Cost-Benefit Analysis Trump Tariffs

Just don’t buy stuff from mexico or China then it won’t cost you more

are you really this naive, or is it just an act?

If the tariff on products from Mexico is 5%, retailers will raise the price of those items by about 2 or 3 percent and then add 1 or 2 percent to 100 other products to recoup the cost plus some. They understand that people will buy less of the Mexican product, so they take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer.

In the couple of years hear at USMB I have come to the conclusion some of these people are just outright missing a few or rather posting to get a rise out of people because I can't believe anyone can be that stupid and get by in life.

No doubt, you hear a lot more than that.

You are one of the dumber ones thinking jobs are coming back and wages are rising when in fact foreign countries are buying our companies right here in the U.S. then going through temp agencies for their hiring and starting wages $10-$12 bucks an hour. I'm visiting a city right now in a northern state that in the past 6 months Chinese and Brazilian companies have bought up a few manufacturing plants and have done just that. Yep a whopping $10 bucks an hour. As the U.S. drops to number 2 on the world economics scale.
Just don’t buy stuff from mexico or China then it won’t cost you more

are you really this naive, or is it just an act?

If the tariff on products from Mexico is 5%, retailers will raise the price of those items by about 2 or 3 percent and then add 1 or 2 percent to 100 other products to recoup the cost plus some. They understand that people will buy less of the Mexican product, so they take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer.

In the couple of years hear at USMB I have come to the conclusion some of these people are just outright missing a few or rather posting to get a rise out of people because I can't believe anyone can be that stupid and get by in life.

No doubt, you hear a lot more than that.

You are one of the dumber ones thinking jobs are coming back and wages are rising when in fact foreign countries are buying our companies right here in the U.S. then going through temp agencies for their hiring and starting wages $10-$12 bucks an hour. I'm visiting a city right now in a northern state that in the past 6 months Chinese and Brazilian companies have bought up a few manufacturing plants and have done just that. Yep a whopping $10 bucks an hour. As the U.S. drops to number 2 on the world economics scale.

Yet jobs, and companies, have been coming back. And wages are on the rise...go figure.
Just don’t buy stuff from mexico or China then it won’t cost you more

are you really this naive, or is it just an act?

If the tariff on products from Mexico is 5%, retailers will raise the price of those items by about 2 or 3 percent and then add 1 or 2 percent to 100 other products to recoup the cost plus some. They understand that people will buy less of the Mexican product, so they take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer.
Thinking Error: gaslighting

You do not even know how to think, all you do is parrot what your party masters tell you
My party master was White satin sugar
I grew sugar beets for 40 years
Not everyone grows soybeans
Very good OP. I keep asking "free traders" why China has prospered so greatly behind high tariffs, but I can never get them to answer the question. For about 100 years, America followed a strongly protectionist trade policy, including sky-high tariffs, and became the economic wonder of the world.

A supposed "free trader" sees no problem with forcing an American factory to compete with a dirt-wage factory in some Third World nation where workers are paid almost nothing and have few if any benefits. Yes, the dirt-wage factory can make the product more cheaply, even after shipping costs, because their labor and regulatory costs are a fraction of what an American factory faces, and there's no way any decent American would accept lowering our workers' wages and working conditions to "compete" with the dirt-wage factory.

You know what? Yes, you are going to pay more for most products, but not a huge amount more, and that extra money stays here and helps your fellow Americans and American communities in general.

Wages, except in a few labor-intensive industries is NOT the problem. At all. In any way, shape, or form.

According to Harbour Research, it takes approximately 25 man-hours to make a typical, average automobile. No shit. Thatys all.

From lug nuts, to the engine, transmission, steering wheel and windhsield wipers....... 25 Man Hours.

Assuming a foreign manufacturer in China can do the same thing, make a car in 25 man hours (they can't, not even close) than let's break it down........

Let's say it costs $75 an hour in this country for labor as opposed to $15 an hour in China. There's more to the cost of labor than just the wages. Believe it.

So that's 60 X 25 = $1500.

FIFTEEN HUNDRED FREAKING DOLLARS!!! And I'm being generous in these numbers.

So, to move 10,000 miles away, lose total control of your quality, your factory, your raw materials -- Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you're willing to sacrifice all that for a lousy fifteen hundred dollars??

Then, you gotta get the car here. And that ain't cheap. Minimum $800 per car to ship it 10,000 miles. Plus, there's usually tariffs on it. Last I looked (which has been a while) it was 2% on cars from China. So on a car valued at $20k, we're talking another $400 dollars.

Wages have nothing to do with factories moving overseas.

Nothing. Less than nothing.

If you go to buy your daughter a $25k rice-burner as a grocery-getter/college-graduation car, and the difference between one made in America and one made in China (all other things being equal) is $300, which one you gonna get her??

Wages got shit to do with factories leaving America.

Unions, the EPA, stupid regulations...... Therein lies your problem.

NOT wages
Just don’t buy stuff from mexico or China then it won’t cost you more

are you really this naive, or is it just an act?

If the tariff on products from Mexico is 5%, retailers will raise the price of those items by about 2 or 3 percent and then add 1 or 2 percent to 100 other products to recoup the cost plus some. They understand that people will buy less of the Mexican product, so they take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer.

In the couple of years hear at USMB I have come to the conclusion some of these people are just outright missing a few or rather posting to get a rise out of people because I can't believe anyone can be that stupid and get by in life.
Ya the price of wheat has dropped a whopping 1/2 a percent
It was up 5 pct 2 years ago
It was up 17 pct last year
Anything else you would like to know about agriculture?
The exporting Country (business, whatev) will have to eat most of the tariff. Just simple economics.
I'm no economist, but I don't see why that is true, and all the economists I see and hear don't seem to think it is either.
Sure, they are being handed money hand over fist by Trump to keep them happy
I read that only the big corporate operations have received any money so far. Small farmers are getting the run-around.
What do you consider a small farm?
Individually or family owned farm business with less than $250,000 gross annually according to the US small farms commission.
I don’t know a single farm around here with those numbers
They’re all over a million around here.
Plus, most of those exporters have a contract to deliver their commodity at 'X' Cost. They won't have a choice but to eat the tariff.
This is not true at all. Yes, the have contracts for the cost of the goods, but the import duties are and have been the importers responsibility.
Ya the price of wheat has dropped a whopping 1/2 a percent
It was up 5 pct 2 years ago
It was up 17 pct last year
Anything else you would like to know about agriculture?

Yes. What kind of tractor is that in your sig?

I want one. Don't need it. Can't afford it. Just want one to drive around town. Maybe go to McDonalds.

I'm jealous of Farmers. They get all the neat toys. :)
Plus, most of those exporters have a contract to deliver their commodity at 'X' Cost. They won't have a choice but to eat the tariff.
This is not true at all. Yes, the have contracts for the cost of the goods, but the import duties are and have been the importers responsibility.

Now you're talking out your ass again.

The contracts are for LANDED goods.

Idiot dim. Try learning before posting.
Politicians have been using American jobs as trading chips. They trade our jobs for favors and money to enrich themselves. That's why they look the other way when other countries screw us over.
Sure, they are being handed money hand over fist by Trump to keep them happy
I read that only the big corporate operations have received any money so far. Small farmers are getting the run-around.
What do you consider a small farm?
Individually or family owned farm business with less than $250,000 gross annually according to the US small farms commission.
I don’t know a single farm around here with those numbers
They’re all over a million around here.
How nice for you.
At this point, it’s a threat to get them to commit to some action about the border. If Congress got off their pompous asses to help, he wouldn’t have to be thinking outside the box. There is a better chance of negotiations with Mexico, than North Korea. They need us, we don’t need them. So run out to Walmart dims, and stock up on jeans and television sets just in case. And vote for Creepy Joe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Plus, most of those exporters have a contract to deliver their commodity at 'X' Cost. They won't have a choice but to eat the tariff.
This is not true at all. Yes, the have contracts for the cost of the goods, but the import duties are and have been the importers responsibility.

Now you're talking out your ass again.

The contracts are for LANDED goods.

Idiot dim. Try learning before posting.
You are incorrect.
downward pressure on salaries caused by illegals willing to live 5 families in one house (oh yes they do)

And that's large families. I have seen mesicans living 25 to a one bedroom apartment. (oh yes I have) The place was a shitbox. Mesicans will NOT flush toilet paper, they wipe their ass then put it in a 5 gallon bucket beside the crapper. (oh yes they do)
You are incorrect.

No I'm not.

This is where futures traders/contracts come in.

Companies do NOT buy a pig in a poke. Not ever. They must have a guaranteed landed price. The usually get it from the exporter, who has a Futures Trader involved.

It's way too complicated for you.

Go back to watching Comedy Central re-runs.

Clean your room while you're at it
Just don’t buy stuff from mexico or China then it won’t cost you more

are you really this naive, or is it just an act?

If the tariff on products from Mexico is 5%, retailers will raise the price of those items by about 2 or 3 percent and then add 1 or 2 percent to 100 other products to recoup the cost plus some. They understand that people will buy less of the Mexican product, so they take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer.

Why the fuck would they add it to other products?

I never seen the price of Chinese blue jeans the same as when Levi's we're mainly made in America

Are you this fucking stupid?

Just don’t buy stuff from mexico or China then it won’t cost you more

are you really this naive, or is it just an act?

If the tariff on products from Mexico is 5%, retailers will raise the price of those items by about 2 or 3 percent and then add 1 or 2 percent to 100 other products to recoup the cost plus some. They understand that people will buy less of the Mexican product, so they take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer.

Why the fuck would they add it to other products?

I never seen the price of Chinese blue jeans the same as when Levi's we're mainly made in America

Are you this fucking stupid?


Come on Einstein tell us why Chinese goods were cheaper before Trump's tariffs, why wouldn't retailers boost up the price to make them compatible with US goods?

God you are such a fucking clown


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