier to take out loans. It got worse and worse until banks were simply giving out loans to anyone who asked. Why did they do it? Because no one was watching them. Banks knew they wouldn't get their money back but they also knew that the government wouldn't let them collapse so they took advantage of the system until the bubble burst. A get rich quick scheme that you can run away from later and let someone else deal with it.

Plus, I don't know if you noticed or not but there has been a drastic increase in the number of ponzi schemes the last decade. I think that proves the point that regulations were way too loose.
Also nonsensical. Let's role play. I'm a bank. You want a loan. I'm not gonna just lend you money and not expect all and some more of my money back. So I look at you and your financial position and see that given your income, what you have in reserves, etc. that the the chances of me getting back what you want are not good, but I lend you the money anyway. Now why would I do such a silly thing? What on earth could compel me to 'loan' you money that I am not going to get back? Perhaps say if the loan was back by a third party? Hmmmm who on earth could that be?

You don't get it, do you? It's not that black and white.

Over a period of time starting in the 1980's, regulations were slowly taken out of the financial system and it became much easier to take out loans. It got worse and worse until banks were simply giving out loans to anyone who asked. Why did they do it? Because no one was watching them. Banks knew they wouldn't get their money back but they also knew that the government wouldn't let them collapse so they took advantage of the system until the bubble burst. A get rich quick scheme that you can run away from later and let someone else deal with it.

Plus, I don't know if you noticed or not but there has been a drastic increase in the number of ponzi schemes the last decade. I think that proves the point that regulations were way too loose.

No they did because Carter and later Clinton made them. They felt bad for poor people that couldn't get loans so they made banks loosen their lending practices. DEMOCRATS.

I will confess to getting one part of that wrong. It wasn't that the banks loans were backed by the government that they banks gave out risky loans. It's that the government would rate them poorly if they didn't.
No they did because Carter and later Clinton made them. They felt bad for poor people that couldn't get loans so they made banks loosen their lending practices. DEMOCRATS.

I will confess to getting one part of that wrong. It wasn't that the banks loans were backed by the government that they banks gave out risky loans. It's that the government would rate them poorly if they didn't.

Carter and Clinton were the only ones who let regulations loosen? No, under GWB there were multiple bills passed that let banks give out loans much more easily. What was the purpose? To cater to big business and let the lobbyists run the show. The banks wanted to give out more loans to make more money. It wasn't because they were forced into giving out more loans. It was greed on the part of the banks and fiscal irresposibility. That's what happens when there is no safety net.

I believe in the free market but I think there has to be a safety net. Something has to be there to make sure everybody plays by the rules because it's only human nature to cheat the system and take advantage of other people. That's not what capitalism is all about. Capitalism is about equal opportunity and if people cheat the system then other people don't have a fighting chance to compete with them.

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