Could a Divided Congress Hinder Obama More than a Republican Congress?

Oct 31, 2010
All polling data is suggesting the House will flip to the GOP, but the Senate appears to be a likely hold for the Dems barring a few upsets. If the GOP's goal is to oppose Obama, that actually might be the best-case scenario.

If you think about it, anything Obama proposes will have to first pass through a conservative House, and then it's going to be filtered through a Senate that's clearly going to be to the new House's left. So, Obama is likely going to get nothing done. If he plays diplomat and compromises for the House, the Senate will likely object. Otherwise, his only shot is to ramrod his agenda to the Senate's liking but will likely not have the support of the House.

If the Senate falls to the GOP as well, the GOP may control every step of the legislative way, but Obama can more likely claim that he "stepped across the aisle" and hammered out some of these bills. Or if not, he can wield his veto pen, and I highly doubt the GOP will have a veto-proof majority in either chamber.

Could a Divided Congress Hinder Obama More than a Republican Congress?

What it will do is insure Obamas re-election. There will be a swing back to the dems in 2012 because the house will be a clusterfuck that gets absolutely nothing done. All the threats to repeal health care are hollow as nothing will be agreed to in the senate or signed by Obama. All of the wasted time and blame and will fall on the NeoGOPers. The American public is mad yes..and they blame Obama..because he is the president. Few can point to why he is responsible but most people are lazy, stupid and uninformed ...Obama is a convenient whipping boy. The public will be just as mad in 2012 and they will blame the repubs they just installed for failing them.
Could a Divided Congress Hinder Obama More than a Republican Congress?

What it will do is insure Obamas re-election. There will be a swing back to the dems in 2012 because the house will be a clusterfuck that gets absolutely nothing done. All the threats to repeal health care are hollow as nothing will be agreed to in the senate or signed by Obama. All of the wasted time and blame and will fall on the NeoGOPers. The American public is mad yes..and they blame Obama..because he is the president. Few can point to why he is responsible but most people are lazy, stupid and uninformed ...Obama is a convenient whipping boy. The public will be just as mad in 2012 and they will blame the repubs they just installed for failing them.
On that same token, people might blame Obama for getting nothing done with the house, depending on how the two break down... that said, the gridlock that was Clinton's second term was the best thing to ever happen to this country if you're minding the deficits. I'm hoping for that.
Obama has put through the major part of his agenda, healthcare, job stimulus, financial reform, and the bailouts. The only big stuff remaining is the energy bill and immigration. Support for these issues are not clearly along party lines.

I believe the Democrats will assume the role that Republicans played in the first two years. The Democrats will be smaller in number but more unified just as the Republicans were over the last two years. The Democrats in the first two years picked up many seats from traditional Republican areas. Those seats are going back to Republicans. So Republicans will hold more seats but a number will be from traditional Democrat areas. Democrats will loose most of the right leaning Democrats and thus will be more unified.

I think it is very unlikely that Congress will produce any real significant legislation. Republicans are not interested in passing legislation, just blocking Democrats and discrediting Obama in order to position themselves for the next election. For Democrats, it's going be all about building an image to prepare for the next election.

In other words, legislation is going to be irrelevant for both parties.

That's the way I see it.
Could a Divided Congress Hinder Obama More than a Republican Congress?

What it will do is insure Obamas re-election. There will be a swing back to the dems in 2012 because the house will be a clusterfuck that gets absolutely nothing done. All the threats to repeal health care are hollow as nothing will be agreed to in the senate or signed by Obama. All of the wasted time and blame and will fall on the NeoGOPers. The American public is mad yes..and they blame Obama..because he is the president. Few can point to why he is responsible but most people are lazy, stupid and uninformed ...Obama is a convenient whipping boy. The public will be just as mad in 2012 and they will blame the repubs they just installed for failing them.
On that same token, people might blame Obama for getting nothing done with the house, depending on how the two break down... that said, the gridlock that was Clinton's second term was the best thing to ever happen to this country if you're minding the deficits. I'm hoping for that.

People are for the most part morons. How many still think Obama is a Muslim? The deficits will take care of themselves as the free ride the super rich have enjoyed expires. The dems don't have to do anything to allow this to happen and the NeoGOPers won't be able extend those tax breaks without help from the Senate and a presidential signature..they wont have enough votes to override any Obama veto.
Could a Divided Congress Hinder Obama More than a Republican Congress?

What it will do is insure Obamas re-election. There will be a swing back to the dems in 2012 because the house will be a clusterfuck that gets absolutely nothing done. All the threats to repeal health care are hollow as nothing will be agreed to in the senate or signed by Obama. All of the wasted time and blame and will fall on the NeoGOPers. The American public is mad yes..and they blame Obama..because he is the president. Few can point to why he is responsible but most people are lazy, stupid and uninformed ...Obama is a convenient whipping boy. The public will be just as mad in 2012 and they will blame the repubs they just installed for failing them.
On that same token, people might blame Obama for getting nothing done with the house, depending on how the two break down... that said, the gridlock that was Clinton's second term was the best thing to ever happen to this country if you're minding the deficits. I'm hoping for that.

They are pushing for investigations and defunding programs. They might get the first part through..the investigations..but they aren't defunding anything.

And once things roll out a bit the stimulus and health care..people are going to be like "This ain't so bad..and they seem vindictive against President Obama". That will lead to anger.

Newt Gingrich had the exact same thing happen.
Obama has put through the major part of his agenda, healthcare, job stimulus, financial reform, and the bailouts. The only big stuff remaining is the energy bill and immigration. Support for these issues are not clearly along party lines.

I believe the Democrats will assume the role that Republicans played in the first two years. The Democrats will be smaller in number but more unified just as the Republicans were over the last two years. The Democrats in the first two years picked up many seats from traditional Republican areas. Those seats are going back to Republicans. So Republicans will hold more seats but a number will be from traditional Democrat areas. Democrats will loose most of the right leaning Democrats and thus will be more unified.

I think it is very unlikely that Congress will produce any real significant legislation. Republicans are not interested in passing legislation, just blocking Democrats and discrediting Obama in order to position themselves for the next election. For Democrats, it's going be all about building an image to prepare for the next election.

In other words, legislation is going to be irrelevant for both parties.

That's the way I see it.

That's about right. Add in they will go over the top with the negatives.
Could a Divided Congress Hinder Obama More than a Republican Congress?

What it will do is insure Obamas re-election. There will be a swing back to the dems in 2012 because the house will be a clusterfuck that gets absolutely nothing done. All the threats to repeal health care are hollow as nothing will be agreed to in the senate or signed by Obama. All of the wasted time and blame and will fall on the NeoGOPers. The American public is mad yes..and they blame Obama..because he is the president. Few can point to why he is responsible but most people are lazy, stupid and uninformed ...Obama is a convenient whipping boy. The public will be just as mad in 2012 and they will blame the repubs they just installed for failing them.
On that same token, people might blame Obama for getting nothing done with the house, depending on how the two break down... that said, the gridlock that was Clinton's second term was the best thing to ever happen to this country if you're minding the deficits. I'm hoping for that.

They are pushing for investigations and defunding programs. They might get the first part through..the investigations..but they aren't defunding anything.

And once things roll out a bit the stimulus and health care..people are going to be like "This ain't so bad..and they seem vindictive against President Obama". That will lead to anger.

Newt Gingrich had the exact same thing happen.

Investigating what exactly? Boner is all talk. There is no cum stained dress this time around...and if you are alluding to some stupid attempt at impeachment...the senate won't support a trial. The public is already pissed about innaction...The stupid Boner would be over reaching and find that without provable criminal behavior to expose the public, which already hates republicans in congress more than democrats(a fact seldom raised) will not look kindly on toothless witch hunts. Jobs and the economy is still the main concern of Americans and will be untill things are totally corrected. I don't see the NeoGOPers doing anything to right that ship. People may be morons but they are not stupid:lol: If tax cuts for the rich were supposed to be the stimulus for jobs we would have a zero unemplyment rate.
On that same token, people might blame Obama for getting nothing done with the house, depending on how the two break down... that said, the gridlock that was Clinton's second term was the best thing to ever happen to this country if you're minding the deficits. I'm hoping for that.

They are pushing for investigations and defunding programs. They might get the first part through..the investigations..but they aren't defunding anything.

And once things roll out a bit the stimulus and health care..people are going to be like "This ain't so bad..and they seem vindictive against President Obama". That will lead to anger.

Newt Gingrich had the exact same thing happen.

Investigating what exactly? Boner is all talk. There is no cum stained dress this time around...and if you are alluding to some stupid attempt at impeachment...the senate won't support a trial. The public is already pissed about innaction...The stupid Boner would be over reaching and find that without provable criminal behavior to expose the public, which already hates republicans in congress more than democrats(a fact seldom raised) will not look kindly on toothless witch hunts. Jobs and the economy is still the main concern of Americans and will be untill things are totally corrected. I don't see the NeoGOPers doing anything to right that ship. People may be morons but they are not stupid:lol: If tax cuts for the rich were supposed to be the stimulus for jobs we would have a zero unemplyment rate.

Darrell Issa wants to investigate Bill Clinton's overture to Sestak about the election and do an audit of expenditures associated with legislation that was recently passed. When he was asked about Cheney/Pawlenty he said something like "Well that was bad..but this is worse and it needs to stop". When he was asked about Bush's spending he gave him a pass because "he kept us safe after 9/11".

You can't make this stuff up.
Obama has put through the major part of his agenda, healthcare, job stimulus, financial reform, and the bailouts. The only big stuff remaining is the energy bill and immigration. Support for these issues are not clearly along party lines.

I believe the Democrats will assume the role that Republicans played in the first two years. The Democrats will be smaller in number but more unified just as the Republicans were over the last two years. The Democrats in the first two years picked up many seats from traditional Republican areas. Those seats are going back to Republicans. So Republicans will hold more seats but a number will be from traditional Democrat areas. Democrats will loose most of the right leaning Democrats and thus will be more unified.

I think it is very unlikely that Congress will produce any real significant legislation. Republicans are not interested in passing legislation, just blocking Democrats and discrediting Obama in order to position themselves for the next election. For Democrats, it's going be all about building an image to prepare for the next election.

In other words, legislation is going to be irrelevant for both parties.

That's the way I see it.

That's about right. Add in they will go over the top with the negatives.
Obviously voters are sick and tired of both parties. The numbers of independents continues to grow. In some states it's reached 40% and higher. The Republicans will gain seats in Congress, however for most voters it's a choice between the lesser of two evils. The two party system would be dead if we had real campaign reform.

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