Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw

Right wing nuts replies strike me as funny, ironic, hypocritical and just plain bizarre.

A sort of reverse Robin Hood mentality.
A worship of rich people, how odd, do they know any? And a defense of rich people as if they knew them all.
The paradox that they paint liberals naive about people's motives, but then worship the rich as if they were saints?
The complete loss of the golden rule in America's wingnut population?

"Forms of child labor, including indentured servitude and child slavery, have existed throughout American history. As industrialization moved workers from farms and home workshops into urban areas and factory work, children were often preferred, because factory owners viewed them as more manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike. Growing opposition to child labor in the North caused many factories to move to the South. By 1900, states varied considerably in whether they had child labor standards and in their content and degree of enforcement. By then, American children worked in large numbers in mines, glass factories, textiles, agriculture, canneries, home industries, and as newsboys, messengers, bootblacks, and peddlers." Child Labor in U.S. History - The Child Labor Education Project
I'd like to remind all the socialist left wingers out there:

people are not slaves to corporations. the employed can terminate their own employment and seek better opportunities at any time. That is their right.

Just like it SHOULD be the right of the person to keep the fruits of their labor out of the clutches of leviathan government, but hey, no one ever said hypocrisy wasn't a staple of the socialist.

What a FOOL!!!


I think there is a fine line between a compnay rewarding its employees and explointing them. I can't think of too many 'nice' companies before labour laws came into effect.

This is essentially the same argument the weasel made. If it's true that labor laws are the only thing keeping employers from exploiting people, should it not stand to reason that under current laws, employers should only be compensating people at the bear minimum the law requires?

The continued negative language reveals your anger and weakness of argument, Bern80. Three words: get over it.

Labor laws are there to rein in and oppose the unprincipled and evil practices among businesses. Those businesses who act as you believe they will have nothing to be concerned about except their badly acting peers. So your answer should be to correct and coerce your errant brethren instead of trying to corrupt government.

Quit the whining, Bern80, and shape up.

Nothing wrong with my argument at all. You are the one waffling here weasel. You are the one who claimed that businesses will get away with essentially whatever government will let them get away with. Well if government sets the minumum bar by which businesses compensate their employees, why do the bulk of businesses compensate people better than that?

Businesses are not compensating people because they are living in fear of government regulation. They are paying people based on what the market determines their skills are worth. I'm sure you would love to flip burgers for 50k a year weasel, the problem is damn near everyone can do that and a lot will do it for less than that.

The brutal fact is the only person you can really blame in your pissing and moaning about your perceived unfair compensation is you. Like most libs you want something for nothing. You want more pay, but through no effort on your part. You CHOSE to not make yourself valuable and then have the nerve to piss and moan about how poorly you are compensated for something damn near anyone can do.
I'd like to remind all the socialist left wingers out there:

people are not slaves to corporations. the employed can terminate their own employment and seek better opportunities at any time. That is their right.

Just like it SHOULD be the right of the person to keep the fruits of their labor out of the clutches of leviathan government, but hey, no one ever said hypocrisy wasn't a staple of the socialist.

What a FOOL!!!



perhaps you would like to elaborate. Perhaps you can explan why the part you chose to bold, while seemingly obvious options are actually not options and individual have. YOU are the fool. The single biggest problem in the way of people like you is yourself. You continually sell yourselves short of the potential you have and will blame everyone else for your problems but yourself. If you are unwilling to change yourself you have no right expecting the world to change for you.

p.s. the I-don't-have-a-good-counter-argument-so-I'm-going-to-name-call, argument has been tried in this thread once already.
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"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw

Right wing nuts replies strike me as funny, ironic, hypocritical and just plain bizarre.

A sort of reverse Robin Hood mentality.
A worship of rich people, how odd, do they know any? And a defense of rich people as if they knew them all.
The paradox that they paint liberals naive about people's motives, but then worship the rich as if they were saints?
The complete loss of the golden rule in America's wingnut population?

"Forms of child labor, including indentured servitude and child slavery, have existed throughout American history. As industrialization moved workers from farms and home workshops into urban areas and factory work, children were often preferred, because factory owners viewed them as more manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike. Growing opposition to child labor in the North caused many factories to move to the South. By 1900, states varied considerably in whether they had child labor standards and in their content and degree of enforcement. By then, American children worked in large numbers in mines, glass factories, textiles, agriculture, canneries, home industries, and as newsboys, messengers, bootblacks, and peddlers." Child Labor in U.S. History - The Child Labor Education Project

If you are so smart why is it you can not effectively articulate WHY we are wrong? Why can you not come up with an objectively logical counter argument? Just saying we are wrong is not much an argument.
Ive always been amazed at how blindly liberals trust government. They really do believe that government always has the best interests of the people at heart. And they NEVER look at government as a business.
You see, liberals look at "Corporate America" as all if profit was inherently evil. Fact is, the business comunnity looks after itself.......try to fleece the public and sooner or later, you end up going away forever. In any case, the consumer is always able to choose in the end...........not the case with government. They are interested only in restricting freedom and choice and actually forcing people to buy stuff they dont want ( ie: via taxation). Most people have no realization that regulation markedly drives up the costs of products. They get fcukked and the government gets the good PR for "protecting the consumer".
Think about how many times you buy something...........usually tryng to do it on the cheap, and find out the product you bought sucked?? The liberal says to himself, "That fcukking business...........they fcukked me!!! The government needs to fcukk them!! Corporate America sucks!!!".

The conservative says, "Im an asshole for buying the product without doing my research and its buyer beware so FCUKK ME!!! I have to make better choices next time and stay the fcukk away from products sold by that company!!!". But in the end, I retain my freedom of choice.

Liberals spend their lives trying to fall all over themselves to fcukk corporations and business..........and who gets fcukked in the end? All Americans........because we end up with less choice and higher costs.

Common sense is a beautiful thing s0ns..................
You merely squeal, little Bern80, and make negative attacks on your opponents instead of dealing with the evidence. So, until you do that, you continue fail here.

I am more conservative than you, little Bern80, and accept responsibility for myself as well as those like you who do not pull their weight in society. I probably make 7 or 8 times more than you each month. Most loons like you make grandiose statements but can't back them up with quantative or qualitative evidence. Your opposition here has provided good examples that show you are wrong. So step up, whiner.
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You merely squeal, little Bern80, and make negative attacks on your opponents instead of dealing with the evidence. So, until you do that, you continue fail here.

I am more conservative than you, little Bern80, and accept responsibility for myself as well as those like you who do not pull their weight in society. I probably make 7 or 8 times more than you each month. Most loons like you make grandiose statements but can't back them up with quantative or qualitative evidence. Your opposition here has provided good examples that show you are wrong. So step up, whiner.

You're about as conservative as a frog is hairy
I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?
I have worked for both: USG 4-years military and 3 years as GS employee both hourly and salaried; Corporations two very large ones, RR Donnelly & Son's Co, and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. I found much less favoritism, and greater advancement for merit in the corporations. The very highest levels of both tend to suck.

And about caring if people die: Westinghouse was found responsible for allowing PCB's get outside their factory and into waste facilities and the local soil, but they honored their obligations to clean it up, collecting and safely burning many thousands of tons of soil, and setting up monitoring facilities to keep them in check.

Westinghouse honored their 'obligation' to clean it up...imposed by WHOM?
You merely squeal, little Bern80, and make negative attacks on your opponents instead of dealing with the evidence. So, until you do that, you continue fail here.

I am more conservative than you, little Bern80, and accept responsibility for myself as well as those like you who do not pull their weight in society. I probably make 7 or 8 times more than you each month. Most loons like you make grandiose statements but can't back them up with quantative or qualitative evidence. Your opposition here has provided good examples that show you are wrong. So step up, whiner.

Pulling down low to mid 6 figures a year? Good for you.

And what statements exactley would you like me to back with quantitative evidence?
Ive always been amazed at how blindly liberals trust government. They really do believe that government always has the best interests of the people at heart. And they NEVER look at government as a business.
You see, liberals look at "Corporate America" as all if profit was inherently evil. Fact is, the business comunnity looks after itself.......try to fleece the public and sooner or later, you end up going away forever. In any case, the consumer is always able to choose in the end...........not the case with government. They are interested only in restricting freedom and choice and actually forcing people to buy stuff they dont want ( ie: via taxation). Most people have no realization that regulation markedly drives up the costs of products. They get fcukked and the government gets the good PR for "protecting the consumer".
Think about how many times you buy something...........usually tryng to do it on the cheap, and find out the product you bought sucked?? The liberal says to himself, "That fcukking business...........they fcukked me!!! The government needs to fcukk them!! Corporate America sucks!!!".

The conservative says, "Im an asshole for buying the product without doing my research and its buyer beware so FCUKK ME!!! I have to make better choices next time and stay the fcukk away from products sold by that company!!!". But in the end, I retain my freedom of choice.

Liberals spend their lives trying to fall all over themselves to fcukk corporations and business..........and who gets fcukked in the end? All Americans........because we end up with less choice and higher costs.

Common sense is a beautiful thing s0ns..................

fucking beautiful. spot on. A+
Ive always been amazed at how blindly liberals trust government. They really do believe that government always has the best interests of the people at heart. And they NEVER look at government as a business.
You see, liberals look at "Corporate America" as all if profit was inherently evil. Fact is, the business comunnity looks after itself.......try to fleece the public and sooner or later, you end up going away forever. In any case, the consumer is always able to choose in the end...........not the case with government. They are interested only in restricting freedom and choice and actually forcing people to buy stuff they dont want ( ie: via taxation). Most people have no realization that regulation markedly drives up the costs of products. They get fcukked and the government gets the good PR for "protecting the consumer".
Think about how many times you buy something...........usually tryng to do it on the cheap, and find out the product you bought sucked?? The liberal says to himself, "That fcukking business...........they fcukked me!!! The government needs to fcukk them!! Corporate America sucks!!!".

The conservative says, "Im an asshole for buying the product without doing my research and its buyer beware so FCUKK ME!!! I have to make better choices next time and stay the fcukk away from products sold by that company!!!". But in the end, I retain my freedom of choice.

Liberals spend their lives trying to fall all over themselves to fcukk corporations and business..........and who gets fcukked in the end? All Americans........because we end up with less choice and higher costs.

Common sense is a beautiful thing s0ns..................

Whenever I read your posts, the first question that come to mind...where is the truant officer?
Ive always been amazed at how blindly liberals trust government. They really do believe that government always has the best interests of the people at heart. And they NEVER look at government as a business.
You see, liberals look at "Corporate America" as all if profit was inherently evil. Fact is, the business comunnity looks after itself.......try to fleece the public and sooner or later, you end up going away forever. In any case, the consumer is always able to choose in the end...........not the case with government. They are interested only in restricting freedom and choice and actually forcing people to buy stuff they dont want ( ie: via taxation). Most people have no realization that regulation markedly drives up the costs of products. They get fcukked and the government gets the good PR for "protecting the consumer".
Think about how many times you buy something...........usually tryng to do it on the cheap, and find out the product you bought sucked?? The liberal says to himself, "That fcukking business...........they fcukked me!!! The government needs to fcukk them!! Corporate America sucks!!!".

The conservative says, "Im an asshole for buying the product without doing my research and its buyer beware so FCUKK ME!!! I have to make better choices next time and stay the fcukk away from products sold by that company!!!". But in the end, I retain my freedom of choice.

Liberals spend their lives trying to fall all over themselves to fcukk corporations and business..........and who gets fcukked in the end? All Americans........because we end up with less choice and higher costs.

Common sense is a beautiful thing s0ns..................

Whenever I read your posts, the first question that come to mind...where is the truant officer?

And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.
Ive always been amazed at how blindly liberals trust government. They really do believe that government always has the best interests of the people at heart. And they NEVER look at government as a business.
You see, liberals look at "Corporate America" as all if profit was inherently evil. Fact is, the business comunnity looks after itself.......try to fleece the public and sooner or later, you end up going away forever. In any case, the consumer is always able to choose in the end...........not the case with government. They are interested only in restricting freedom and choice and actually forcing people to buy stuff they dont want ( ie: via taxation). Most people have no realization that regulation markedly drives up the costs of products. They get fcukked and the government gets the good PR for "protecting the consumer".
Think about how many times you buy something...........usually tryng to do it on the cheap, and find out the product you bought sucked?? The liberal says to himself, "That fcukking business...........they fcukked me!!! The government needs to fcukk them!! Corporate America sucks!!!".

The conservative says, "Im an asshole for buying the product without doing my research and its buyer beware so FCUKK ME!!! I have to make better choices next time and stay the fcukk away from products sold by that company!!!". But in the end, I retain my freedom of choice.

Liberals spend their lives trying to fall all over themselves to fcukk corporations and business..........and who gets fcukked in the end? All Americans........because we end up with less choice and higher costs.

Common sense is a beautiful thing s0ns..................

Whenever I read your posts, the first question that come to mind...where is the truant officer?

And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.
Whenever I read your posts, the first question that come to mind...where is the truant officer?

And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

Yeah? I just listened to a 400 year veteran of the Zeta Reticuli Space patrol who studied fish sticks and ant colonies. He compares liberals to buffalo turds. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.
And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

Yeah? I just listened to a 400 year veteran of the Zeta Reticuli Space patrol who studied fish sticks and ant colonies. He compares liberals to buffalo turds. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

Nah, I call bullshit on that one.
Everyone knows buffalo turds stink less.
And when we read yours we understand why this country has the problems it has. Stupid people are multiplying.

Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

Yeah? I just listened to a 400 year veteran of the Zeta Reticuli Space patrol who studied fish sticks and ant colonies. He compares liberals to buffalo turds. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

WOW...looks like the way to solve our employment problem is to hire a million truant officers...children are skipping kindergarten.
Yes they are multiplying. I just listened to a 27 year veteran of the CIA who studied the Soviet Union and China. He compares Fox News to Pravda. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

Yeah? I just listened to a 400 year veteran of the Zeta Reticuli Space patrol who studied fish sticks and ant colonies. He compares liberals to buffalo turds. The same level of disinformation and misinformation.

WOW...looks like the way to solve our employment problem is to hire a million truant officers...children are skipping kindergarten.

Good one! You are the next Bill Cosby! Care to say anything with a hint of intelligence?
Ive always been amazed at how blindly liberals trust government. They really do believe that government always has the best interests of the people at heart. And they NEVER look at government as a business.
You see, liberals look at "Corporate America" as all if profit was inherently evil. Fact is, the business comunnity looks after itself.......try to fleece the public and sooner or later, you end up going away forever. In any case, the consumer is always able to choose in the end...........not the case with government. They are interested only in restricting freedom and choice and actually forcing people to buy stuff they dont want ( ie: via taxation). Most people have no realization that regulation markedly drives up the costs of products. They get fcukked and the government gets the good PR for "protecting the consumer".
Think about how many times you buy something...........usually tryng to do it on the cheap, and find out the product you bought sucked?? The liberal says to himself, "That fcukking business...........they fcukked me!!! The government needs to fcukk them!! Corporate America sucks!!!".

The conservative says, "Im an asshole for buying the product without doing my research and its buyer beware so FCUKK ME!!! I have to make better choices next time and stay the fcukk away from products sold by that company!!!". But in the end, I retain my freedom of choice.

Liberals spend their lives trying to fall all over themselves to fcukk corporations and business..........and who gets fcukked in the end? All Americans........because we end up with less choice and higher costs.

Common sense is a beautiful thing s0ns..................

Whenever I read your posts, the first question that come to mind...where is the truant officer?

indeed........but you're publically pwned s0n..................

Poll from today..........from CNN............"Trust in Government":lol::lol:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Only quarter of public trusts government - Blogs from

some just naturally embrace being part of the vast minority!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

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