Corrupt Media Incensed About Trump’s Willingness To Meet With Any World Leader/ Praised Obama For It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
The dishonesty of the press is unimaginable. Months ago they praised Obama for his Iranian deal and his opening of trade with Cuba, but now the press claims Trump shouldn't be talking to the Philippines president, the Russian president, the Egyptian president, or any president that they claim is an authoritarian. Is there anyone he can talk to??
Apparently not.

They intentionally forget what Obama has said and done. Maybe they think we're stupid or something.
For those who paid you remember this?

Or this?

Click on the link if it doesn’t automatically play. It will take you to the youtube site.
Duturte is trying to move away from the US and align the Philippines with China. Trump is the one guy he needs to see. I don't listen to or watch the vermin on the left anymore.
The libtard press is outraged when Trump takes a breath of air.

Is anyone genuinely surprised at anything they say about Trump?
The libtard press is outraged when Trump takes a breath of air.

Is anyone genuinely surprised at anything they say about Trump?
The goal is to mislead the public, turn us against the GOP, and take over Congress. Then they can impeach Trump on made up charges.
The swamp is deep in Washington. Thinking you can work with these backstabbing tools is fooling yourself. Democrat voters expect their representatives to be dishonest. They call it being smart and resourceful.
The way to do it is to open dialog with all the people whom play into your strategy. Whether they are a problem for you or maybe part of the solution. Keep your enemies close. Let them know you are watching them.
Duturte is trying to move away from the US and align the Philippines with China. Trump is the one guy he needs to see. I don't listen to or watch the vermin on the left anymore.
Stay Safe, Snowflake.....
:haha: STFU, shitstain.....
then what's the point of your thread?
When Mud thought "Safety in numbers" he wasn't thinking.......
No.....that's what libroids need, because they cannot stand up on their own. It's why they're so easily triggered. So they go to their safe place. If they can't find one they either curl up into a ball and assume the fetal position or they get violent. They start media campaigns to kick people put of office or out of their jobs. They can't win with their ideas. Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.
The way to do it is to open dialog with all the people whom play into your strategy. Whether they are a problem for you or maybe part of the solution. Keep your enemies close. Let them know you are watching them.
yes, diplomacy's door should always be opened...

but that doesn't mean the president should say Americans would be HONORED to have our president, meet on USA soil with a MURDEROUS thug.
Duturte is trying to move away from the US and align the Philippines with China. Trump is the one guy he needs to see. I don't listen to or watch the vermin on the left anymore.
Stay Safe, Snowflake.....
:haha: STFU, shitstain.....
then what's the point of your thread?
the continuing double standard the media gives Trump vrs Obama?

How can anyone with a straight face say that it was OK for Obama to meet with dictators then turn right around and slam Trump for meeting with dictators?
Duturte is trying to move away from the US and align the Philippines with China. Trump is the one guy he needs to see. I don't listen to or watch the vermin on the left anymore.
Stay Safe, Snowflake.....
:haha: STFU, shitstain.....
then what's the point of your thread?
the continuing double standard the media gives Trump vrs Obama?

How can anyone with a straight face say that it was OK for Obama to meet with dictators then turn right around and slam Trump for meeting with dictators?
The minute you post those links to Snowflake Safe Space Media hailing Obama's efforts to reach out.....

I'll be all in their mix, yo.....
The way to do it is to open dialog with all the people whom play into your strategy. Whether they are a problem for you or maybe part of the solution. Keep your enemies close. Let them know you are watching them.
yes, diplomacy's door should always be opened...

but that doesn't mean the president should say Americans would be HONORED to have our president, meet on USA soil with a MURDEROUS thug.

We would be honoring the nation that the murderous thug represents and not that individual so much.

That is why it does not upset me to see the leader of the Chicoms honored as he represents hundreds of millions of good people in China, and as I understand it he is a benevolent despot himself.

But we honored China more than Xi himself when we gave him all the usual dignitary crapola that we do when we are visited by heads of state.
Duturte is trying to move away from the US and align the Philippines with China. Trump is the one guy he needs to see. I don't listen to or watch the vermin on the left anymore.
Stay Safe, Snowflake.....
:haha: STFU, shitstain.....
then what's the point of your thread?
When Mud thought "Safety in numbers" he wasn't thinking.......
No.....that's what libroids need, because they cannot stand up on their own. It's why they're so easily triggered. So they go to their safe place. If they can't find one they either curl up into a ball and assume the fetal position or they get violent. They start media campaigns to kick people put of office or out of their jobs. They can't win with their ideas. Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.
Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.

You are a liar......that has NOTHING to do with "cleaning house at FOX"....They are cleaning house at FOX because, for decades, it has been a den of sexual depravity....apparently, going forward, it will no longer be a Safe Space for mashers, frottagistes, and other deviants.

Nice try...

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