Corrupt Swamp Rat Vietnamese Baby Killer Mueller Being Exposed on FOX Now!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p

Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p
Ohh nooos Fox is doing a hit piece on Meuller? You don’t say. Like they’ve been trying to vilify him since day one to no effect?


That correspondents dinner really got your panties in a bunch

Yes, I'm sure this scathing report on Fox News is the end of Mueller.


Easy. One is an operative of the Democratic Party, and one is President of the United States.

Yes. A lot of traitors and criminals and organized crime syndicate members have been in the military; it's hardly and exclusive club, and it's entry requirements are mostly physical, and only a few moral bars. And, how hard was it to get a medal in Viet Nam? Even Kerry got a couple just for getting a scratch or two.
John fucking McCain, the darling of the Democrats, Maverick, but once he ran for President the liberal, lapdog, lamestream ,media turned on John as an old guy who would bring 4 more years of Bush...Okay, Mueller was a Vietnam vet, but he turned into a Liberal, just as bad as John, and is a traitor to this country. Donald J. Trump was adored by you libfucks, while he was doing what ever other Democrat was doing, even grabbing pussy like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton, but when President Trump woke the fuck up and saw what you COMMIES were trying to do to this country, he turned over a new leaf and Made America Great Again... Fuck you all libs...
Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p

these people have lost so much credibility it now appears Trump was a genius in picking them for the jobs he did: they only managed to sink themselves and they can't credibly do a thing to Trump because of their own corruption and lying and violations of the RICO statutes. Instead they're having to lawyer up themselves, lol lol lol. Comey is desparate to peddle his book while there are still Democrat puppets stupid enough to waste money on his lies so he can raise money for his upcoming legal costs when he gets indicted, and is making all the talking head circuses of zero cred 'journalists' feeding him fake 'questions' now. Saw him babbling for a few seconds on one yesterday, and the fear and desperation is blatantly palpable in both him and the host, just as it is from the DNC parrots spamming this thread and this board.
Yes. A lot of traitors and criminals and organized crime syndicate members have been in the military; it's hardly and exclusive club, and it's entry requirements are mostly physical, and only a few moral bars. And, how hard was it to get a medal in Viet Nam? Even Kerry got a couple just for getting a scratch or two.

Yes i'm sure you'd walk into your local AL or VFW, and have them agree ....

Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p
"Vietnamese baby killer?"

Fuck you.

I'm sure your Führer Drumpf would approve of you dissing Vietnam War Veterans, eh?


Especially, six months before the Mid-Terms, when they can't afford to piss-off huge blocs of the Veteran vote, and their families and friends.



Your boy isn't fit to shine Mueller's shoes... unthinking minion of
Cadet Bone Spurs.
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Yes. A lot of traitors and criminals and organized crime syndicate members have been in the military; it's hardly and exclusive club, and it's entry requirements are mostly physical, and only a few moral bars. And, how hard was it to get a medal in Viet Nam? Even Kerry got a couple just for getting a scratch or two.

Yes i'm sure you'd walk into your local AL or VFW, and have them agree ....


Exactly. Thanks for noting this fact., even though you're just clueless and thought you were being sarcastic, and are only right by accident.
Yes. A lot of traitors and criminals and organized crime syndicate members have been in the military; it's hardly and exclusive club, and it's entry requirements are mostly physical, and only a few moral bars. And, how hard was it to get a medal in Viet Nam? Even Kerry got a couple just for getting a scratch or two.

Yes i'm sure you'd walk into your local AL or VFW, and have them agree ....


One thing they would agree on is that they wouldn't waste spit on John Kerry.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

Yes. A lot of traitors and criminals and organized crime syndicate members have been in the military; it's hardly and exclusive club, and it's entry requirements are mostly physical, and only a few moral bars. And, how hard was it to get a medal in Viet Nam? Even Kerry got a couple just for getting a scratch or two.

Yes i'm sure you'd walk into your local AL or VFW, and have them agree ....


Exactly. Thanks for noting this fact., even though you're just clueless and thought you were being sarcastic, and are only right by accident.

fact? oh i see, you've already been to the VFW, and explained they're all "criminals and traitors" , they applauded ,and bought you all the beer you could drink, right?


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