Corporatism, once again...

What is your opinion on Corporatism?

  • I think I know what it means and I don't like it - because corporations are evil.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I think I know what it means and love it - because corporations are awesome!!

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • I don't know what it means and can't be bothered reading about it. The world is a shiny happy place.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama and his corporatist slime need to go away.

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?
Where's my "I know exactly what it means and vehemently oppose it" option. I suppose the slimeball option would work, but it's not just Obama. This has been going on for decades in the US now.
I don't hate corporations I hate when corporations and government get together to screw me and my country over. Its been happening for close to 100 years and its getting worse...
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

It sounds like it could have various meanings. Which one do you refer to?
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

It sounds like it could have various meanings. Which one do you refer to?

Google corporatism. Read any of the top five hits. They all discuss approximately the same thing.
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I don't hate corporations I hate when corporations and government get together to screw me and my country over. Its been happening for close to 100 years and its getting worse...

Then you should pick choice number 1.
How is the corporations screwing you over? We enjoy our computers and low price foods because of them. Think about things.

Certainly some work with the government, but just like everyone else there's good @ bad.

you should pick choice number 2
What low price foods? The fact the price of eggs has skyrocketed? Milk? Bread? Sugar is kept high on purpose....give me a break Mathew no one can be this ignorant on purpose...seriously.
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

There are all sorts of corporatism. Fascistic corporatism is only one of them. There's also the liberal corporatism of John Stuart Mill. IMO, to deny that it has and should have a place in society is to deny humans as social beings. We will always amalgamate into groups. The mission should be to balance it with individualism, not try to abolish it.
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

"Corporatism, also known as corporativism has more than one meaning.
It may refer to political, or
social organization that involves association of the people of society into corporate groups,
such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of common interests. Corporatism is theoretically based upon the interpretation of a community as an organic body. The term corporatism is based on the Latin root word "corpus" (plural – "corpora") meaning "body".

It actually isn't a "form of fascism" but one of several forms of "corporatism"!

Fascist corporatism

Fascism's theory of economic corporatism involved management of sectors of the economy by government or privately controlled organizations (corporations). Each trade union or employer corporation would, theoretically, represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. This method, it was theorized, could result in harmony amongst social classes.[30] Authors have noted, however, that de facto economic corporatism was also used to reduce opposition and reward political loyalty.[31]

Corporatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OK so I did your research... took less then 5 minutes... NOW WHAT???
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

There are all sorts of corporatism. Fascistic corporatism is only one of them. There's also the liberal corporatism of John Stuart Mill. IMO, to deny that it has and should have a place in society is to deny humans as social beings. We will always amalgamate into groups. The mission should be to balance it with individualism, not try to abolish it.

This thread is only about understanding the term. You seem to get it! +1
i wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "hey, i know about corporations. What else is there to know?" but i'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

"corporatism, also known as corporativism has more than one meaning.
It may refer to political, or
social organization that involves association of the people of society into corporate groups,
such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of common interests. Corporatism is theoretically based upon the interpretation of a community as an organic body. The term corporatism is based on the latin root word "corpus" (plural – "corpora") meaning "body".

It actually isn't a "form of fascism" but one of several forms of "corporatism"!

fascist corporatism

fascism's theory of economic corporatism involved management of sectors of the economy by government or privately controlled organizations (corporations). Each trade union or employer corporation would, theoretically, represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. This method, it was theorized, could result in harmony amongst social classes.[30] authors have noted, however, that de facto economic corporatism was also used to reduce opposition and reward political loyalty.[31]

corporatism - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ok so i did your research... Took less then 5 minutes... Now what???

I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

I think of it as Big Government Cronyism...and it doesn't involve just Crony Corporations. Unions and non-profits are also Big Government is anyone who uses the government to "rent seek" from others.
I wish there was another word for it. It's actually a form of fascism. But fascism is even more inflammatory and misunderstood than 'corporatism'. Maybe we should mint a replacement term here on this very site.

I really get why it's confusing. People hear the word and assume they know what it means - because "Hey, I know about corporations. What else is there to know?" But I'd really expect a little more curiosity and research here. I mean it is, nominally, a political discussion board. Is it so hard to look up the terms we use?

There are all sorts of corporatism. Fascistic corporatism is only one of them. There's also the liberal corporatism of John Stuart Mill. IMO, to deny that it has and should have a place in society is to deny humans as social beings. We will always amalgamate into groups. The mission should be to balance it with individualism, not try to abolish it.

This thread is only about understanding the term. You seem to get it! +1

IMO, too many libertarians seem to use it as an epithet, giving the impression that it's some sort of ultimate evil. It's a fact of human life. Those that deny it or use the term to describe anything they don't like are falling into the trap of expecting the basics of human nature to change, if we'd just adopt a libertarian form of government.
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There are all sorts of corporatism. Fascistic corporatism is only one of them. There's also the liberal corporatism of John Stuart Mill. IMO, to deny that it has and should have a place in society is to deny humans as social beings. We will always amalgamate into groups. The mission should be to balance it with individualism, not try to abolish it.

This thread is only about understanding the term. You seem to get it! +1

IMO, too many libertarians seem to use it as an epithet, giving the impression that it's some sort of ultimate evil.

Well, as implemented by the statists and neo-cons, it's pretty close. It's fundamentally opposed to equal rights and individual liberty, preferring government granted privilege and group rights.

But I'm not really interested in making that argument here. Mostly I just wanted to raise awareness of the concept and get everyone past the naive perception that it refers to corporations colluding with government. That might be a by-product of corporatism, it might not, but it's really secondary. Corporatism is a mode of organizing society, usually via government.
This thread is only about understanding the term. You seem to get it! +1

IMO, too many libertarians seem to use it as an epithet, giving the impression that it's some sort of ultimate evil.

Well, as implemented by the statists and neo-cons, it's pretty close. It's fundamentally opposed to equal rights and individual liberty, preferring government granted privilege and group rights.

But I'm not really interested in making that argument here. Mostly I just wanted to raise awareness of the concept and get everyone past the naive perception that it refers to corporations colluding with government. That might be a by-product of corporatism, it might not, but it's really secondary. Corporatism is a mode of organizing society, usually via government.

I object to word being thrown out without explanation, as if it said it all. Some corporatism is good, some bad. The important thing is to explain the why of the bad aspects. Too often it seems to be an easy catch-all. It can easily make the user look foolish when it's pointed out that without corporatism of some sort, we'd have very little in the way of civilization at all.
IMO, too many libertarians seem to use it as an epithet, giving the impression that it's some sort of ultimate evil.

Well, as implemented by the statists and neo-cons, it's pretty close. It's fundamentally opposed to equal rights and individual liberty, preferring government granted privilege and group rights.

But I'm not really interested in making that argument here. Mostly I just wanted to raise awareness of the concept and get everyone past the naive perception that it refers to corporations colluding with government. That might be a by-product of corporatism, it might not, but it's really secondary. Corporatism is a mode of organizing society, usually via government.

I object to word being thrown out without explanation, as if it said it all. Some corporatism is good, some bad. The important thing is to explain the why of the bad aspects. Too often it seems to be an easy catch-all. It can easily make the user look foolish when it's pointed out that without corporatism of some sort, we'd have very little in the way of civilization at all.

Whatever. All that is moot in a debate if people don't even know what the term means. Explaining your opinions on the relative value of corporatism is fine, but when most people think you're talking about the rights of corporations, it sort of sinks the whole discussion.
IMO, too many libertarians seem to use it as an epithet, giving the impression that it's some sort of ultimate evil.

Well, as implemented by the statists and neo-cons, it's pretty close. It's fundamentally opposed to equal rights and individual liberty, preferring government granted privilege and group rights.

But I'm not really interested in making that argument here. Mostly I just wanted to raise awareness of the concept and get everyone past the naive perception that it refers to corporations colluding with government. That might be a by-product of corporatism, it might not, but it's really secondary. Corporatism is a mode of organizing society, usually via government.

I object to word being thrown out without explanation, as if it said it all. Some corporatism is good, some bad. The important thing is to explain the why of the bad aspects. Too often it seems to be an easy catch-all.

Corporatism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

cor·po·rat·ism noun \ˈkȯr-p(ə-)rə-ˌti-zəm\

Definition of CORPORATISM

: the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction.

There is nothing good about this in any way shape or form. Government in this country was designed to be restrained to the basic function of upholding individual rights. Certainly not acting as economic central planners or social planners.

That's what corporatism is all about. It's about societal engineering by group special interest and it always infringes on the individuals rights.

It can easily make the user look foolish when it's pointed out that without corporatism of some sort, we'd have very little in the way of civilization at all
Can you give an example of positive corporatism? When you do so, make sure the example isn't a special interest to a group that infringes on the rights of others.
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