COSTCO Proves Republicans WRONG


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
I never could understand why the GOP is so against retail businesses paying decent wages and benefits. You can have the junk that Sam's Club sells. I'll spend MY money in a business that sells QUALITY merchandise and knows how to treat their employees.

Costco is proof that the Republican idea that labor must be stomped on in order for our economy to prosper is wrong. It is possible for companies to earn record profits while respecting their workers and paying them a living wage.

And here is Economics 101 going all of the way back to Henry Ford......

Despite what both Wal-Mart and Republicans have been saying, companies can prosper and still have a conscience. When companies pay a living wage, workers benefit. When workers make more money, they spend more money. When people spend more money, the economy is stronger. When the economy is stronger, the nation as a whole benefits.

And you may try to slam the website but you can't slam the facts presented in it.

Costco Proves Republicans Wrong By Paying a Living Wage and Watching Profits Soar

I never can understand why people keep creating the same threads.
I thought progressives hated big box stores, as being the destroyers of mom-and-pop stores and Main Street America.


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